Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Good morning. Yep, we had a possible frost warning last night so I had to move my plants inside last night.

Yesterday our daughter suggested we go to Winterthur so she and her lady friend and I and their 3 kids went for a few hours. Winterthur is part of the du Pont estate. It's 1000 acres of gardens and natural woodlands where you can wander freely. There's even a 3 acre children's fairy garden with props for the kids to play with. It's amazingly beautiful and peaceful. The only problem was it was overcast and a very chilly 56 degrees! We're talking about going again without kids on a warmer day.

After Winterthur we all went to watch our 5 yr old grandson do a 75 yd. dash - which he won!! Yay Brody!! The races started with 2 year olds. What a riot! It was so much fun, but I sure wish it was warmer! The week before was so nice that women were wearing summer dresses! The setting reminded me of that scene in Steel Magnolias where people were gathered for Easter festivities.


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, all.

Brisk night out west as well, 33, but heading to the low 60s.

Alrighty, don't tell us. We'll just make something up, and it won't be good.

Do tell! ;)



Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Good morning. Yep, we had a possible frost warning last night so I had to move my plants inside last night.

Yesterday our daughter suggested we go to Winterthur so she and her lady friend and I and their 3 kids went for a few hours. Winterthur is part of the du Pont estate. It's 1000 acres of gardens and natural woodlands where you can wander freely. There's even a 3 acre children's fairy garden with props for the kids to play with. It's amazingly beautiful and peaceful. The only problem was it was overcast and a very chilly 56 degrees! We're talking about going again without kids on a warmer day.

After Winterthur we all went to watch our 5 yr old grandson do a 75 yd. dash - which he won!! Yay Brody!! The races started with 2 year olds. What a riot! It was so much fun, but I sure wish it was warmer! The week before was so nice that women were wearing summer dresses! The setting reminded me of that scene in Steel Magnolias where people were gathered for Easter festivities.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Hey. Sorry, I have not been around. I am not sure why life has to be the way it is but I handle whatever comes my way.

I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

You remember how Ken's shoulder and neck had been bothering him and how he would not go to the doctor? The week before last, Ken did not act like he was feeling good and had a headache for 3 days. Nothing really bad. He just said it was a headache that wouldn't go away. Saturday (April 13), he wanted to go out on the motorcycle. I rarely ever say no to him but I just had a feeling we should not go. I even asked him not to go, which I had never done.

He wanted to go to the Moose Lodge to eat supper so we started out. His driving scared me to death and when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was seeing things. We got to the side and I took over and drove him to the ER. I knew there was something seriously wrong.

They thought it was his glucose which was 423 when we got there. But the more tests they ran, the more they found. I am not sure how Ken did not know there was anything wrong with him. As it turned out, on Saturday he went from wanting to ride his motorcycle to being told he did not have long to live.

He had a brain bleed, a blood clot in his lung, a mass in his lung that was pressing against his heart, and what they suspected was liver cancer that had metastasized all over him. Tuesday morning he had a massive stroke (April 16th) and this is when I felt as though I lost Ken. He was no longer responsive. He passed away Friday morning.

The first time we met, he told me he was looking for a good woman who would love him for the way he was and would hold his hand when he died. I stayed with him and was so grateful that I was there and I was holding his hand.

On top of everything else, his father called me the day before he died and said I would have to pay for Ken's burial. That was the second shock I had that week. I have only one choice. I have to do right by Ken. He wanted me to have what little he had but without a will, I told him it would go to his daughter. He wanted to get married so there would not be any problems. I am not sure what would have happened if he had lived a little longer. If his daughter does what she says she will do, I will be able to sell his truck, trailer, camper, and motorcycles. But it does not matter to me. I will still carry out Ken's last wishes no matter what happens.

With everything that has been going on, you know I have been waiting a year and a half to settle my dad's estate. They called this week and I had to go downtown and handle that. The quote he gave me was $1800 and maybe a little more. To file my father's estate, I had to pay them $5243.40. Tally up another shock for me. But thank goodness that stress is over.

