Is vaping 0MG juice worth it?

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ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
I have actually scrapped champix and now vaping 24MG again, i missed the th to much

As Emily Litella used to say "Never mind!"

Seriously though, you didn't say if you have a real issue (hang up) with nicotine. Some vapers do and want to not only be rid of the butts, but feel compelled to get rid of the nicotine ASAP. Personally I view it as two separate matters. It's by far most important to stay quit, you can always deal with the nicotine question later.


Ultra Member
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Jun 22, 2011
Clearwater, MN
I had a co-worker that used chantix, quit smoking for about 2-3 months, hit a rough patch in his life, and was back on stinkies again. He's now going through a second try of it, and the worst he said he's had was really vivid dreams.

That said, I don't think I would feel comfortable taking something where a whole saddlebag full of psychiatric problems are pretty high up on the list of side effects.

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