Pulled over for suspicious activity?

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Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
I still have my window cling in the back window of my truck that says Zap Electronic Cigarettes with my cell number underneath. I think thats saved me from a lot of hassles like this.

Im not advocating going that far but a couple of vaping and electronic cigarette stickers made @ cafe press or something might go a long way.

Now that I mention it one of those round white stickers that usually say OBX or NYC would look pretty cool saying VPR


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Reminds me of some sketchy people I used to know who swore that by being a member of the FOP with the shield sticker on their car saved their butts a few times. But I doubt those stories were true.

Still, though, Zapped, that's actually not a bad idea at all.

Thats another way we can get the word out there. A bumper sticker that says "Elecontronic Cigarettes saved my life" or something similar only cost a few bucks, would definitely lend credence to your explanation if stopped by a police officer and would help get the word out there.

On a related note I'd like to see some vapers form special interest groups and request personalized group license plates from states that that allow them. Never know we may actually get lucky with a few states.

For those interested you can buy the black VPR as well as vaping t-shirts and accessories here http://www.cafepress.com/mf/24071708/vpr-oval_sticker
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Zapped. You're a frickin' genius.

"Electronic Cigarettes Saved My Life" bumper stickers and T-shirts. I'm not looking at $ signs here, I'm looking at "No Jesus, No Peace, Know Jesus, Know Peace" kinda proselytizing.

I like the idea, Zapped. I like it a lot.

May I do this with your permission? I mean, it's your idea. But I want to do this.


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Nov 11, 2012
But to avoid being pulled over and being late for work - I think I can stay away from vaping at a 20 second red light - wouldn't you all agree ?

Screw that noise... I know they have the whole "probable cause" clause at their disposal but their combination of ignorance and lack-of-training doesn't warrant you being pulled over and be made late for work by 20 min. I'm no militant vaper, but I find myself trying to vape when officers are within view... I don't care if they question me about it as long as it's done so respectfully - gotta bring 'em to our side.


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Zapped. You're a frickin' genius.

"Electronic Cigarettes Saved My Life" bumper stickers and T-shirts. I'm not looking at $ signs here, I'm looking at "No Jesus, No Peace, Know Jesus, Know Peace" kinda proselytizing.

I like the idea, Zapped. I like it a lot.

May I do this with your permission? I mean, it's your idea. But I want to do this.

By all means man! If you make enough send me a t-shirt or a bumper sticker and Im all good :)

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
the problem with big battery mods is there are in circulation PV's designed for solid materials. I guess somewhere someone wanted to vape on tobacco leaves or something. The cops know these exist. probable cause is sketchy on this, a cop not knowing what you are holding is NOT cause to pull you. He must have reasonable, articulable suspicion of a CRIME. In the case of your PV , he had that(imho) because he thought you mave have had "something else" in your PV because such a setup does exist. Though i would think it to be simple as showing him your juice and proving that it is not "something else." Almost every cop has in their car, or easy access to test kits you can happily pour some juice into and prove to them it not what they think it to be. I have been pulled and offered to do this and they very quickly say, "nah that's ok i believe you." Could be because i know most of them on a first name basis, or because its fairly obvious.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Cops are living, breathing, walking lie detectors. They get lied to all day, every day. They can smell it on people. So when they do come across someone such as J.R. Bob Dobs, who is not only willing to go along with an investigation, but volunteers their juice for kit testing, I think they know they're dealing with an honest, law-abiding citizen.


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Jan 7, 2012
north central Indiana
I had a nice Law Enforcement Officer pull up next to me when I was vaping one of my Sin City mods...


He was so interested he used his lights to indicate he wished to initiate a conversation about it with me. Not being in a hurry that day I decided to pull over to converse with the nice police officer. After demoing it for him he wished me a nice day. For some reason he was shaking his head as he stepped back to his car and I went on my merry way...


Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
Cops are living, breathing, walking lie detectors. They get lied to all day, every day. They can smell it on people. So when they do come across someone such as J.R. Bob Dobs, who is not only willing to go along with an investigation, but volunteers their juice for kit testing, I think they know they're dealing with an honest, law-abiding citizen.

