Getting pulled over and questioned

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Host, Ohm Reader Podcast
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Jul 24, 2013
Sacramento, California
Boy, howdy.

This afternoon would be the second time I've been pulled over and questioned about what I was "smoking".

The first experience, I was blowing sub-ohm clouds in my car with the windows slightly cracked. Granted, I deserved the hassled as my behavior could be seen as very suspicious. The cop (a Sacramento Sheriff) was incredibly polite after I explained what it was. Still curious, he went back to the car, called the shop I told with where acquired the device and had them confirm that it was in-fact not an illegal substance. He let me go, without so much a warning, and noted he appreciate the time I took to explain what it was.

Today, not so much.

The cop that pulled me over had jurisdiction over the small suburb outside of Sacramento where my office is and boy did he have an awful case of abuse-of-power. I was using a tank, with moderate resistance and was producing very little vapor (relative to a sub ohm mech). Despite me having a bottle of the e-liquid, he was convinced it was some illicit drug. So, he then had 'probable cause' to rummage through my car, and as expected, found nothing. So after calling it in, and thankfully, another cop shows up on the scene who knew what it was and kind of deescalated the entire situation.

So, there I sat, my taxes hard at work, watching two cops talk about what it was for 20 minutes.

Two times, zero tickets, and plenty of time wasted.

Anyone else have some less-than-fun experiences with local smokies?


Senior Member
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Jun 23, 2013
Bummer, I'm always worried about getting pulled over so I put it down when I see a copper. Though that may look more suspicious :)

Was informed by a co worker that here in MN, they are trying to ban e cigs in Hennepin County because there are devices out there for ......... and such and the police don't know the difference. So it is becoming an issue. Not sure what they're going to do about it.


Super Member
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Jun 15, 2013
I'm pretty sure my local cop shop knows what ecigs are. I've seen a few in the only B&M in town. Power hungry cops are the worst. Sorry you had to go through the hassle. When I bought my first setup the store owner warned me if I was in or around OKC there was a possibility I could get pulled over so my stuff could get tested. Made me glad when I need to go to a bigger town I go to Texas. It's great living on the Oklahoma/ Texas border.


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Aug 1, 2013
Jersey Shore
I just had a conversation with my brother about it this weekend. He's a cop. While arresting a guy (who was caught with a stolen car) he found a Twist and thought it was some drug paraphernalia. The guy explained it was an e-cig. My brother googled it on his phone.. story over. Now he thinks they're kinda cool.


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May 31, 2011
Knoxville , Tennessee USA
Kinda funny in a way . I saw on a local news channel that as far as i can remember a prison or county jail is making money selling e-cigs to prisoners / inmates . Here in Tennessee , smoking is banned completely in all state prisons and county jails .

I saw that on the news about a week ago , wish i remembered more info about it .

Knoxville, TN USA


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Aug 2, 2011
next to a corn field,IL
sorry you had that experience, my only one was at a gas station on the way to work because I had heard one of the stations over there sold the liquid and the tiny town copper was standing at the counter and asked me what I was talking about. Gave him a quick look at my 808 with a clearo on the end and brief explanation of the process of adding the liquid and walked out. NO probs


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Sounds like Folsom.
Just a guess...

Boy, howdy.

This afternoon would be the second time I've been pulled over and questioned about what I was "smoking".

The first experience, I was blowing sub-ohm clouds in my car with the windows slightly cracked. Granted, I deserved the hassled as my behavior could be seen as very suspicious. The cop (a Sacramento Sheriff) was incredibly polite after I explained what it was. Still curious, he went back to the car, called the shop I told with where acquired the device and had them confirm that it was in-fact not an illegal substance. He let me go, without so much a warning, and noted he appreciate the time I took to explain what it was.

Today, not so much.

The cop that pulled me over had jurisdiction over the small suburb outside of Sacramento where my office is and boy did he have an awful case of abuse-of-power. I was using a tank, with moderate resistance and was producing very little vapor (relative to a sub ohm mech). Despite me having a bottle of the e-liquid, he was convinced it was some illicit drug. So, he then had 'probable cause' to rummage through my car, and as expected, found nothing. So after calling it in, and thankfully, another cop shows up on the scene who knew what it was and kind of deescalated the entire situation.

So, there I sat, my taxes hard at work, watching two cops talk about what it was for 20 minutes.

