Things I learned on Twitter... Kids, Parents and Anti-Vaping.

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
Try as he might, mine can't sneak anywhere. He's 6'6", 275 lbs and an outstanding left tackle. At 16, there's been no drinking, no drugs, no tobacco....nothing but an unbridled passion for football. He still respects and obeys his parents, too. Go figure.

I've seen that story before.

As long as he's doing what he loves, hard to put that within context of this thread. Where most of the participants were engaging in an activity (smoking) that was forbidden to minors, but are now on the other side and somehow think forbidding is going to work this time around. One of these generations it'll work. It has to. How could anyone dispute this?


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Jul 2, 2010
Near Atlanta, Georgia, US of A a parent myself, I wouldn't allow my child to vape with a mech mod until he passes an oral safety exam. Also, there WILL be ohm limits in this house!

Just kidding.....but seriously, loosen up, folks.

Once a "child" is in their teens, you can't STOP them from doing anything. You can punish them, you can make suggestions, you can try to STEER them in the right direction.....but unless they are a vegetable, by the time they are teenagers, they have fully capable minds and bodies to do what they will. Some people who haven't been parents (and unfortunately some who are) don't understand this concept.


Vaping Master
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Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
I'm pretty sure the op was venting to get his point across. This is an 18 and up forum ...I'm fairly confident he wasn't expecting to be taken quite so literally. Plus, the kids he was talking about were kinda acting like were the parents . He's an equal opportunity offender.

Maurice Pudlo

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Nov 27, 2013
United States
It there was a standardized test that you were required to pass prior to procreating, I suspect many would go through life childless.

Oh for the love of it all can we please make this happen.

Maybe when kids start smoking/vaping, drinking, having sex etc they are no longer kids and so there really isn't an argument anymore.

Sort of like when a kid decides to kill someone we try them as adults, I like it.

Everybody else's comments

Our static 18/21 age requirements are silly to the extent that some people are ready to make good informed decisions about their own lives at differing ages, some prior to the limits our society has set and others not till well after.

Maybe one day a standardized test of maturity will be used to gauge a persons ability to decide their own path in life, perhaps that is a solution, maybe it is not.

I think nobody is on the same timetable in terms of maturity and readiness to take on the world without the guidance of someone who is, yet who am I to judge when a person is ready when their life may never involve that which I am ready for?


Maurice Pudlo

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Nov 27, 2013
United States
True, but the bar needs to be set somewhere. The age at which they can go to war seems to be as good of a place as any.

Right, you can fight and possibly die for your country well prior to being old enough to have a beer when you come home missing body parts.

Yep, fighting in war and vaping zero-nic seem to be on par with each other.

I spit out my coffee after reading this, thanks.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
True, but the bar needs to be set somewhere. The age at which they can go to war seems to be as good of a place as any.

Who said they were on par?

"as good of a place" = on par.

How about, 5 years before we would ask you to go and die for your country, we will allow you to engage in all things that adults enjoy, especially considering that adults at a certain age would never ever be asked to serve on the front lines.

5 years too much (considering the low entry age for war)? Maybe three years then? Even one year?


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Mar 14, 2014
Buffalo, NY, USA
If the fdas regulations were about safety rather then money then maybe we wouldn't fight all of them.
As to why shouldn't kids vape..we don't sell non alcoholic beer to children why should we sell vaping supplies. That just leads to more bad publicity when a kid tries to build a subohm with a 18650 from a old laptop and blowing his face off because he thought it would look cool.
Granted not all kids are this dumb but with current generations you can't expect to much from them.
Now if the parents wanted to let the child vape In their home under supervision then no problem, kids can drink alcohol with their parents (atleast in wi) under 18 and vaping is probably a lot less harmful then alcohol. But when the kid is bragging about it or showing it off they just want to be cool, they could care less what happens to them in the future they only see the now. (Their are some kids with intelligence but a majority lack it in this g rated country. If a kid wants to act like an adult, make them get a job and start paying for all their things, then sure let them do what they want, until they know responsibility and can take it they don't get the ability to make their own choices on everything.
Edit: phone really tore up some of my sentences lol

It's getting pretty damn irritating to see all of these posts knocking my generation. What's the difference between taking a drug in the presence of your parents and elsewhere? Does supervision honestly make it any better? No, not really. I'm assuming you're grouping teenagers into "kids", which is used throughout your post.

I'm 18. I have a job. I pay bills. I'm still the same as I was 10 years ago, and that's what makes life fun. Do remember, there are unintelligent people from all generations. Take a look at yourself for example. :vapor:
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