Coffee Consumption since vaping

Has your coffee consumption gone up or down since vaping?

  • Yes daily use went down not smoking and vape only

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Coffee consumption stayed the same not smoking and vape only

    Votes: 19 63.3%
  • Coffee Consumption went up not smoking and vape only

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Still smoke and vape and coffee consumption changed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Still smoke and vape and coffee consumption remains the same.

    Votes: 1 3.3%

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Ultra Member
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Feb 12, 2014
Ont. Canada
Was reading another thread and someone mentioned their coffee consumption went down since vaping which made me think about me. Wife and I for years went through three 12 cup pots of coffee per day. Since we started vaping our coffee consumption went down to 2 cups a day each and maybe 1 cup in afternoon. Curious what everyone one else has found. CHEERS!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2018
safe distance from a black hole
My coffee consumption went down.
I used to have 6 to 8 cups of coffee a day and now only have 2 and seldom finish either. I do also have a cup of tea each day in the late afternoon, that hasnt changed.
Coffee with 2 sugars used to be a pick me up, now it kinda slows me down and makes me feel a bit cloudy and bloated.
The reason I dropped the amount of coffee was because I started to have quite elevated and constant bouts of anxiety. I thought it was vaping causing it at first but experimented with dropping sugar intake and then caffeine intake and found that after a few weeks of playing around with intake that it was caffeine at the amount I was using seemed to be causing the anxiety.
At the time I was having fortnightly blood tests done, the more positive the results from my fortnightly blood tests w the worse the anxiety became! Pretty much directly attributable to my liver getting healthy and actually processing caffeine and sugar rather than just sending it to waste. I Cut coffee and sugar way down and havent had any anxiety since. I dont miss the coffee or sugar one bit.
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ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
My coffee consumption remains relatively unchanged..

I say relatively unchanged because I never drank coffee when I was younger, and have spent varying periods of my life not drinking any as an adult.

I'm currently on a two cup a day kick, but over the summer for a while I think I was at one. Last year when I quit vaping I also quit coffee, now that I'm back to vaping with nicotine I'm also back to coffee..

I'm either in stimulate heaven or a desert.. haha


Citrus Junkie
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Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
Once I found a draw style that I enjoyed and started vaping only it took about 2 weeks to start waking up craving wet/cold rather than hot coffee/tea. I seldom drink coffee these days. Prefer caffeinated water in the mornings now; did use monster for a few months getting used to the reduced caffeine intake.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Oddly enough mine went down, too.

My diet Pepsi consumption went UP though. Perhaps. I try to not keep track of it. Really.

When I hit five years of vape only I am gonna work on the diet Pepsi. For now, my kidneys seem FINE but I shouldn't be drinking it. Although it is one of my LAST vices, honestly.



Senior Member
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May 16, 2019
Coffee consumption was down before vaping. I have a bad case of the CRAPS (Coffee Really Accelerates Passing Stool). That said, I wasn't really tolerating it well anymore and for my body's sake I just quit. I actually had a cup this morning for the first time in about a year. I might do one cup every few weeks or so. Winter is about the only time I actually want to drink it.
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Resting In Peace
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Jul 23, 2013
Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
When I quit the cigs I lost my taste for coffee and stooped consuming it entirely, but switched to tea. Then about a year back I just stopped drinking tea as well, except for an occasional cup. Pretty much caffeine free as I don't consume sodas at all.


Supporting Member
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Dec 14, 2013
About the same.

My wife and I make a 12 "cup" pot first thing in the morning. She downs her first large cup within a half hour, then gets a second that lasts her until mid morning, when she stops drinking coffee (or any other caffeinated beverage).

My first cup can easily last two hours, but I continue drinking the stuff all day long. By no later than lunch time, my coffee consumption is augmented by half-sweet iced tea. I'll usually get my last cup around 6 PM, and there will be a bit left in the pot. This has not changed in several decades.

FWIW, my wife has never used nicotine in any form, and nicotine supposedly speeds up the body's metabolism of caffeine. This may explain why she can't sleep if she has caffeine after noon, but I have no trouble at all.


PV Master
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Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
There might be a lot of life style changes to account for Outside of I started vaping.
When I smoked ...I was a teen and then a sailor and lived on coffee and mountain dew. Still smoking was a mostly commercial realtor and while I had an office...I lived in a coffee shop.(my coffee n powersuits stage)
When I stopped smoking and started vaping 11 years ago....... I also moved across the US, had a second child and I went to making my Own hours truly as a self employed artist. Coffee tapered off from there... Today coffee....actually any caffeine at all is a rare thing. I still have a maker though I down sized it a few years ago, and keep beans in the house but its more of a every other month thing and I rarely finish a cup..... havnt Purchased a cup in.... umm years?

So while my consumption has gone way down I cant claim its causation from vaping vs correlation stuff changes.
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