What to do?!?!?

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Apr 7, 2010
Okay ya'll, I need help! (No smart remarks about not having enough initials behind your name to fix what ails me, I get enough of that from the family, LOL)

I have a serious problem, ya'll know how much I love my BP's, I've only got 4 of them don't ya know. However, I recently aquired an Infinity Classic and OMG, I never thought I like it as much as my BP's but (again) OMG, I LOVE it too!

If the new Infinity Pro is a step up from the IC, well I just have to one of those!!!! Can't imagine it being better than the classic because this thing is the bomb! I've been on the fence about getting an Infinity Pro because of the slender, longer design, didn't think that I'd like it as well. Let me tell you, I have no shame and I'll gladly admit when I'm wrong and boy oh boy, I was SO wrong about the Infinity!!! I love the way it feels, it's lighter but still solid.

I was worried about it being top because it's so slender and I use heavy glass tanks but this baby stands up just fine and looks flipping awesome. I've got the chrome IC, it's slick, has the brass top and bottom.....super freaking cool looking! And it feels great in the hand, very portable and easy to fire! Did I mention I loves it!!! :)

Anyhoo, here lies the problem.......should I get a chrome IP or wait on a Mistinthewoods IP? Also, in looking at the site now, the IP isn't available with the brass caps. Is brass an option and Notcigs is out of them at the moment? Anyone know?

See??? I need help/advice/input and any and all is welcomed! Thanks in advance! :)


Ultra Member
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Jul 26, 2011
Santa Rosa, CA the North Bay!
I think they must be out of the brass caps because I have them on on my purple IP :)... I wasn't sure about the IP either, but I have found that it is now my main pv, and my bp and ob have taken 2nd and 3rd place. Mine is a little wobbly, but nothing a new bottom cap won't fix, other than that, it seems to be fine. I am on the hunt for a caddy for my pv's tho because I make clumsy look graceful :blush:... It's more for the protection of my dt's, than for the pv itself ~ since I've just recently read where they can take a "lickin and keep on tickin". (If you know where that saying originated from, your as old as I am, LOL!!!) They can be ran over and still work, I'm sold!

Chrome or Mistinthewoods?? Dang, I'd have to get both!!! Hope this helps :) :)


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Apr 7, 2010
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Mist's Buzz Pros and was so disappointed when my computer pooped out right when the last run of his was released. :(

It's a given that I'll want/get a Mist Infinity, just don't know if I can hold out. Probably break down and get the chrome IP and wait until Mist feels better and get one or three of his too!

Speaking of Mist, anyone heard how he doing?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Brooklyn, MI
Hey folks. Sorry I've been so scarce around here lately. The holiday season is unreasonably demanding and it seems I have about half the energy I need to get everything done that I need to. Having heat attacks kinda sucks. I don't recommend it. :)
I have 5 IPs and 5 BPs in the works right now and plan on getting them done between the holidays so there should be pics by the first of the year. I got a new camera so the pics should look pretty good (I got the Canon moo).
OK, I guess I better go do something. Got about 4 hours before my legs get knocked out from under me.


Ultra Member
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Apr 7, 2010
Mist!!!!!!!! It's wonderful to see you!!!!!! But please, take care of yourself, don't over do! I know that's difficult during this time of year but you need to take the time to rest and recoup!

I know about heart issues, I inherited mine from my father. Been on blood pressure meds since my early thirties, I'm petite and never been overweight a day in my life, and those meds will kick your ..... (Or knock you down on it. LOL) I am living on borrowed time now, been facing heart surgery for awhile now but it's still holding okay so the doctors haven't seen the need to do it just yet..........WHEW!

You know Mist, I'm gonna want one of those Infinitys you're working on now, so go ahead and put my name on one. :) And because you're so fabulous and you've got amazing skills and taste, I'm going to let you pick the one for me! Only you have to promise to take care of yourself first! :)

Happy Holidays Mist!!!
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