*** Saber Touch Contest! Introducing The New Style Sensor! ***

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
It's A Giveaway Contest Time... Again!

To introduce the new Saber Touch Sensor Style,
I'm giving away the Saber Touch I show in the video.

It's a 3.7v/6v Edition in Black Stardust.


Now to enter, You Must First be Subscribed to my Youtube Channel.
Then just say what you like about the new style, and why you would like to have this one!

Please only enter ONCE.
I will let the contest go until 9pm EST on Sunday, April 28th.

Of course I will let my son Max help choose the winner, so make it good!

Good Luck to all who enter and

Keep On Vapin'!


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
The new switch looks really good and the black stardust is one of my favorites. The whole look is just beautiful, I would love to own one of your mods they seem simple to use and look sharp.

I do wish you the best with the treatments. While I haven't had to deal with cancer outside a couple of scares this last year, I had what they call young peoples cataracts. One of the factors with them was smoking, unlike normal cataracts they are very fast growing, in less than 6 months I was almost completely blind when they got me in for surgeries. Another factor with them was the meds I had to take for my asthma and COPD, both of which I made worse because of smoking.

So while I would love to win this beautiful device, my main thought is for you and your family while dealing with all this.


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Yes - Thank you for the Contest . . . :D

AND - As I said in my comment on Your You tube video:

What's more important here, is that I want you to know I was quite touched by your personal disclosure and comments today, especially given that they came from the heart. I truly want you to know that I am wishing you all the best and hoping that you will have a full recovery this time around. AND- More specifically, the Doctors/Surgeons get it all this time, not only just for Your sake - but for Max and the rest of your family too. Good Luck ! ! !

Deamon L. Scaduz

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Mar 19, 2013
Shadows of Sin City
Watching as we speak. Will leave my comment on YouTube. Thanks for the contest. :)

I changed my mind. After that video I had to leave a different kind of comment on the video. So here is my submission.

I think that the tube color is beautiful, would match my phone. The fact that this is a touch sensor device is something that I think is amazing and have not seen before.
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Senior Member
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Feb 10, 2013
United States
Subscribed! and I must say the new button give the device a much much cleaner look. Its always good to see someone working on improving every aspect of their passion. The original button looked great, but the new one definitely looks more finished. Funny how trying to improve the performance of the button you also improved the overall look...Kudos!


Moved On
Dec 17, 2012
Lower NY
Commented and subscribed on YouTube [same name]

As of right now I don't own a Sabor Touch, but Iv wanted one for awhile [will buy a pimpstick one day]
Things just keep coming up, getting in the way of buying one, lets call it a blessing because I'm really feeling this new switch. I'm a big guy, and not having to find the smaller activator switch seems much better, it also looks so much classier then the first switch. Super sleek! That's what attracted me to the Sabor Touch at the start. It's a beautiful work of art that doubles as a Persoanl Vaporizer. The color amazing!

Well that's why I want it, thank you for this contest. Hope your health improves! I have been pushing [some times to hard] my friends to give up stinkies like I did, there is no longer a need to put those extra toxins into our bodies.


Pink Spot Fanatic
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Jun 23, 2011
Long Beach, CA
Sir Lawrence,
My sincerest thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope that if you have to go through treatment it is completely successful at removing the cancer. My prayer is that you beat this cancer and it never returns again.

My Entry
I have been vaping for a little over 2 years now. I have converted many people to vaping but one person I have been unable to completely convert is my sister. I gave her a kit with two egos, cartos and e-liquid about 1 1/2 years ago. She vaped and smoked for a couple months and then gave up on vaping. About 6 months ago she said she wanted to try again. So I advised her to buy a couple Ego Twist Variable Voltage Ecigs with a 4.8 volt max. She stuck with it for a few months, smoking just 1 or 2 cigarettes a day and has now almost completely stopped vaping. I would really like her to try a Saber Touch because I had a 3.7 volt mod when I first started but I found that the 3.7 Saber Touch was a more powerful vape and the 6 volt is great for tobacco flavors. I really think a Saber Touch might be just the thing she needs to quit smoking completely. Of course the new switch is fantastic! I love that the area to fire the mod is bigger and it makes an already strikingly beautiful mod all the more beautiful. Thanks for the chance and please, take care of yourself!