I am not sure why things have happened the way they have and it is not for me to question. The only thing I can think of is Ken showed me how to live and I helped him pass this world with as much love as someone could have given him. I have called so many of his friends on his contact list on his phone. I had no idea Ken had told so many about me and told them how happy he was. I cannot tell you how that makes me feel. I feel good.

Well, now you know why I have not been around. I am sorry to have to tell you what has happened but I wanted you to know what I had been going through. I just ask now for you to give me good thoughts for a safe trip tomorrow. I am planning on coming back first of next week but I have taken a lot of extra stuff just in case I need to calm down and relax when all this is over. It is a wonderful place to relax. I look forward to sitting on the Duck River and clearing my head. Mrs. Rochelle, (where he parked his camper) has told me she will have her apartment that we have stayed in before ready and I can stay as long as I want. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will try to post some pics if I can get on her internet.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for listening to me. There has got to be a category on ECF for the longest posts and I would definitely be #1.

Hugs to you all. :wub:

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Wow, what a beautiful, breezy, sunny 70 degrees today. A perfect day to resurrect my potting bench and get some plants planted and repotted. I bought a few plants yesterday when we were at Home Depot. The nights for the next 10 days look to be well above freezing so I should be safe as long as I keep my eye on the temps. I could always throw something over the plants if it gets close.

Yesterday we picked our son's boys up after school. We brought them home and I fixed dinner for them and then off we went to try out the new ice cream shop in town. Miles got a super dark chocolate ice cream which will definitely be my choice to try next time. This time I got black cherry and it was delicious too. Glad to know there's a place that makes its own ice cream daily. Beck only ate about 1/3 of his, said he wasn't a big fan of ice cream. WHAT??? Never met a kid who wasn't a fan of ice cream! What's wrong with this kid?


Ultra Member
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Jan 27, 2014
Shreveport, LA
Hey. Sorry, I have not been around. I am not sure why life has to be the way it is but I handle whatever comes my way.

I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

You remember how Ken's shoulder and neck had been bothering him and how he would not go to the doctor? The week before last, Ken did not act like he was feeling good and had a headache for 3 days. Nothing really bad. He just said it was a headache that wouldn't go away. Saturday (April 13), he wanted to go out on the motorcycle. I rarely ever say no to him but I just had a feeling we should not go. I even asked him not to go, which I had never done.

He wanted to go to the Moose Lodge to eat supper so we started out. His driving scared me to death and when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was seeing things. We got to the side and I took over and drove him to the ER. I knew there was something seriously wrong.

They thought it was his glucose which was 423 when we got there. But the more tests they ran, the more they found. I am not sure how Ken did not know there was anything wrong with him. As it turned out, on Saturday he went from wanting to ride his motorcycle to being told he did not have long to live.

He had a brain bleed, a blood clot in his lung, a mass in his lung that was pressing against his heart, and what they suspected was liver cancer that had metastasized all over him. Tuesday morning he had a massive stroke (April 16th) and this is when I felt as though I lost Ken. He was no longer responsive. He passed away Friday morning.

The first time we met, he told me he was looking for a good woman who would love him for the way he was and would hold his hand when he died. I stayed with him and was so grateful that I was there and I was holding his hand.

On top of everything else, his father called me the day before he died and said I would have to pay for Ken's burial. That was the second shock I had that week. I have only one choice. I have to do right by Ken. He wanted me to have what little he had but without a will, I told him it would go to his daughter. He wanted to get married so there would not be any problems. I am not sure what would have happened if he had lived a little longer. If his daughter does what she says she will do, I will be able to sell his truck, trailer, camper, and motorcycles. But it does not matter to me. I will still carry out Ken's last wishes no matter what happens.

With everything that has been going on, you know I have been waiting a year and a half to settle my dad's estate. They called this week and I had to go downtown and handle that. The quote he gave me was $1800 and maybe a little more. To file my father's estate, I had to pay them $5243.40. Tally up another shock for me. But thank goodness that stress is over.

I am not sure why things have happened the way they have and it is not for me to question. The only thing I can think of is Ken showed me how to live and I helped him pass this world with as much love as someone could have given him. I have called so many of his friends on his contact list on his phone. I had no idea Ken had told so many about me and told them how happy he was. I cannot tell you how that makes me feel. I feel good.

