What is your favorite BWB flavor?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
My all-day vape? Gotta go with a Casablanca/waffle mix. I'm talkin about 70/30 Casa/Waffle. Absolutely delicious. I think Don and company should start mixing these two and sell it as a new flavor!

I literally gagged reading that combo. It sounds so bad it could actually be good.


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ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2012
Medical Lake, WA, USA
Just made my first ever BWB order

Ry4 :))))))
Honey nut flue

All in 30 ml at 24mg

My Ikenvape i06 and Provari await

So I vape the malty and let the others steep for a month ? Longest month of my life. My BD is in may perhaps I can wait that long?

Nahhhh I'll go sit on the hillside and vape till I die.


GG stealth, Provari, iatty2, DIY chef
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Kevin H

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Jan 15, 2011
Hey Jeff. You "probably" won't have to wait that long. However....some of the BWB flavors (especially tobacco flavors), will benefit from at least a week (or two) of "steeping" time. They usually get better with age! Nothing wrong with giving them a try first, then decide if you think that they should "steep". The amount of time that you let them steep is totally up to you. Enjoy em'.


Vaping Master
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Nov 20, 2011
433 miles north. of the Alamo
I'm puttin' the blame square on Don's sholders, it's all his fault. I can't name but one flavor. Ya see the first order I ever did with him was the top one on the webpage at the time. I thought what the heck if it's listed first i's gotta be good, so I ordered it.I had heard about his juice & knew that I should let it steep, so when I got it I let it sit for a couple of weeks before I even tried it. It is one that in scrolling through this thread I've not seen mentioned hardly at all , but because of the way he makes it, I just can't get my pooter to go anywhere else. It has always just stopped on that offering. However Don may have rescued me, He changed the website & it is no longer the first one on the list. Because of this I was able to order something else, RY4, Ejoker, Vanilla bean, & Casa. So even though it is Don's fault that I've never ordered anything but 555 Exotic ( I just keep making larger & larger orders of it ) he may have saved me. Only time will tell. My favorite alltime juice is 555 Exotic.
There is a side note here . It is Don's fault too. Every time I vape it in the same room with my wife , the smell makes her go into a baking frenzy. She starts baking cookies , cakes, breads, all kinds of good stuff to eat.So not only was Don making me miss out on all the other flavors, HE'S MAKING ME FATTER.
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Apr 3, 2011
New York
Question: Does the fruit flavors get less sweet as time goes by when it's being steeped? I found my strawberry to be less sweet after 1 month of steeping than the first time when i loaded straight out of the parcel.

Good question. I think most flavors get a little 'toned down' after steeping, due to either blending or what have you. I think its possible the sweeter flavors in the juice blend are more apparent at first, and possibly blend in with any other ingredients in the juice causing it to be less apparent. Just my guess.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2012
Medical Lake, WA, USA
Got ry4, Casablanca , malty, HFN, and ejoker today. Vaped unsteeped in my i06 Provari mini which also arrived. ;-)

First impressions

Ry4 dry good, hint of vanilla, hope will get better

Malty good high VG nice I can probably duplicate

Casablanca excellent touch of spice

HFN heavenly chewy nut

Ejoker OMG OMG best thing I've ever vaped can't wait to let it steep


GG stealth, Provari, iatty2, DIY chef


Senior Member
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Jan 7, 2012
St Albans, WV
I spent the morning with Hazelnut Tobacco. I didn't care for it when the bottle first came a few weeks back. Now I love it and wish I'd brought another carto of it with me on this trip.

For the next few weeks, I will be dedicating a full carto of time per day to a flavour other than Casablanca or Conundrum. I'm beginning to understand that I probably do not need any other juice vendors.


Super Member
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Apr 3, 2011
New York
I spent the morning with Hazelnut Tobacco. I didn't care for it when the bottle first came a few weeks back. Now I love it and wish I'd brought another carto of it with me on this trip.

For the next few weeks, I will be dedicating a full carto of time per day to a flavour other than Casablanca or Conundrum. I'm beginning to understand that I probably do not need any other juice vendors.

When Don offers the best tobacco, fruit, menthol, cocktail/mystery flavors you need look no further!
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