Children Vaping is a Parenting Issue, NOT a Government Issue

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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Children vaping is a Parenting Issue, NOT a Government Issue

I am so tired of the "What about the Children" crap I could scream.

I listened to some of the Round table talk with the President today at work.

I actually heard a woman exclaim WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN ...omg...

What's the matter with people that they can't parent their children and instead go crying to the government to DO SOMETHING ! ??
The school that let juul in to talk with the kids...What the hell kind of school does that anyway ?
That really passed approval of the School Board ? THAT should be addressed.

Let's see...e-cigarettes are for 18 or older and kids are still getting them (just exactly like WE did with our cigarettes). HOW is raising the age to 21 going to magically stop that ?
ALL that is going to do is make it difficult for those smokers under 21 that need/want to stop smoking cigarettes.

Parents need to start paying attention to their children and what they are doing.
Get off the phones and iPads and act like a family.

I have a feeling many parents are going to be really surprised to find out that little kiddo's e-cig is really THC instead of nicotine.
How ya like THEM apples - huh ?

but...that's legal now so I guess it's just fine.

What a messed up world.
Yea...I'm a bit royally .......

Iron Molly

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Oct 27, 2010
State of Anxiety
I am so beyond tired of hearing about the children. Not just with the vaping issue, with all the issues. What about the rest of us? Once you turn 21, you cease to matter?

That woman wailing about the children today during the round table talk was just over the top. So we should base policy for an entire country on hysterics instead of facts? :facepalm:


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Jun 28, 2016
the Universe
Aw come on you guys ...what about the children?... haha, sorry I couldn't help myself. :lol:

I agree, I'm super tired (being very kind) of it too. It is a parenting issue not a guvmint one.

Face it, we live under a Big Brother PC Nanny Government. And it's irritating. :censored: !!!

I mean come on, I got spanked when I was a kid (a lot) but today you'd likely be arrested.

@smacuser ... here ya go

ETA: George Carlin, I really :censored: miss you!


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Children Vaping is a Parenting Issue, NOT a Government Issue

I am so tired of the "What about the Children" crap I could scream.

I listened to some of the Round table talk with the President today at work.

I actually heard a woman exclaim WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN ...omg...

What's the matter with people that they can't parent their children and instead go crying to the government to DO SOMETHING ! ??
The school that let Juul in to talk with the kids...What the hell kind of school does that anyway ?
That really passed approval of the School Board ? THAT should be addressed.

Let's see...e-cigarettes are for 18 or older and kids are still getting them (just exactly like WE did with our cigarettes). HOW is raising the age to 21 going to magically stop that ?
ALL that is going to do is make it difficult for those smokers under 21 that need/want to stop smoking cigarettes.

Parents need to start paying attention to their children and what they are doing.
Get off the phones and iPads and act like a family.

I have a feeling many parents are going to be really surprised to find out that little kiddo's e-cig is really THC instead of nicotine.
How ya like THEM apples - huh ?

but...that's legal now so I guess it's just fine.

What a messed up world.
Yea...I'm a bit royally .......
Couldn't agree more.
Totally messed up.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2019
California, US
Your post was so good, there's not much to add (in other words, I think many of us agree) Many modern parents are kinda "lazy" about raising their children. Stick them in front of a tv, a video game, a cellphone... get them a babysitter, send them to pre-school. When they get to be teens, the solution to issues is a councelor (or even worse, a "bribe") All the while counting on the government and schools to do everything (that they should be doing) Can't physically punish a child (not even a slap on the back of their hand) Can you even yell at them (verbal abuse)? Parent don't raise their children nowadays... it's the other way around. Someone on ECF posted awhile back and had written this scenario about "little johnny" getting caught vaping at school... wish I could remember who (or at least copied the text) It was great! Something about how mommy's little angel couldn't be at fault... he was just a victim (or influenced by other "bad" kids) of course, the solution is going to be a councelor (or bribe... money fixes eveything) All this BS about raising the age, banning flavors is useless! We already have laws preventing sale to minors. Teens will find ways to get what they want (in fact, it makes them want it more) I feel sorry for the "adults" that were 19 years old, used vaping to quit smoking cigs, then find out they now have to wait until they are 21. Can't vape "bubblegum" flavor... only "tobacco" that's actually not tobacco anyway... just another flavor (no difference) Don't get me started on the ongoing teen SMOKING issue that's been going on for years! An then there's also teen alcohol abuse... huffing, drugs, unprotected sex... it's a long list, so why make such a big deal out of vaping! The recent issues with "oils" actually had nothing to do with "standard" nicotine vape.
OK, I feel better... guess there was more to add after all.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Depressingly factual.

