Things I learned on Twitter... Kids, Parents and Anti-Vaping.

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Jun 1, 2014
Indiana, United States
Normally I only use twitter for live NASCAR updates but it's a lazy Sunday evening so I decided to search some vaping terms just to see what the tweeters are tweeting. I learned things that made my blood boil:

1. Anti-vaping zealots really have no reason to be anti-vaping, at least not solid ones, they just want to be anti-something.

2. Teens who vape have got to be the most obnoxious, idiotic human beings to exist on the planet.

3. Parents who support their kids vaping are twice as idiotic as the idiotic, obnoxious teens. Examples: "Mom is taking me to the Vape shop then the skate park." and "Mom bought me a Vamo for my report card!" SERIOUSLY?! Just go get them a fifth of Jack and [Moderated] while you're at it there, Mom.

4. Children, young children, vape. (I'm also not happy about kids this age being on twitter, but that's another subject) This is, in my opinion, a problem. "Oh it's zero nic" is not an excuse, or a valid reasoning. There's a reason they don't sell candy cigarettes anymore.

I signed off twitter disheartened, disgusted, and more than a little angry. I also have a slightly different opinion of the FDA having control over vaping. Maybe some regulation is needed, especially where minors are concerned.
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Senior Member
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Jun 1, 2014
Indiana, United States


Vaping Master
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May 24, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
What gets me is people who have no business messing around with mechs (myself included at this point), messing around without any battery safety experience, myself included again and I have been reading about battery safety for a month or two now and I still refuse to get into mechs until I have a full understanding about battery safety. :facepalm:

Bernard Marx

Moved On
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Feb 2, 2014
I wish all the kids were on an island somewhere. They're always making us look in the mirror just by being around. It really makes me uncomfortable. My grown-up kids are still doing it. Luckily I have no grandchildren or I would be a wreck. I blame this feeling of inadequacy on the treatment I received from my own parents. Now there were a couple of pieces of work!
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Dec 22, 2012
I agree with the op completely here. First off, parents allow their children to join sites like twitter and Facebook FAR too early on. First it subjects them to material they're too young for, and more annoyingly, some of us adults have to put up with their immaturity in what they add to the sites.

Even worse are underage vapers . Their parents wanted their kids to get off cigarettes so they're forking out the money for vaping supplies. News flash parents, they shouldn't have been smoking in the first place, and if you allowed them to, it's nothing more than bad parenting.

As far as anti vaping propaganda on the news, web, and any other media source, I don't even have the urge to argue with them anymore. We're not going to be able to convince the thick-skulled ones to believe anything. There's another thread started by Shootist called "ran into one today" where there's a very lengthy discussion regarding how the media is giving out misleading information about vaping and people who don't know any better don't think twice about it. It's in the newspaper... How could it not be true??? lol


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Jul 30, 2013
Chichester, NH
For me.....I treat ANY social media the same way I treat opening attachments in an e-mail.....
"Just say NO!":D
Can't begin to count the number of "friends" I've "lost" because I wouldn't "LIKE" them on Facebook......!!:facepalm:
With "friends" like that......!!:glare:
Same goes for the many who've sent me stuff in an e-mail attachment that I refused to open.... computer is worth more to me than that "special" pic of Pamela Anderson........!!;)
You wanna be sure I GET it? Send it "snail mail"!!! It still has its place!!
RE: Auntie Mame's post above.......Isn't that already on the books in California??????????????:D
Happy (vaping) Trails!


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Mar 20, 2014
Wisconsin, USA
I agree with the op completely here. First off, parents allow their children to join sites like twitter and Facebook FAR too early on. First it subjects them to material they're too young for, and more annoyingly, some of us adults have to put up with their immaturity in what they add to the sites.

Even worse are underage vapers . Their parents wanted their kids to get off cigarettes so they're forking out the money for vaping supplies. News flash parents, they shouldn't have been smoking in the first place, and if you allowed them to, it's nothing more than bad parenting.

