Pulled over for suspicious activity?

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2010
Police officers don't walk up to a car and execute the driver, they don't see someone in a mall and start shooting, they don't walk up to a group of bikers and blast away yet these thing happen to LEOs more and more often...I don't blame them for being suspicious of someone puffing on a device that looks like some PVs do. Kids today dress like gang members who routinely kill cops, if you want to look the part you have expect to be treated like a gang banger. You want to wear a 1%ers patch on your colors and buttons that say kill the pigs don't expect polite treatment.

There are tons of videos of people baiting cops on youtube hoping to catch a cop losing his temper, I say you want to play the game don't be upset when LEOs play back.

I have never had an unpleasant LEO encounter...even when I got a DUI the officer was exceedingly polite. I talked to him later and he explained his attitude, he said "you acted politely so I did as well".
Thanks, that was good to know!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Vaping is not a crime.jpg

I want one of these. :D
Thats another way we can get the word out there. A bumper sticker that says "Elecontronic Cigarettes saved my life" or something similar only cost a few bucks, would definitely lend credence to your explanation if stopped by a police officer and would help get the word out there.

On a related note I'd like to see some vapers form special interest groups and request personalized group license plates from states that that allow them. Never know we may actually get lucky with a few states.

For those interested you can buy the black VPR as well as vaping t-shirts and accessories here VPR Oval Sticker by stickdeez


Super Member
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Aug 30, 2010
New York
I have mods, but I don't take them out in public for exactly this reason. :( It's really ridiculous to get harassed like that. When I was enjoying a tube mod in my backyard a few months ago, my neighbor made some comments which I won't elaborate on so I don't violate any rules on the board. I think I'm going to buy one of them E-Rolls and just go back to the ciggy type ecigs. In fact, I just got verified so I can sell my tube mods and REOs on the classifieds.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2011
United States
I'm sorry, I don't feel the same respect as you. Yes, they do have a dangerous job, but they also tend to put themselves into positions to create this danger!
I've had three cops show up, beat on my garage door as I was working on a car, then invite themselves in and threaten to take me to jail for disorderly conduct in my own, attached, garage! Two of them didn't step into my garage, the one that was the problem I told to f-off. After conversing with the other officers they all opted to leave. They came on a noise complaint, there is no noise ordnance in our town and I called his bluff.
I've had more altercations with cops than I care to count, they aren't smart, they don't know the law, have no desire to learn it, are taught to NEVER answer no in any situation when questioned, and the majority are bullies with badges.
I've been told numerous times I'd get in trouble for answering my own door with a gun in my hand after a certain time even though KS falls under "castle law", but most officers don't understand "castle law". I am more familiar with gun laws in my town, county, and surrounding areas then the cops! This sickens me!
Then to have to deal with their ignorance over an e-cig? No, I vape as I want, where it's allowed and if I'm sitting at a red light, at home in the open, where ever and some ignorant cop wants to make a scene because they are ignorant of it, let it be!
I've dealt with too many ignorant LEO's over ignorance on their part! I don't play well with them! Play nice, I'm nice, but get an attitude right off the bat, you get the same in return from me! They just think they know the law, I've got nothing but time to learn it! And no, I've never been arrested, I'm sure my day will come, and I'm sure it will get overturned when the law is actually explained to them!

Yes, we have rights. Here's the thing, though. I was wild in my younger days. I was pulled over and searched multiple times. I was an obnoxious teenager, and I was not treated well, even though I was never arrested. I was afraid of cops and thought they were all jerks. I was pulled over for speeding and for looking suspicious most of the time. I also tended to have illegal things on me, though I was lucky. Only once did a search end up successful, but the cops let me go. I didn't appreciate it, though. I was still a punk. I have no idea why they let me slide.

I'd also like to point out that not all of the time did the cops have probable cause for a search. One time I was searched I was given "smell" as the reason. I had not done anything that day or in that vehicle for it to have a smell. I simply looked suspicious. If you do tell cops you do not consent to a search, it is my experience that they will call in a K9 unit. I'm not defending them; just mentioning it because sometimes knowing your rights isn't going to get you out of a time-consuming stop, especially if you are rude. If all you have is a PV, you're not going to get arrested, but you may find a lot more of your time is taken up if you are on the defensive.

I got a little older and became a boring, law-abiding citizen and have been pulled over a handful of times since then. I wasn't nervous because I knew I didn't have illegal things on my person or in my car, and I was polite because the cop was no longer my enemy. I didn't get a ticket or get searched or get treated like a scumbag on any of those occasions, even though the cops had justification to write me tickets ( seatbelt, ran a red light, seatbelt again, throwing a cigarette out my window ). All the stops took less than 5 minutes of my time.