Well, now you know why I have not been around. I am sorry to have to tell you what has happened but I wanted you to know what I had been going through. I just ask now for you to give me good thoughts for a safe trip tomorrow. I am planning on coming back first of next week but I have taken a lot of extra stuff just in case I need to calm down and relax when all this is over. It is a wonderful place to relax. I look forward to sitting on the Duck River and clearing my head. Mrs. Rochelle, (where he parked his camper) has told me she will have her apartment that we have stayed in before ready and I can stay as long as I want. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will try to post some pics if I can get on her internet.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for listening to me. There has got to be a category on ECF for the longest posts and I would definitely be #1.

Hugs to you all. :wub:
Prayers for you and Ken 's daughter.


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Hey. Sorry, I have not been around. I am not sure why life has to be the way it is but I handle whatever comes my way.

I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

You remember how Ken's shoulder and neck had been bothering him and how he would not go to the doctor? The week before last, Ken did not act like he was feeling good and had a headache for 3 days. Nothing really bad. He just said it was a headache that wouldn't go away. Saturday (April 13), he wanted to go out on the motorcycle. I rarely ever say no to him but I just had a feeling we should not go. I even asked him not to go, which I had never done.

He wanted to go to the Moose Lodge to eat supper so we started out. His driving scared me to death and when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was seeing things. We got to the side and I took over and drove him to the ER. I knew there was something seriously wrong.

They thought it was his glucose which was 423 when we got there. But the more tests they ran, the more they found. I am not sure how Ken did not know there was anything wrong with him. As it turned out, on Saturday he went from wanting to ride his motorcycle to being told he did not have long to live.

He had a brain bleed, a blood clot in his lung, a mass in his lung that was pressing against his heart, and what they suspected was liver cancer that had metastasized all over him. Tuesday morning he had a massive stroke (April 16th) and this is when I felt as though I lost Ken. He was no longer responsive. He passed away Friday morning.

The first time we met, he told me he was looking for a good woman who would love him for the way he was and would hold his hand when he died. I stayed with him and was so grateful that I was there and I was holding his hand.

On top of everything else, his father called me the day before he died and said I would have to pay for Ken's burial. That was the second shock I had that week. I have only one choice. I have to do right by Ken. He wanted me to have what little he had but without a will, I told him it would go to his daughter. He wanted to get married so there would not be any problems. I am not sure what would have happened if he had lived a little longer. If his daughter does what she says she will do, I will be able to sell his truck, trailer, camper, and motorcycles. But it does not matter to me. I will still carry out Ken's last wishes no matter what happens.

With everything that has been going on, you know I have been waiting a year and a half to settle my dad's estate. They called this week and I had to go downtown and handle that. The quote he gave me was $1800 and maybe a little more. To file my father's estate, I had to pay them $5243.40. Tally up another shock for me. But thank goodness that stress is over.

I am not sure why things have happened the way they have and it is not for me to question. The only thing I can think of is Ken showed me how to live and I helped him pass this world with as much love as someone could have given him. I have called so many of his friends on his contact list on his phone. I had no idea Ken had told so many about me and told them how happy he was. I cannot tell you how that makes me feel. I feel good.

Well, now you know why I have not been around. I am sorry to have to tell you what has happened but I wanted you to know what I had been going through. I just ask now for you to give me good thoughts for a safe trip tomorrow. I am planning on coming back first of next week but I have taken a lot of extra stuff just in case I need to calm down and relax when all this is over. It is a wonderful place to relax. I look forward to sitting on the Duck River and clearing my head. Mrs. Rochelle, (where he parked his camper) has told me she will have her apartment that we have stayed in before ready and I can stay as long as I want. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will try to post some pics if I can get on her internet.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for listening to me. There has got to be a category on ECF for the longest posts and I would definitely be #1.