As far as anti vaping propaganda on the news, web, and any other media source, I don't even have the urge to argue with them anymore. We're not going to be able to convince the thick-skulled ones to believe anything. There's another thread started by Shootist called "ran into one today" where there's a very lengthy discussion regarding how the media is giving out misleading information about vaping and people who don't know any better don't think twice about it. It's in the newspaper... How could it not be true??? lol

(Bold type added) What's worse are underage smokers. I started smoking around 12 years old. (42 now) My parents didn't allow me to smoke. I did it, and they couldn't stop me. It is hard for smoker parents especially to keep their kids from smoking. They don't smell it as easily on kids' clothes or in the home. The kids can and will steal cigs here and there. Not every child that smokes, vapes, drinks alcohol, or has sex has bad parents.

I'm not saying I condone underage vaping, but if my child were smoking, I'd much rather they switched to vaping.


Super Member
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Jan 30, 2014
I mostly agree, but I can't agree that it's always wrong for children to vape.

If I had a child that had got hooked on smoking then I would buy that child an e-cig myself. And don't all rush to tell me that if my child smoked it would mean that I was a bad parent: when I was 14 I was experimenting with smoking; I was good at hiding it. I may well have got hooked when I was under-age, with my parents not having a clue about it.


Vaping Master
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Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
If you're not 18 then you shouldn't vape imho. Make it a law. It would stop all the "What about the poor kiddies" nonsense. If they then decide to vape, they're breaking the law. You could also have a law that says that parents are fined if their children under 18 are found vaping. But - human nature being what it is the young will experiment with things. That doesn't mean that we should approve. All imho, of course. And prohibition doesn't have a great track record. :)


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Apr 5, 2014
Green bay, Wisconsin
The one with the vamo just sounds like bad parenting. If they are going to let the child vape, at least don't keep upgrading their gear for them. Treat it like smoking as they can get the gear/pay for it themselves. If its just an ego/tank one time then that's alittle understandable if the kid was already smoking. But don't spoil the kid for doing something he shouldn't have, when I was a kid and we did something wrong we got our ... whooped, not a gift. Next his mother will buy him a provari.


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Mar 20, 2014
The things I've learned - People spend too much time on social media outlets… Twitter, Facebook, etc…

Who cares that you just farted, or what you had for lunch? And why did they post THAT on their wall?

I think we should all “unplug” and have more real face to face time.

Just my humble opinion, of course. Now I'll sneek out of here. sSc_escape.gif


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Mar 20, 2014
taboo topic i know but the reality is kids, young kids also smoke, and there's millions of them doing it too. Don't get me wrong i'd rather them having nothing to do with any of it, but i'd sure as hell rather they vape then smoke if they insist on doing one of these two things.

I agree. I'd rather see them vape than smoke BUT I won't be buying them or supporting them buying either until they are of age.

Kids will find a way to do what they want to, but I won't make it any easier for them. Just my :2c:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
1. Anti-vaping zealots really have no reason to be anti-vaping, at least not solid ones, they just want to be anti-something.

2. Teens who vape have got to be the most obnoxious, idiotic human beings to exist on the planet.

3. Parents who support their kids vaping are twice as idiotic as the idiotic, obnoxious teens. Examples: "Mom is taking me to the Vape shop then the skate park." and "Mom bought me a Vamo for my report card!" SERIOUSLY?! Just go get them a fifth of Jack and [Moderated] while you're at it there, Mom.

4. Children, young children, vape. (I'm also not happy about kids this age being on twitter, but that's another subject) This is, in my opinion, a problem. "Oh it's zero nic" is not an excuse, or a valid reasoning. There's a reason they don't sell candy cigarettes anymore.

Given what is said in point #1, I am really interested in the actual reason why #4 is an issue for you (or anyone). You say "there's a reason why" but don't cite that. I'd like that to be cited, otherwise it reads as "just want to be anti-something."

Why does children vaping zero-nic present a problem to some adult vapers?
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