John Top

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Jan 28, 2010
Amelia, OH
Per Youtube;

The larger button seems to look more complete. Sure, the smaller button was fine but to me (if I didn't know what it was/did) it cheapened the overall look of the mod. With the larger button it just adds that much more style and class to the Saber Touch.

... the reason why I'd like to have this Saber Touch is so I could pass on my VAMO and some batteries to a buddy of mine who has been smoking over a P.A.D. for nearly 20 years who was interested in e-cigs, but isn't very computer savvy.


Vape Proud
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Aug 15, 2011
Long Beach Ca
Your passion for Vaping and for providing a very unique mod to the Vaping community come across in all your videos and in the care you take in making each Saber Touch but that passion has never been so obvious as it is in this video. For you to reach out to the community about the importance of helping smokers make the switch to Ecigs and reduce the harm to themselves while you are battling cancer for the third time shows what a caring person you are. I will be praying for you and your family Sir Lawrence.

Why do I like the new style?

I really like that the sensor is larger and will fire the mod easier and it really completes the look very nicely. I would really like to win this particular Saber Touch because I like the Nickel Plated Rounded Caps and I love the look of the Black Stardust, especially when the light hits it.

Win or loose, either is ok.... I just hope you can beat the cancer, and for good this time.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2009
this is a reply to #8 post here "KraKsX"
Congrats on 4months and counting in vaping instead of smoking...

pimp stick lmao, just thought i would comment.
i have been vaping since jan 01,2009, congrats on the convert.
they call me eciglopedia or saveabutt.
here is my video of the pimpstick or better yet the saber touch max vv :)
vaping has been the best decision i have ever made towards my health.

see you around the forums...:vapor::vapor::vapor::vapor::vapor::vapor:
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Senior Member
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Feb 19, 2013
I was a 30 year smoker, and I am also surviving cancer. i was first diagnosed with non Hogkins lymphoma about 20 years ago. After that first tumor was removed , and fun chemo, i was told of the small chance in it returning. well it did. 4 times now I've had surgeries to remove tumors. the last time, and scariest was last October. i had 5 lymph nodes removed from my neck. After losing my mother 3 years ago to pancreatic cancer, and my father in law 2 years ago to the same,, i finally got the message . I've been being now for about 3 months, and have been trying to get my smoking siblings converted. I am also disabled and cannot afford most mod s out there.. if I win, it would allow me to pif my lava tube to my brother whose health is in decline, but has been unable to quit.. my heart goes out to you and your family. Stay strong! Vape on!!


Ultra Member
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Feb 3, 2012
Imperial, MO
I have subscribed after watching the video. Keep up the good fight!

As stated in my YT comments, I am excited about the new button, but really excited about the increased sensitivity! No more licking the fingers or swiping of the forehead to get consistent fires on those dry days!

I don't care if I win, but I hope you do! And we know we have a winner with the new design!

Oh, but my VVST did say he is feeling like a sibling would be nice!



Ultra Member
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Aug 23, 2011
In the Market
Loving the new button, and the whole look of this Sabre Touch! I have never used a touch sensor style mod, but with my luck (and dry skin), I would be one of those who had problems. Now if I win this one, I'll be the poster child for dry skin vapers everywhere! Thanks for the chance and good thoughts to you and yours durring your continued fight...
Already subscribed.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
Oh, Sir.

How awesome and brave of you to put out the Good Message like that. I do admire you more than I can say - and I know it can't have been easy. Lucky thing you have so many grateful fans to beam to good thoughts your way.

<--BEAM<--BEAM<--BEAM-- :) --BEAM-->BEAM-->BEAM-->

And, of course, the new button is gorgeous (though I won't enter the contest, since I'd feel like too much of a Saber Hog if I won) so I guess I'll just have to incorporate it into my next . . . maybe in red?
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