Vaping Parents Chat

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Jun 18, 2013
We never smoked in the house because of our daughters asthma, so we don't vape in the house either. Not that I think it would hurt her asthma, but as a mom I just won't take the chance. Nothing worse than seeing your child not be able to breathe and hear the wheezing. But she loves that mom doesn't "smoke" anymore and she tells me that I don't smell bad now! I feel to each their own, I would never judge anyone either way!


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Jan 5, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
We never smoked in the house because of our daughters asthma, so we don't vape in the house either. Not that I think it would hurt her asthma, but as a mom I just won't take the chance. Nothing worse than seeing your child not be able to breathe and hear the wheezing. But she loves that mom doesn't "smoke" anymore and she tells me that I don't smell bad now! I feel to each their own, I would never judge anyone either way!

FWIW, my daughter also has asthma that's triggered by cigarette smoke, but she has no problems with our vaping at all. :) Not sure if that eases your mind any!


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Oct 1, 2013
mine are 2, 6 and 9. the older two really pushed for us to quit. they're happy daddy got mommy vaping.

my 2 yr old... he just wants to push a button and recite the numbers. i give him the vamo from time to time (sans atty ofcourse). he adjusts the settings and recites "6 point 5 watts, 7 point 0 watts..." or if in voltage mode, "4 point 1 volts, 4 point 2 volts".

he's too smart for his own good. already reading, counting to 200 on his own, learning addition, subtraction and multiplication. i have no idea what we're going to do with him when it's time for schooling.


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Feb 6, 2014
North Charleston, SC
My daughter is three. She understands that she cant touch, associates me vaping with pretending to be a dragon, and calls our flavors smellies or cloud juice. As she gets older, she can learn more, and when shes an adult I hope she doesnt follow along but if she does ill probably have plenty of gear to pass along.

sent from the s4 of DOOOM


Cloudy Flavor All Day
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Jan 3, 2014
Swoyersville, PA
I have a 6 year old and a 2.5 year old. They both know I smoked. I smoked in the car and outside, but when we lived with my wife's mom for a while, I smoked in the house since her mom did too. I've never hid my smoking from my kids, and I'll never hide my vaping either. When my dad claimed he quit (but really didnt) and was hiding it from us, it created loads of problems. I never want to do that to my kids.

I vape in the house, in the car, wherever I am really. My kids find it fascinating that I don't have to go outside anymore. I even vape if my daughter (the 2.5 year old) is on my lap.

My kids call my vaporizer a cigarette simply because it's easier I guess lol. They'll get it for me when I ask, but they know not to touch it otherwise.

As for when they're teenagers, I started smoking at 13-14. I've been a pack a day smoker since day one. Having asthma, it really was stupid. That being said, if either of my kids come home smelling of smoke even once, that's the day they're getting their own PV. I will not have them smoking, knowing how bad I screwed up my own health. I will also never be a hypocrite, so I can't justify "forbidding" them when I did it. If they want to smoke, they're going to vape.

The ingredients in E liquid are found in food, naturally. I highly doubt that combining and then vaporizing them is the secret to anything worse than the carcinogens in cigarettes. Just on my personal experience, I feel a MILLION times better than when I was smoking, and I would have absolutely zero problem with my kids vaping.


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Oct 8, 2013
I vape at home openly and in the car. My 7 year old son goes with me every Saturday to hang out at my local B&M. He is the one usually reminding me what time they open. He is all for it and glad I don't smoke any more.

Wow that is pretty cool taking him to the store. It's refreshing to see people aren't hiding what they believe in. Maybe I need to do the same.


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Oct 7, 2011
I'm not a parent, but I'd like to share my input as I recently just became a "real" adult. My mother has smoked all my life. She smoked while pregnant with me and in the house while I was growing up. I started smoking when I was 18, and I hit my one year mark for making the transition to vaping just a couple of months ago. I'm 24 now, so I only smoked for 5 years.

I remember being sick alot as a kid. I constantly had a runny nose and a cough. When I would catch a cold, it would last for weeks. It got worse when I smoked myself. After I quit smoking, I was still constantly dealing with a runny nose and coughing in the morning. I did notice that mom's cigarette smoke smelled nasty and spent alot of time in my bedroom to avoid it.

In September, I moved from parents house to my boyfriend's (who doesn't smoke) and finished my last semester in college. I have noticed a huge improvement in my health. I don't have a constant cough and I don't get winded going up and down the stairs.

My mom and sister quit smoking in the house in August when my niece was born. I'm very happy to see that change. It also makes visiting alot easier because the house doesn't reek and I don't come back coughing or smelling like smoke.
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Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
I'm not a parent, but I'd like to share my input as I recently just became a "real" adult. My mother has smoked all my life. She smoked while pregnant with me and in the house while I was growing up. I started smoking when I was 18, and I hit my one year mark for making the transition to vaping just a couple of months ago. I'm 24 now, so I only smoked for 5 years.

