trying a four day vape break

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Full Member
Apr 19, 2014
Hey guys I'm going on a four day vape break. What should I expect. Will it be as hard as quitting normal ciggerettes? Will it be like after not doing a ciggerette for days and you feel like you wanna die? I've stopped completely before but I wasent addicted then. I wanna stop e cigs just for this holiday . Will I be fatigued the whole time?


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Hey guys I'm going on a four day vape break. What should I expect. Will it be as hard as quitting normal ciggerettes? Will it be like after not doing a ciggerette for days and you feel like you wanna die? I've stopped completely before but I wasent addicted then. I wanna stop e cigs just for this holiday . Will I be fatigued the whole time?

I think you will find that Quitting e-Cigarettes to be Much Easier than Quitting Smoking.

I Dunno about you getting Fatigued? Did you get Fatigued when you Quit regular cigarettes?


Living sarcasm
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Oct 12, 2012
i spent 30 years smoking until i found a way to get off them using vaping. i wish i'd never smoked and that's a sentiment shared by most people that stopped smoking.

Quite why you would build up to it is beyond me - fatigue will be the least of your worries if you decide to become a full-time smoker.


Elizabeth Baldwin

Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Good luck with quitting for 4 days. Me... I love my vaping. I will continue to Vape even if the FDA says it's illegal (highly unlikely).

I think the question you ask is unanswerable because it may be easy for one person yet difficult for another. Some people are more addicted to the hand to mouth habit than the actual nicotine. I guess the only way to find out is just do it.

Let us know how it's going. :blink:


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Alright sorry to cone off as dumb. I'm just gonna go with it. I'll run to beat craving

Didn't sound like you were coming off dumb.

Just wanting Answers to what is Going to Happen when you Stop using your e-Cigarette. I just don't know Exactly what to Tell You.

How long have you used an e-Cigarette?

What mg do you Use?

How Many ml's do your Use per Day?

What is the Longest you Normally Go between Hits?

Why are you Taking 4 Days Off?

Is there going to be Stress in those 4 Days?

All these, and about 2 Dozen more play a Role IMO in what will happen when you Quit.
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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I'm just glad you say it should be a lot easier then quitting cigs. I need to quit cause my family does not allow it at their condo in Florida. I'll b on vacation it should b fine.

I think you will be Fine.

One thing you might do is to Ramp Down a Little on your e-Cigarette use before you go. That way it Isn't such a Change on the First Day of your Vay-K.

Enjoy your Trip. And let Us know how things go.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Well its day two and I barley crave ..... I am enjoying my Florida stay. I only have one complaint. I am looking toward to getting home and doing it. Not like I'm freakin out I'm just like can't wait to do it. Now I know I can quit whenever haha

Great to here.

And Hopefully the Weather is good in Florida. And Not Ungodly Hot like it is where I am.
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