Two times, zero tickets, and plenty of time wasted.

Anyone else have some less-than-fun experiences with local smokies?


Vaping Master
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Jan 24, 2012
San Antonio, Texas, United States
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Full Member
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Jul 15, 2013
New York, NY
I live in NY, I was stopped a little over a week ago, had my balls busted by a pig who searched me down to making me take off my shoes and socks on the side of the road, disrespected my wife by telling her to shut up when she tried to speak up about my e cig, he then tried to disassemble my missle mod until I had to scream at him to stop because he was going to break my device and I would be sure he spent 200$ to buy me a new one if he did damage it, he then made me take the mod apart to show him there was nothing illegal inside. Then tore through our car putting NOTHING back, we spent 10 min after putting our car back together after he of course found nothing. The cop was so angry he spent all his time ripping apart our car gave us an attitude and only then let us go.

It was a very upsetting experience I hope never happens again....


Victory to the Bold
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Apr 29, 2013
Shorewood, IL, USA
  • Deleted by Dusty_D
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Ultra Member
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Jul 1, 2013
"Probable cause" trumps a volunteered search. The problem here is that the lack of information led the officer to use "probable cause" to justify a search. It's mis-informed, but not illegal, IMO. If the OP hadn't volunteered for a search (did he?), the officer would have had to make a judgement call on "probable cause", and it appears he was intent on using it.

It's a bad judgement call, as a result of lack of training. It could have been worse.


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Boy, howdy.

This afternoon would be the second time I've been pulled over and questioned about what I was "smoking".

The first experience, I was blowing sub-ohm clouds in my car with the windows slightly cracked. Granted, I deserved the hassled as my behavior could be seen as very suspicious. The cop (a Sacramento Sheriff) was incredibly polite after I explained what it was. Still curious, he went back to the car, called the shop I told with where acquired the device and had them confirm that it was in-fact not an illegal substance. He let me go, without so much a warning, and noted he appreciate the time I took to explain what it was.

Today, not so much.

The cop that pulled me over had jurisdiction over the small suburb outside of Sacramento where my office is and boy did he have an awful case of abuse-of-power. I was using a tank, with moderate resistance and was producing very little vapor (relative to a sub ohm mech). Despite me having a bottle of the e-liquid, he was convinced it was some illicit drug. So, he then had 'probable cause' to rummage through my car, and as expected, found nothing. So after calling it in, and thankfully, another cop shows up on the scene who knew what it was and kind of deescalated the entire situation.

So, there I sat, my taxes hard at work, watching two cops talk about what it was for 20 minutes.

Two times, zero tickets, and plenty of time wasted.

Anyone else have some less-than-fun experiences with local smokies?

sounds like sacramento needs some serious intervention with regard to education/information. I carry CASAA info in my car, etc.
Sorry this happened to you, are there some vape shops and B&Ms in the area that can do a demo or something for the PD?


Victory to the Bold
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 29, 2013
Shorewood, IL, USA
I live in NY, I was stopped a little over a week ago, had my balls busted by a pig who searched me down to making me take off my shoes and socks on the side of the road, disrespected my wife by telling her to shut up when she tried to speak up about my e cig, he then tried to disassemble my missle mod until I had to scream at him to stop because he was going to break my device and I would be sure he spent 200$ to buy me a new one if he did damage it, he then made me take the mod apart to show him there was nothing illegal inside. Then tore through our car putting NOTHING back, we spent 10 min after putting our car back together after he of course found nothing. The cop was so angry he spent all his time ripping apart our car gave us an attitude and only then let us go.

It was a very upsetting experience I hope never happens again....

You were well within your rights to get the officer's name and badge number and file a formal complaint with the city. I realize that was probably not running through your mind at the time but forewarned is forearmed...

This is why I am also a strong advocate for having the same recording devices installed in POV's as are in cruisers. Protection is a two-way street.


Ultra Member
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Apr 7, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
"Probable cause" trumps a volunteered search. The problem here is that the lack of information led the officer to use "probable cause" to justify a search. It's mis-informed, but not illegal, IMO. If the OP hadn't volunteered for a search (did he?), the officer would have had to make a judgement call on "probable cause", and it appears he was intent on using it.

It's a bad judgement call, as a result of lack of training. It could have been worse.
Good to know!
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