There's an awful lot of assumptions in this post! It's been my general feeling when dealing with LEO's I've never dealt with before that I AM guilty of something, and it's MY job to convince them otherwise!
Remember, assumption is the mother of all f-ups!


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Feb 2, 2010
It's one thing to take the time to explain to an officer who is interested....but it's a whole other story when you're explaining what youre doing to avoid being escorted to the police station. These guys were itching to catch me in a lie and didn't believe a word I Said.

You would think the juice that said 24mg nicotine and the ego batteries and other things would help lend to my cause but it didn't. It came down to them asking me the same questions over and over again to see if my story stayed straight.

Because no matter how crazy or stupid your story is - if it's the truth - it won't change no matter how many times you tell it.

Then after they started to believe me they were cool as hell so I wouldn't call it harassment or intimidation - but it also wasn't just a "hey what is that?" type of convo.

I could have been much ruder and I could have made them look stupid but what would that have done I thought to myself ? I'd be even later for work bc I'd be at the police station and even though I'd be released with no charges - id be wasting even more time out of out my day

Not worth it

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
There's an awful lot of assumptions in this post! It's been my general feeling when dealing with LEO's I've never dealt with before that I AM guilty of something, and it's MY job to convince them otherwise!
Remember, assumption is the mother of all f-ups!

Yes, there may be, but the gist of it is: if you aren't breaking any laws, and you're not doing anything illegal, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You don't have to convince them of anything. You just simply state what it is your doing (vaping), show them your gear, and then let them proceed how they deem fit.

NOW, if they confiscate, break, or otherwise take my PV or my juices from me, then yes, I would challenge that. But not at the moment, and going through proper channels.

I don't understand why so many people think all cops are respect ma authoritah bullies when axes to grind or chips on their shoulder. Every police encounter I've ever had, they were all respectful and polite. They were doing their jobs, and sometimes they have to exert a little authority, but it's all about respect.

There are bad cops, but the good cops outnumber the bad by a hefty margin. I'm sorry if you've had bad encounters with LEO's in the past. But don't let a few bad apples ruin the whole batch.


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Aug 14, 2012
You have to keep in mind how you appear to LEOs when they pull you over. I know, book, cover, etc, and you don't want to be judged by your appearance but you are. Let me put it this way:

I've been to vape meets and I've watched the streaming shows and the youtube videos. A lot of vapers are former smokers. A lot of smokers who get into vaping as a lifestyle choice have made other alternative lifestyle choices, tattoos, piercings, etc. These things (esp in my region) are associated with a "certain demographic" of people. If you're polite and respectful and not breaking the law, LEOs, on the whole, will get over your appearance and give you a listen. If you assume that they are going to "bust" you for whatever and take the offensive with them, they will be less inclined to listen.

I've got tattoos and I used to have piercings. I have been approached by LEOs, and met with them, etc, in a work environment where I wear long sleeved button-down shirts and look like a plain ol' computer technician. I still get a little jumpy (for reasons explained in the next paragraph) but they don't say boo to me, and I usually have my twist/vivi mini (decorated with pink flowers <3) sitting on my desk.

I have also been in situations with LEOs while wearing my... outside of work clothes, usually jeans and a tank top, sometimes something a little edgier, with my tattoos (forarms, back, etc.) showing, my hair dyed funny colors, and piercings sticking out of my face. I was stopped on campus of my uni one year because "my bag looked heavy" and I was searched for alcohol. I had my car searched coming home from a party. I don't do anything illegal. They didn't smell anything, I wasn't swerving or stumbling. I never have more than A drink and drive and I'm of age. But I fit a "certain demographic" and I understand that.

It just is.

