Heavy Breathing caused by too much nicotine? Anxiety???

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
I don't know whats going on but sometimes I get a heavy chest after smoking my ecig. Even when I quit smoking my e-cig, i still have heavy breathing all the time... I just quit ciggerettes yesturday btw i am smoking 12-18mg. Feels like its hard to breathe like an elephant is sitting on your chest. I think it might be partially anxiety from laying down the cigs yesturday. But IMO i think it is from smoking too much nicotine and then i can't hardly breathe. I want to vape so bad, I don't want to smoke regular ciggerettes. That is why I quit smoking regular ciggerettes because I thought it would make me breathe better. I started feeling heavy chested and couldn't breathe that good smoking ciggerettes so I thought making the switch would help. Is this a matter of anxiety or too much nicotine. Or is it something else? My juices are pretty good grade i suppose?(Overstock e-cigs and more), I have heard good reviews on them.. they have pg and vg in them but I don't know the percentage values... I am smoking only in between 10-18 mgs at most. because I have 4 different juices mixed (1-0mg, 2-18 mg, 1-12 mg...I have a little bit of each mixed...) so I mean I don't have a perfect number but they can't go over 18mg if the highest is 18mg right? I definately need some support here.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
It could be any number of things..if it gets worse STOP! It could be a PG allergy, it could be your chest just getting used to vapor and not smoke and all the other stuff, you will for a bit be hacking up black chunks of goo...but listen to your body...if it gets worse STOP...don't vapor lock yourself!!!

Take it slow...don't over do it..you can get 24mg even 36mg (normal strong analog smokers start at 24mg)

If you have to slowly back off the cigs...vape some...have a smoke...vape more have less smokes, then less smokes, then less smokes until one day leave the pack at home


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
Salem, Oregon
When you say elephant on your chest it makes me think of someone having a heart attack. Kinda scary man, would see a doctor or at least talk to someone with a medical background. It may be a PG allergy, so for the time being try on VG juice and see what happens. I think even walmart sells VG (flavorless) and add nicotine to it. Avejuice and Heathers Heavenly vapes also has an option for all vg. You will get your juice faster with Alien Visions (avejuice.com).


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
I think you misunderstood me. the highest nicotine in my tank is 18 mg juice. if the highest nicotine in your tank is 18 even if there are two 18s in there the levels can't go over what 18 mg levels should be right? because I have 0-mg blueberry pomegranite, 18 mg apple, 18 mg blueberry, and 12 mg hypnosis all mixed together. A little bit of each until my tank was full.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
Yep. Your concentration is less than 18mg/ml. How much less is anybody's guess.

I can't address the breathing problem, but will mention I felt a certain heaviness in the chest when I started with 80%vg. I switched to 70% pg and the problem has either gone away completely, or is much better. I hope you are near a shop that can do some custom mixing for you. If you can't eliminate the problem that way, maybe you should stop at least till you can get a real medical opinion.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
Would it be due to to much nicotine though you think, or to much VG or PG? I have been stressed out lately over stuff so it might just be the stress and maybe I am having anxiety? I don't know. Can someone give me some good articles of the side effects of PG and VG and nictotine so I can try to figure out the problem? I don't know what to do. I don't really want to go to the doctor right now. I don't really have money right now to get any new juices.. I guess I will smoke an occassional analog I dont know guys I am lost? This really sucks I was really excited about quitting ciggerettes but don't know what to do with anything anymore...


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Mar 10, 2012
Quoted, in part (copied and pasted):
".....That is why I quit smoking regular ciggerettes because I thought it would make me breathe better. I started feeling heavy chested and couldn't breathe that good smoking ciggerettes so I thought making the switch would help...."

Did I read it correctly? You quit smoking cigarettes because you were heavy chested and couldn't breathe well?

Anxiety is definitely a possibility. It could be the PG or VG in your juice. It could be the flavors that your e-liquids are made from. It could be the nicotine. Quitting cigarettes one day and starting to vape isn't necessarily going to make the heavy chest and breathing difficulties vanish immediately.

