Premade coil strange behavior


Full Member
Nov 23, 2023
So I've done this with just about every single tank I've ever owned that had a top fill. When I use the coil at first, it hits great, tastes great, and works as intended. Near the end of it's life however, I noticed something. I'll start getting those nasty burnt hits that tastes horrid and feels like you're inhaling a dumpster fire. I learned that if I open the top for a second and hit it again, it's back to normal with a great taste and a great hit. If I don't open the top again, the next hit is going to be that horrible hit again. Now this makes me wonder if there's a "fix" or "hack" to do to the coil or tank that would make this stop happening until the actual end of the coil's life. I can look down into the coil right now and see some of the mesh is a little darker in some places, but again, I'm looking down at an angle so I'm taking that with a grain of salt. I've used q-tips against the coils gently to see if I can get a little char or whatever off, but I can't really see that well since.. well, angle. This isn't a huge problem as I can just open the top and get a good hit for weeks, but I've been doing this for years and have never had anyone else tell me they've experienced the same thing. They tell me "coils die in a week, just replace them." Um.. mine last like a month lol. I'm don't vape lightly either. So I guess my question is: has anyone ever experienced this particular thing and what do you do about it to extend the life of the coil afterwards? I know the basics. Use light juice, not ultra sweet, use within watt limits, all that.


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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
When a wick gets old it won't move juice to the coil so well. Not enough juice gives you a burnt taste. When you open the top and break the vacuum it lets the juice flood in. That's my guess anyway. I make my own coils but I've used the trick of opening the top when I get an air lock in a tank with a new wick. Gets the juice moving.

Might work for you for a while. It will save you money on coils at the expense of some messing around. Do it if it makes sense for you.
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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    A month on a coil head is stellar and more than what most people get. It all depends on various factors. The sweet and darker your juice, the shorter the life of your coils. But if you're getting a month, you're on the winning end of the coil expenses game.

    I think englishmick's got it right in terms of your "strange coil behavoir". That's what happens. Time to get a new coil head.

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