I found that cops became much nicer when I became much nicer to them and stopped breaking the law. I don't know your situation or what your look says to cops; I just know that for me I got what I gave. That doesn't mean all cops will respond to politeness because they are just people, too. I'm sure there are some out there who just like to be a pain in the ..., and some out there are probably terrible human beings, as with anyone you encounter in life.

As for respect for cops, I have two things to say on that.

Number 1: When you need them, you will be grateful for them. You may hate cops, but if someone robs you/stabs you/breaks in, who are you going to call? (Hint - not Ghostbusters.)

Number 2: Imagine this scenario: It's late at night; you are on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere with no streetlights; you're a cop, and you see a beat-up, old car going 25 mph over the speed limit. The license plate light is out. You then have to pull them over and approach an unknown vehicle with unknown persons inside of it with no idea of who they are or if they are carrying a weapon. Scary? I think so.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
If you look at my profile, you see that I'm just as addicted to reality cop shows as I am vaping. There are some very simple rules to learn when watching these things:

1) If you haven't done anything illegal, and you have nothing illegal on you, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FEAR.
2) If you still think all cops are piggish bullies, you're woefully mistaken. Granted, if you live in Podunk Nowhere, yeah, I'm sure the locals will be.. well.. anyway, you get my drift. Sorry if you live there.
3) Politeness, honesty, and respect goes a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.
4) Get bullish with them, expect to be bullied back. "I fought the law, and the law..."
5) If you had bad experiences with the law, then I'm willing to bet you weren't on the right side.
6) They have more to fear from you than you do of them.

Anybody who holds a grudge against a cop or LEO in general probably had a bad experience with them. Step back and wonder what brought the police to that situation in the first place.

I love cops. I effing love them. I envy them, in that weird way in which I WISH I had the balls to do what they do, but I don't. Also, like the previous poster just mentioned... Hate them all you want, but when there's a dude with a gun or knife pointed at you, who do you wish would show up?

Edit: In with "Batman" before anyone else. ;-)
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
I'd also like to point out that not all of the time did the cops have probable cause for a search. One time I was searched I was given "smell" as the reason. I had not done anything that day or in that vehicle for it to have a smell. I simply looked suspicious. If you do tell cops you do not consent to a search, it is my experience that they will call in a K9 unit. I'm not defending them; just mentioning it because sometimes knowing your rights isn't going to get you out of a time-consuming stop, especially if you are rude. If all you have is a PV, you're not going to get arrested, but you may find a lot more of your time is taken up if you are on the defensive.

This EXACTLY. It will definitely be a waste of your time and the officers' time, but in the END, YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. They can't do a damn thing to you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
I had a nice Law Enforcement Officer pull up next to me when I was vaping one of my Sin City mods...


He was so interested he used his lights to indicate he wished to initiate a conversation about it with me. Not being in a hurry that day I decided to pull over to converse with the nice police officer. After demoing it for him he wished me a nice day. For some reason he was shaking his head as he stepped back to his car and I went on my merry way...

No one to blame for that one but yourself. I love Monster Energy drinks but surely the thought crossed your mind that you were asking for trouble when you bought that mod.

I probably feel much the same as you do in regards to vaping in public....loud and proud...but dont act surprised that someone pulled you over that mod especially.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 2, 2009
Yes, we have rights. Here's the thing, though. I was wild in my younger days. I was pulled over and searched multiple times. I was an obnoxious teenager, and I was not treated well, even though I was never arrested. I was afraid of cops and thought they were all jerks. I was pulled over for speeding and for looking suspicious most of the time. I also tended to have illegal things on me, though I was lucky. Only once did a search end up successful, but the cops let me go. I didn't appreciate it, though. I was still a punk. I have no idea why they let me slide.

I'd also like to point out that not all of the time did the cops have probable cause for a search. One time I was searched I was given "smell" as the reason. I had not done anything that day or in that vehicle for it to have a smell. I simply looked suspicious. If you do tell cops you do not consent to a search, it is my experience that they will call in a K9 unit. I'm not defending them; just mentioning it because sometimes knowing your rights isn't going to get you out of a time-consuming stop, especially if you are rude. If all you have is a PV, you're not going to get arrested, but you may find a lot more of your time is taken up if you are on the defensive.