Hugs to you all. :wub:
Oh Lord Tory, I'm ujust shocked and stunned as you must be too along with many other emotions. I've been following your life makeover since your Dad passed and was so happy for you and your relationship with Ken. You just never now what the cosmos is going to bring your way. And this time it was a 'big bang'. Wishing you well in the days and weeks ahead. No need to tell you (you're well aware) but you can always unload on us it the weight gets too heavy. We're truly here for you not just in this forum space but in kinship with you as a true friend well beyond our virtual bond.

Best wishes going down this next rocky road of your life.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
Hey. Sorry, I have not been around. I am not sure why life has to be the way it is but I handle whatever comes my way.

I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

You remember how Ken's shoulder and neck had been bothering him and how he would not go to the doctor? The week before last, Ken did not act like he was feeling good and had a headache for 3 days. Nothing really bad. He just said it was a headache that wouldn't go away. Saturday (April 13), he wanted to go out on the motorcycle. I rarely ever say no to him but I just had a feeling we should not go. I even asked him not to go, which I had never done.

He wanted to go to the Moose Lodge to eat supper so we started out. His driving scared me to death and when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was seeing things. We got to the side and I took over and drove him to the ER. I knew there was something seriously wrong.

They thought it was his glucose which was 423 when we got there. But the more tests they ran, the more they found. I am not sure how Ken did not know there was anything wrong with him. As it turned out, on Saturday he went from wanting to ride his motorcycle to being told he did not have long to live.

He had a brain bleed, a blood clot in his lung, a mass in his lung that was pressing against his heart, and what they suspected was liver cancer that had metastasized all over him. Tuesday morning he had a massive stroke (April 16th) and this is when I felt as though I lost Ken. He was no longer responsive. He passed away Friday morning.

The first time we met, he told me he was looking for a good woman who would love him for the way he was and would hold his hand when he died. I stayed with him and was so grateful that I was there and I was holding his hand.

On top of everything else, his father called me the day before he died and said I would have to pay for Ken's burial. That was the second shock I had that week. I have only one choice. I have to do right by Ken. He wanted me to have what little he had but without a will, I told him it would go to his daughter. He wanted to get married so there would not be any problems. I am not sure what would have happened if he had lived a little longer. If his daughter does what she says she will do, I will be able to sell his truck, trailer, camper, and motorcycles. But it does not matter to me. I will still carry out Ken's last wishes no matter what happens.

With everything that has been going on, you know I have been waiting a year and a half to settle my dad's estate. They called this week and I had to go downtown and handle that. The quote he gave me was $1800 and maybe a little more. To file my father's estate, I had to pay them $5243.40. Tally up another shock for me. But thank goodness that stress is over.

I am not sure why things have happened the way they have and it is not for me to question. The only thing I can think of is Ken showed me how to live and I helped him pass this world with as much love as someone could have given him. I have called so many of his friends on his contact list on his phone. I had no idea Ken had told so many about me and told them how happy he was. I cannot tell you how that makes me feel. I feel good.

Well, now you know why I have not been around. I am sorry to have to tell you what has happened but I wanted you to know what I had been going through. I just ask now for you to give me good thoughts for a safe trip tomorrow. I am planning on coming back first of next week but I have taken a lot of extra stuff just in case I need to calm down and relax when all this is over. It is a wonderful place to relax. I look forward to sitting on the Duck River and clearing my head. Mrs. Rochelle, (where he parked his camper) has told me she will have her apartment that we have stayed in before ready and I can stay as long as I want. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will try to post some pics if I can get on her internet.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for listening to me. There has got to be a category on ECF for the longest posts and I would definitely be #1.

Hugs to you all. :wub:
You can't believe how sorry I am to read this.

Janet H

Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2011
@Rat2chat2 Oh Tory, I'm so, so sorry to hear the news about Ken. What a shock for all of you. Sometimes life just hits us with both barrels and it looks like you were a target this time. I hope it's a comfort to you that you were happy together for awhile at least. I wish I could give you a hug!

Yes, I'm definitely sending you good vibes for a safe trip and I hope all goes well with the family. Prayers on their way.



14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    @Rat2chat2, I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad you found someone and shared good times and love, even if it was for too short of a time. Please take care of yourself and take all the time you need. I will be thinking of you, reach out if there is anything I can do.