I remember being sick alot as a kid. I constantly had a runny nose and a cough. When I would catch a cold, it would last for weeks. It got worse when I smoked myself. After I quit smoking, I was still constantly dealing with a runny nose and coughing in the morning. I did notice that mom's cigarette smoke smelled nasty and spent alot of time in my bedroom to avoid it.

In September, I moved from parents house to my boyfriend's (who doesn't smoke) and finished my last semester in college. I have noticed a huge improvement in my health. I don't have a constant cough and I don't get winded going up and down the stairs.

My mom and sister quit smoking in the house in August when my niece was born. I'm very happy to see that change. It also makes visiting alot easier because the house doesn't reek and I don't come back coughing or smelling like smoke.

While we never smoked in the house, we do vape in it. Even so, my kids have been less sick this winter then any other winter I remember. Last winter was awful. They seemed to be sick the whole winter through. I'm think that even though we didn't smoke in the house, the kids were exposed to plenty of it. I started vaping a week before my husband did. A few days in, and I noticed that I could smell when he was sneaking a cig in the garage on a rainy day, and he reeked of smoke each time he came in from smoking outdoors. As in, he would bring a cloud of smoke in with him. It was a happy day when his kit finally came in the mail.


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Nov 21, 2012
Conway, Arkansas
I do vape in front of my kids... They saw how hard it was for me (and my wife) to quit cigarettes, and are proud we've both made the switch. I still tell them about how bad smoking was, and to never pick it up, and that I vape because I smoked. Hopefully they'll never do either, but if they had to choose one... guess which one I'd prefer for them???


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Nov 27, 2013
Hicktown, OH
I do vape in front of my kids... They saw how hard it was for me (and my wife) to quit cigarettes, and are proud we've both made the switch. I still tell them about how bad smoking was, and to never pick it up, and that I vape because I smoked. Hopefully they'll never do either, but if they had to choose one... guess which one I'd prefer for them???

So true. If I find out they've started smoking as teenagers I'll be the first one to buy them vaping supplies. I started real young and didn't take long for me to be hooked.


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Jan 17, 2014
Groton, Connecticut, USofA
I have two kids. 7 and 8, both of them boys. I try not to vape around them because they think its smoke so they fan their hands making the "stinky motion". I didn't smoke around them but they, of course, said I stunk after going outside. Anyway, I vape inside the house because I can but not around them. Funny thing is, they make the stinky motion with their hands when they see the vapor but not when they walk in after it dissipates and leaves a pleasant smell. Kids... lol


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Jan 11, 2014
Dover, DE, USA
We never smoked in our house or car, didn't really hide it from our three and a half year old. He'd usually sit there and watch me roll cigarettes. I dint vape in the car with him, but do when he's not in the car. We vape in the house, but not typically in the same room as our son, we've talked about it to him and he understands that mommy's screwdriver does not make smoke it makes vapor. He's seen us use them when we are outside with him.

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May 9, 2013
Bethlehem, PA
I have three kids- 27, 16 and 14. They are all thrilled that I stopped smoking. They are old enough to know that this is immensely better.

My 14 yo daughter wanted to try it, just to "see smoke coming out of her mouth" LOL. I thought about it for a while and let her try two drags of zero nic. I figure she was gonna try it behind my back anyway if I didn't let her, so why not make sure it was zero nic? Plus now the fascination is out of her system I think. So... she won't try cigs, and she's not been exposed to nic. What's the harm?


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Mar 13, 2013
I have three kids- 27, 16 and 14. They are all thrilled that I stopped smoking. They are old enough to know that this is immensely better.

My 14 yo daughter wanted to try it, just to "see smoke coming out of her mouth" LOL. I thought about it for a while and let her try two drags of zero nic. I figure she was gonna try it behind my back anyway if I didn't let her, so why not make sure it was zero nic? Plus now the fascination is out of her system I think. So... she won't try cigs, and she's not been exposed to nic. What's the harm?

maybe this is just me but I would have given her a really strong 36mg bad flavor juice so she would find it really disgusting


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Oct 8, 2013
I have two kids. 7 and 8, both of them boys. I try not to vape around them because they think its smoke so they fan their hands making the "stinky motion". I didn't smoke around them but they, of course, said I stunk after going outside. Anyway, I vape inside the house because I can but not around them. Funny thing is, they make the stinky motion with their hands when they see the vapor but not when they walk in after it dissipates and leaves a pleasant smell. Kids... lol

I can totally see my kids doing this in a couple years just because, haha. Kids


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Mar 18, 2013
Whenever I want to vape at home, we play "Tiger Boy." We have a big old dog cage and I tell my son "Hey, lets play Tiger Boy! Get in the cage and growl and roar and do your home work!" Then I lock the cage and vape in the next room. If I want to vape some more, I slip in a Lunchables and he pretends to rip it apart and eat it. He's having a ball and I'm vaping away! Sometimes he's all like "Dad, let me out, let me out! I'm getting claustrophobic! Then I let him out, toss a blanket over the cage just like my dad used to do and get in myself and fall asleep. Sometimes, I keep the blanket on and vape in there by myself. With the invention of the iPad and the fireplace apps, it's just like when I was a kid. I can stay in there for days.
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