Your post was so good, there's not much to add (in other words, I think many of us agree) Many modern parents are kinda "lazy" about raising their children. Stick them in front of a tv, a video game, a cellphone... get them a babysitter, send them to pre-school. When they get to be teens, the solution to issues is a councelor (or even worse, a "bribe") All the while counting on the government and schools to do everything (that they should be doing) Can't physically punish a child (not even a slap on the back of their hand) Can you even yell at them (verbal abuse)? Parent don't raise their children nowadays... it's the other way around. Someone on ECF posted awhile back and had written this scenario about "little johnny" getting caught vaping at school... wish I could remember who (or at least copied the text) It was great! Something about how mommy's little angel couldn't be at fault... he was just a victim (or influenced by other "bad" kids) of course, the solution is going to be a councelor (or bribe... money fixes eveything) All this BS about raising the age, banning flavors is useless! We already have laws preventing sale to minors. Teens will find ways to get what they want (in fact, it makes them want it more) I feel sorry for the "adults" that were 19 years old, used vaping to quit smoking cigs, then find out they now have to wait until they are 21. Can't vape "bubblegum" flavor... only "tobacco" that's actually not tobacco anyway... just another flavor (no difference) Don't get me started on the ongoing teen SMOKING issue that's been going on for years! An then there's also teen alcohol abuse... huffing, drugs, unprotected sex... it's a long list, so why make such a big deal out of vaping! The recent issues with "oils" actually had nothing to do with "standard" nicotine vape.
OK, I feel better... guess there was more to add after all.


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Mar 29, 2011
Rhode Island
If it is so important to them why aren't they contacting their local officials asking why the underage sales laws are not being enforced? Pull the tobacco licenses from the convenience stores and gas stations that sell to kids and things will change quickly.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2014
joshua tree, ca
If it is so important to them why aren't they contacting their local officials asking why the underage sales laws are not being enforced? Pull the tobacco licenses from the convenience stores and gas stations that sell to kids and things will change quickly.
I know the local Circle K store where I live was busted awhile back for selling cigarettes to a minor. They were caught in a sting. That store is a franchise store. The owner implemented a policy that all age controlled items require everyone to show ID for purchase everytime. I was getting coffee one morning on the way to work. The 85yo man in front of me was not able to purchase a pack of cigarettes because he didn't have his ID. Needless to say he was mad. I think the clerk did the right thing. There are signs on both registers that state the store policy. As far as I know the store hasn't been in any trouble since the policy was implemented.


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
If it is so important to them why aren't they contacting their local officials asking why the underage sales laws are not being enforced? Pull the tobacco licenses from the convenience stores and gas stations that sell to kids and things will change quickly.
Because it's too easy to blame an abstract non-human target like "flavoring".


Infinity Member
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Dec 13, 2010
While I almost hate to say this because I think it sometimes gets overplayed these days but I see this as a form of discrimination. They are favoring one segment of the population over another; youth vs. adults. While that might seem noble from a cursory glance, it's really not even close.

They are basically saying that they don't care about adults who smoke. It almost seems as if their actual goal is to extract as much money from smokers as they can before they die given their opposition to something that has helped so many to quit. But they wouldn't do that would they? :rolleyes:

Regardless of their true intentions, I thought the Constitution was supposed to protect all of our rights, not just a certain segment. I guess I'm just a dreamer ...


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2014
joshua tree, ca
Regardless of their true intentions, I thought the Constitution was supposed to protect all of our rights, not just a certain segment. I guess I'm just a dreamer ...
There in lies the biggest part of the problem. Politicians think the Constitution gives people rights therefore it is the government that gives people rights. In fact it is just the opposite.
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