(Edit: I don't agree with profiling. But I live in MS and it... really, it just IS around here. I can talk about how wrong it is all day and it wouldn't change it. So I make sure to show my nicest self rather than my ... when I interact with LEOs, so that they realize I'm not some hoodlum just because I have tattoos.)
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Ultra Member
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Jan 7, 2012
north central Indiana
Police officers don't walk up to a car and execute the driver, they don't see someone in a mall and start shooting, they don't walk up to a group of bikers and blast away yet these thing happen to LEOs more and more often...I don't blame them for being suspicious of someone puffing on a device that looks like some PVs do. Kids today dress like gang members who routinely kill cops, if you want to look the part you have expect to be treated like a gang banger. You want to wear a 1%ers patch on your colors and buttons that say kill the pigs don't expect polite treatment.

There are tons of videos of people baiting cops on youtube hoping to catch a cop losing his temper, I say you want to play the game don't be upset when LEOs play back.

I have never had an unpleasant LEO encounter...even when I got a DUI the officer was exceedingly polite. I talked to him later and he explained his attitude, he said "you acted politely so I did as well".

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
They aren't lie dectectors so much as they just treat everyone as a liar and a criminal...... if you aren't one of them you are suspect.....

Don't much like them any more........
first off let me say an experienced cop is in fact a rather good lie detector. But let me also clue you in to the fact that everybasic police/ sheriff/trooper academy in the U.S. will include at least 5 hours worth of classes covering human behavior and lie detection. There are some very basic principles of how your body works when you have something to hide or you are lying. Eye movements, body posture and on other cases tone of voice.

(this part is meant for everyone)
Beyond that i will say this, even if you are pulled over for speeding or grand theft auto you still have rights. Cops can and will bait you into volunteering information, they are trained to. When a cop pulls you over no matter what he says to you(unless its a felony type stop and you are at gunpoint) always always always ask him why he stopped you. things like, you look suspicious, or i thought i smelled or thought i saw x y or z are not usually crimes. He must have articulable suspicion of a crime. he cannot have a hunch, or a guess. But he he pulls you for a hunch and gets you to volunteer that you have contraband stashed in your underwear your screwed. This is all of course kind of a grey area if he pulls you for a licence plate light being burnt out during the day and when you roll down your window he smells something. He then has probable cause, sort of. if you have a leaf shaped air freshener hanging from your rear view and you are playing bob marley music you could be in for a long drawn out stop. But even then you still have rights against search and seizure.

the best and easiest thing is for you(anyone reading this) to know your rights and not give them away easily. This is not the greatest example but go on youtube and look at some of the videos for open carry. Some of these guy are doing this and looking for a encounter with the cops and alot of them are just douchebags to the cops and the whole thing takes longer than it need be but...almost every one of them knows their rights and exercises them within the law. Knowing the law will not prevent you from being arrested if you do something stupid. But knowing the law will prevent you from being harassed more than is necessary.

also i do not hide my PV's in front of cops. if you act like your hiding something its not a long stretch for them to pull you over. Though its funny, i got pulled not long ago and he saw my pv sitting in the cupholder and sad "what is that?" I told him what it was and he replied "what is in it?" I told him it was unicorn blood..hto which he said..."oook have a nice day sir."
vape on folks!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
If we had a society that wasn't based on controlling everybody else's personal behavior then LEO's would have an easier job and there would be less crime. Unfortunately we have a society where controlling other people's very thoughts is one of the primary function of government.

That's getting a little bit too far into Tinfoil Hat territory for me, but, c'est la vie.

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
That's getting a little bit too far into Tinfoil Hat territory for me, but, c'est la vie.
i would almost agree with you rocket, however with the fact of how monitored society is with cameras and whatnot. It greatly pains me sometimes to see one persons rights stomped on because someone else does not like that persons behavior, even if that behavior was within the persons rights and valid under the law. Government does absolutely have a large hand in controlling the populous and it's behavior through laws and regulation. Every day the FDA decides what is safe and not safe for us to consume, no matter our opinion. The whole looming possibility of a ecig ban dots the forums every day. if in fact that ban happens they would be controlling our behavior, because a large portion of us would go back to giving ourselves cancer and supporting BT and BP. oddly enough BT and BP are responsible for the majority of the FDA's income. Does it still seem tinfoil hat territory to think that large corporations losing hundreds of thousands a day in revenue would not want the government to step in and regulate out behavior?
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