I got a little older and became a boring, law-abiding citizen and have been pulled over a handful of times since then. I wasn't nervous because I knew I didn't have illegal things on my person or in my car, and I was polite because the cop was no longer my enemy. I didn't get a ticket or get searched or get treated like a scumbag on any of those occasions, even though the cops had justification to write me tickets ( seatbelt, ran a red light, seatbelt again, throwing a cigarette out my window ). All the stops took less than 5 minutes of my time.

I found that cops became much nicer when I became much nicer to them and stopped breaking the law. I don't know your situation or what your look says to cops; I just know that for me I got what I gave. That doesn't mean all cops will respond to politeness because they are just people, too. I'm sure there are some out there who just like to be a pain in the ..., and some out there are probably terrible human beings, as with anyone you encounter in life.

As for respect for cops, I have two things to say on that.

Number 1: When you need them, you will be grateful for them. You may hate cops, but if someone robs you/stabs you/breaks in, who are you going to call? (Hint - not Ghostbusters.)

Number 2: Imagine this scenario: It's late at night; you are on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere with no streetlights; you're a cop, and you see a beat-up, old car going 25 mph over the speed limit. The license plate light is out. You then have to pull them over and approach an unknown vehicle with unknown persons inside of it with no idea of who they are or if they are carrying a weapon. Scary? I think so.

For the record, I'm in my 40's, no tattoo's, no piercing's, occasionally my hair is down to my shoulders, no drug usage, no arrests and my worst conviction was an open container about 15 years ago.
I DO live in podunk, and I HAVE dealt with the mess that brings! I was stopped one night because the LEO thought the scratches on the trunk of my old car looked like I had been doing "lines" on it!
I've watched as the local yocal LEO's held a kid for three hours, blocking traffic both ways on the street I live on, doing everything in their power to find ANYTHING in his car!
I was standing outside the convince store drinking a beer with a buddy when five LEO's come in red light and siren and hold us at gun point because someone reported us as robbing said store?
I've had my car broken into, I was told there wasn't much they could do.
I've had my truck broken into, I was told there wasn't much they could do.
I've had my home broken into, I was told there wasn't much they could do.
But if my music gets to loud, I get three LEO's here to take me in for disorderly conduct.
As I am known to carry a gun when I'm pulled over I turn on the dome light and place my hands out the window. EVERY traffic stop in my town is a "felony arrest" in their minds with me. I'm used to exiting my vehicle at gun point, though it's no crime for me to do what I am doing. I live in an open carry county, and NO, I don't make it a point to press the cops on it, but it is MY RIGHT!
I treat LEO's as they treat me, no better, no worse, be nice to me, and I'm cool as a cucumber, come of with the normal attitude, you get it back. Sorry if that makes me bad, but it is what it is!
I'm on a first name basis with the police chief, known him for years, we've had good and bad days, but he's always been square with me, and I the same with him. I RESPECT him, but I can't say the same for many of his underlings!
I've lived in this town for 40 some years, back in '87 I worked for the city, I was stopped for a non working tag light. My truck, the one I was driving at the time, was parked 40 some hours a week at city hall, but I was held for over two hours while the attending LEO tried to run my tag and "check me out" through the computer system!
I've had the son of a husband wife reserve duo come at me with a pipe one night at the convince store as I was getting gas because I "supposedly" made a fist at his dad one night?
I guess I'm hardened anymore, but I've learned it does little to no good to count on them, call them or utilize them in much capacity that would benefit me at all anymore. IMO they are a bane on society looking for a way to make the innocent guilty anyway they can, because it's easier to do that then actually do what they are supposed to do.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 11, 2011
Wow sawlight. Sorry to hear all that. Very horrible.

I haven't dealt with the law too much. This past summer desperate for work, I was going door to door with flyers. One woman got very very angry about it. I was trying my best to just be nice as pie and explain "I'm poor. I'm just trying to survive, sorry if I bothered you at all" and she turns around and calls the cops. Lowest of the low. I get stopped like I'm a criminal and brought to tears, more because someone would even do that to somebody struggling. After being treated like I'm out to commit a crime the cop finally eased up on me after showing them a flyer I was handing out. Good thing that skirt had a pocket to hide my vape....

Being stopped for driving and vaping may or may not happen. Something each of us has to prepare for, especially as our mods get bigger. It may seem normal to us but it's wise to keep in mind it looks pretty suspect to others. I always have some sort of e-cigarette vaping business card with me and have practiced my spiel. I plan to over-load the cops brain with e-cigg facts so much that they must figure I'm not doing what they urrr think I am because I wouldn't be able to think clear enough in the first place for an educational seminar from my car.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Having business cards and spamming with them with info is actually a pretty cool idea.