    Long time vaper.
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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    Hey. Sorry, I have not been around. I am not sure why life has to be the way it is but I handle whatever comes my way.

    I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

    You remember how Ken's shoulder and neck had been bothering him and how he would not go to the doctor? The week before last, Ken did not act like he was feeling good and had a headache for 3 days. Nothing really bad. He just said it was a headache that wouldn't go away. Saturday (April 13), he wanted to go out on the motorcycle. I rarely ever say no to him but I just had a feeling we should not go. I even asked him not to go, which I had never done.

    He wanted to go to the Moose Lodge to eat supper so we started out. His driving scared me to death and when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was seeing things. We got to the side and I took over and drove him to the ER. I knew there was something seriously wrong.

    They thought it was his glucose which was 423 when we got there. But the more tests they ran, the more they found. I am not sure how Ken did not know there was anything wrong with him. As it turned out, on Saturday he went from wanting to ride his motorcycle to being told he did not have long to live.

    He had a brain bleed, a blood clot in his lung, a mass in his lung that was pressing against his heart, and what they suspected was liver cancer that had metastasized all over him. Tuesday morning he had a massive stroke (April 16th) and this is when I felt as though I lost Ken. He was no longer responsive. He passed away Friday morning.

    The first time we met, he told me he was looking for a good woman who would love him for the way he was and would hold his hand when he died. I stayed with him and was so grateful that I was there and I was holding his hand.

    On top of everything else, his father called me the day before he died and said I would have to pay for Ken's burial. That was the second shock I had that week. I have only one choice. I have to do right by Ken. He wanted me to have what little he had but without a will, I told him it would go to his daughter. He wanted to get married so there would not be any problems. I am not sure what would have happened if he had lived a little longer. If his daughter does what she says she will do, I will be able to sell his truck, trailer, camper, and motorcycles. But it does not matter to me. I will still carry out Ken's last wishes no matter what happens.

    With everything that has been going on, you know I have been waiting a year and a half to settle my dad's estate. They called this week and I had to go downtown and handle that. The quote he gave me was $1800 and maybe a little more. To file my father's estate, I had to pay them $5243.40. Tally up another shock for me. But thank goodness that stress is over.

    I am not sure why things have happened the way they have and it is not for me to question. The only thing I can think of is Ken showed me how to live and I helped him pass this world with as much love as someone could have given him. I have called so many of his friends on his contact list on his phone. I had no idea Ken had told so many about me and told them how happy he was. I cannot tell you how that makes me feel. I feel good.

    Well, now you know why I have not been around. I am sorry to have to tell you what has happened but I wanted you to know what I had been going through. I just ask now for you to give me good thoughts for a safe trip tomorrow. I am planning on coming back first of next week but I have taken a lot of extra stuff just in case I need to calm down and relax when all this is over. It is a wonderful place to relax. I look forward to sitting on the Duck River and clearing my head. Mrs. Rochelle, (where he parked his camper) has told me she will have her apartment that we have stayed in before ready and I can stay as long as I want. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will try to post some pics if I can get on her internet.

    Sorry for the long post and thank you for listening to me. There has got to be a category on ECF for the longest posts and I would definitely be #1.

    Hugs to you all. :wub:
    So sorry :wub: Be safe on your trip.


    ECF Guru
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    ECF Veteran
    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

    Well, carp...

    Remember the good times, and all that he opened you up to.



    Ultra Member
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    Jan 24, 2014
    Hey. Sorry, I have not been around. I am not sure why life has to be the way it is but I handle whatever comes my way.

    I will be leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning and am unsure when I will be back. I am driving by myself because I have had to plan Ken's funeral and it is supposed to be Saturday. I am sorry to shock everyone. I do not know any other way.

    You remember how Ken's shoulder and neck had been bothering him and how he would not go to the doctor? The week before last, Ken did not act like he was feeling good and had a headache for 3 days. Nothing really bad. He just said it was a headache that wouldn't go away. Saturday (April 13), he wanted to go out on the motorcycle. I rarely ever say no to him but I just had a feeling we should not go. I even asked him not to go, which I had never done.