Everyone wants to help and give our support.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
Well my breathing wasn't to bad smoking ciggerettes. But I figured that smoking an eciggerrette would help me breathe better and maybe get some of my taste buds working better. So basically I thought making the switch to an e-ciggerette would help me breathe better along with all of the other good things that come with quitting cigarettes.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
The PG sensitivity folks have already jumped in here so I'll give another perspective. If you're using a high or 100% VG juice, that could cause it. The vapor is very thick and heavy (bigger molecules actually) and especially if you have asthma or similar, it can cause the heaviness you speak of but can even without it. It could also be the flavoring. Try to get by with as little of it as you can.... dilute what you already have if you have supplies to do that with and bringing the nic down isn't a problem for you. The other solution is .... don't inhale. I don't and quit inhaling six months after beginning to vape. I'm used to it now and am worry-free... not that I ever was worried. My grandfather was a pipe smoker and the lightbulb went on. You don't need to inhale to get your nic. Its absorbed in the mouth and nose if you exhale through it.

Edit: Ooops... explaining better... flavoring is not a problem if you're not going to inhale... go as strong with it as you like. I'm enjoying the taste much more now, not inhaling, because I can use more flavoring. My lungs did not like strong flavoring... but that's just me... some don't have a problem with it but since you are experiencing a problem I mentioned it.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
Hi James! See if you can find out the name brand of your E-liquid. Have you been exposed to cold temps such as shoveling snow, etc?

I have not been exposed to cold temps. As far as the juice that I am smoking:

Overstockecigs & More

I believe there juices are 60 pg / 40 vg. All USA made, supposeable supposed to be good stuff. But who knows really, anybody can tell you anything.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
The PG sensitivity folks have already jumped in here so I'll give another perspective. If you're using a high or 100% VG juice, that could cause it. The vapor is very thick and heavy (bigger molecules actually) and especially if you have asthma or similar, it can cause the heaviness you speak of but can even without it. It could also be the flavoring. Try to get by with as little of it as you can.... dilute what you already have if you have supplies to do that with and bringing the nic down isn't a problem for you. The other solution is .... don't inhale. I don't and quit inhaling six months after beginning to vape. I'm used to it now and am worry-free... not that I ever was worried. My grandfather was a pipe smoker and the lightbulb went on. You don't need to inhale to get your nic. Its absorbed in the mouth and nose if you exhale through it.

Edit: Ooops... explaining better... flavoring is not a problem if you're not going to inhale... go as strong with it as you like. I'm enjoying the taste much more now, not inhaling, because I can use more flavoring. My lungs did not like strong flavoring... but that's just me... some don't have a problem with it but since you are experiencing a problem I mentioned it.

So I should try a PG based juice if I am having trouble breathing with the vg/pg mix? You said the vapor is thick with VG so I assume maybe a all PG based juice might do the trick?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2010
I have not been exposed to cold temps. As far as the juice that I am smoking:

Overstockecigs & More

I believe there juices are 60 pg / 40 vg. All USA made, supposeable supposed to be good stuff. But who knows really, anybody can tell you anything.
I just looked at a few of the eliquids at Overstockecigs. The last ingredient is food coloring on the non tobaccos. What flavors are you vaping?
Honestly, I would try a different brand that has minimal flavorings.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2010
I think you misunderstood me. the highest nicotine in my tank is 18 mg juice. if the highest nicotine in your tank is 18 even if there are two 18s in there the levels can't go over what 18 mg levels should be right? because I have 0-mg blueberry pomegranite, 18 mg apple, 18 mg blueberry, and 12 mg hypnosis all mixed together. A little bit of each until my tank was full.
The apple and hypnoisis has food coloring listed as a ingredient.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
Indiana, USA
I just looked at a few of the eliquids at Overstockecigs. The last ingredient is food coloring on the non tobaccos. What flavors are you vaping?
Honestly, I would try a different brand that has minimal flavorings.

That makes since. I am only smoking non-tobaccos right now. currently mixed i have Blueberry, apple, hypnosis and blueberry pomegranite. So those are all non-tobaccos.

I also have an m-blend 24-mg from that website (This is not currently in my tank). It's a tobacco flavor I am pretty sure. Does that one have any food coloring?

As far as the food coloring goes, how could you tell. On all of the bottles that I have from that store, they all just say (0<3.5). And that is on all of the bottles im pretty sure so how could you tell this im confused. ?

To add to things and maybe help figure this out. I hit my PV a couple times just to see if I could figure anything else out and i started itching at little on my face. Is this a pg symptom or a vg symptom. I am definately not giving up. I am working really hard reading trying to figure out my route to take.
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