Cops know when you're high, when you're drunk, etc. Some people are cocky (aka lucky) enough to think they can get away with it, but eventually, they're gonna get you. So, if you're boppin' along in your car, or strolling down the street, sucking on your PV, they can stop you, they can search you with probable cause (the PV). But any cop worth his badge will know you're a) not high, b) not drunk, and c) you're not carrying any drugs or weapons, etc. If you're vaping in a non-smoking area and they want to be a dbag, they could probably cite you for that, but really... I don't know, at that point. I guess you could fight it. Does a cop really want to get dragged into court at 9:00 AM to defend an ecig in a non-smoking area rap? Honestly I can't speak in facts because this is all speculation.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
I grew up in Dayton, Tennessee, in the 90's. Anybody familiar with Dayton, Tennessee?

We had the same situation. We had the same damn sheriff for almost 8 years. A lot of controversy around that guy.

So I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I had a buddy who drove a real flashy car, and one day he got pulled over and his PASSENGER had [blank] on him. This was honestly one of those situations where the driver didn't know what the passenger had in his possession. But ever since then, if he drove around town in his flashy car, sure enough, 100% of the time, he'd get pulled over. It got to the point to where his father wrote the newspaper. Trust me, that didn't help at all.

But that being said, Dayton, at that time, was a small town. The cops had nothing to do except arrest or ticket speeders, drunks, domestic violence perps, and kids smoking blank in the park. Those cops were itching for something to do.

You'd be amazed how much it has blown up exponentially in the past 12 years, though. Their PD has grown, there's a new sheriff, and it's pretty much become "updated".

But that just brings me back to my point. Unless you're in Podunk, and I'm very, very, very sorry that's where you where, cops are pretty much just like you and me.

For the record, I'm in my 40's, no tattoo's, no piercing's, occasionally my hair is down to my shoulders, no drug usage, no arrests and my worst conviction was an open container about 15 years ago.
I DO live in podunk, and I HAVE dealt with the mess that brings! I was stopped one night because the LEO thought the scratches on the trunk of my old car looked like I had been doing "lines" on it!
I've watched as the local yocal LEO's held a kid for three hours, blocking traffic both ways on the street I live on, doing everything in their power to find ANYTHING in his car!
I was standing outside the convince store drinking a beer with a buddy when five LEO's come in red light and siren and hold us at gun point because someone reported us as robbing said store?
I've had my car broken into, I was told there wasn't much they could do.
I've had my truck broken into, I was told there wasn't much they could do.
I've had my home broken into, I was told there wasn't much they could do.
But if my music gets to loud, I get three LEO's here to take me in for disorderly conduct.
As I am known to carry a gun when I'm pulled over I turn on the dome light and place my hands out the window. EVERY traffic stop in my town is a "felony arrest" in their minds with me. I'm used to exiting my vehicle at gun point, though it's no crime for me to do what I am doing. I live in an open carry county, and NO, I don't make it a point to press the cops on it, but it is MY RIGHT!
I treat LEO's as they treat me, no better, no worse, be nice to me, and I'm cool as a cucumber, come of with the normal attitude, you get it back. Sorry if that makes me bad, but it is what it is!
I'm on a first name basis with the police chief, known him for years, we've had good and bad days, but he's always been square with me, and I the same with him. I RESPECT him, but I can't say the same for many of his underlings!
I've lived in this town for 40 some years, back in '87 I worked for the city, I was stopped for a non working tag light. My truck, the one I was driving at the time, was parked 40 some hours a week at city hall, but I was held for over two hours while the attending LEO tried to run my tag and "check me out" through the computer system!
I've had the son of a husband wife reserve duo come at me with a pipe one night at the convince store as I was getting gas because I "supposedly" made a fist at his dad one night?
I guess I'm hardened anymore, but I've learned it does little to no good to count on them, call them or utilize them in much capacity that would benefit me at all anymore. IMO they are a bane on society looking for a way to make the innocent guilty anyway they can, because it's easier to do that then actually do what they are supposed to do.


ECF Moderator
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Jan 15, 2011
LOL, I know! It will be a sad day to see my purple mini and emerald green REO go bye-bye. I'm still not sure if I'm actually going to do it! :) I kind of go back and forth because they're so pretty!

I can't imagine you'd get harassed with the reo.
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