    He wanted to go to the Moose Lodge to eat supper so we started out. His driving scared me to death and when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was seeing things. We got to the side and I took over and drove him to the ER. I knew there was something seriously wrong.

    They thought it was his glucose which was 423 when we got there. But the more tests they ran, the more they found. I am not sure how Ken did not know there was anything wrong with him. As it turned out, on Saturday he went from wanting to ride his motorcycle to being told he did not have long to live.

    He had a brain bleed, a blood clot in his lung, a mass in his lung that was pressing against his heart, and what they suspected was liver cancer that had metastasized all over him. Tuesday morning he had a massive stroke (April 16th) and this is when I felt as though I lost Ken. He was no longer responsive. He passed away Friday morning.

    The first time we met, he told me he was looking for a good woman who would love him for the way he was and would hold his hand when he died. I stayed with him and was so grateful that I was there and I was holding his hand.

    On top of everything else, his father called me the day before he died and said I would have to pay for Ken's burial. That was the second shock I had that week. I have only one choice. I have to do right by Ken. He wanted me to have what little he had but without a will, I told him it would go to his daughter. He wanted to get married so there would not be any problems. I am not sure what would have happened if he had lived a little longer. If his daughter does what she says she will do, I will be able to sell his truck, trailer, camper, and motorcycles. But it does not matter to me. I will still carry out Ken's last wishes no matter what happens.

    With everything that has been going on, you know I have been waiting a year and a half to settle my dad's estate. They called this week and I had to go downtown and handle that. The quote he gave me was $1800 and maybe a little more. To file my father's estate, I had to pay them $5243.40. Tally up another shock for me. But thank goodness that stress is over.

    I am not sure why things have happened the way they have and it is not for me to question. The only thing I can think of is Ken showed me how to live and I helped him pass this world with as much love as someone could have given him. I have called so many of his friends on his contact list on his phone. I had no idea Ken had told so many about me and told them how happy he was. I cannot tell you how that makes me feel. I feel good.

    Well, now you know why I have not been around. I am sorry to have to tell you what has happened but I wanted you to know what I had been going through. I just ask now for you to give me good thoughts for a safe trip tomorrow. I am planning on coming back first of next week but I have taken a lot of extra stuff just in case I need to calm down and relax when all this is over. It is a wonderful place to relax. I look forward to sitting on the Duck River and clearing my head. Mrs. Rochelle, (where he parked his camper) has told me she will have her apartment that we have stayed in before ready and I can stay as long as I want. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will try to post some pics if I can get on her internet.

    Sorry for the long post and thank you for listening to me. There has got to be a category on ECF for the longest posts and I would definitely be #1.

    Hugs to you all. :wub:
    I am so sorry to read this. I am glad for the time you did have together, the love and laughter you shared. We are here whenever you need us.


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Remember the good times, and all that he opened you up to.
    You cannot believe how many happy memories he did give me. Especially in a house where there are so many unhappy memories. I still want to move and start over somewhere. Guess I need to get back to working on that. I don't feel like I belong anywhere yet.


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    It took me 8 hr. and 38 minutes to go from my house to the funeral home in TN. I stopped twice to fill up. I am getting pretty good at traveling.

    I am not staying in the camper because I did not watch how Ken turned the power and water on and off. I went in it to get my coffee for in the morning and it is definitely different. Mrs. Rochelle is letting me use her apartment which is fixed up like a 50's diner. It is so cute. Lots of red, white and black. There is even a jukebox and a milkshake machine. Wish there was a treadmill. It is hard to pick up any speed when walking on rocks. There are a couple of pastures but there are so many hills. She was worried about me and even brought me supper. She made some delicious chicken enchiladas. I hope she has something that needs to be done tomorrow. I need to have a productive day.

    I was sitting on the deck watching the water but it sort of made me a little sad. I guess it made me think of Ken. Then it got dark and some strange noises were coming from the woods and I carried my tookus inside. With the week I have had, that's all I need is to add being attacked by a wild animal.

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