Pulled over for suspicious activity?

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Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
Some cops are just bad news. 5 Years ago we(my family and I) moved back to the small town where I grew up. I was a BAD teen and had no bad dealings with the cops in this town growing up. They caught us but treated us decent each time even if we did get a ticket or get arrested. The 1st summer we lived back here I spent the better part of the summer dealing with the new cops who I never met before. They were constantly rude to me from the get go before I even had a chance to speak to them. I have no tattoos and no piercings. What I do have is a son who has long hair and rides a skate board. The worst incident was the day the chief of police brought my 7 yr old son home from the creek 1 block away from our house to let me know he was playing at the creek with 7 other neighborhood kids and he (the chief) could hear a kid (maybe not even my son) cussing. My son was traumatized and ran and hid behind the sofa in tears until the cops left. My son was so upset that I called and asked them to come back to my house and leave my son on a better note. He had gotten lost in the mall the year before and found a security guard to get help. I didn't need my 7 year old to think cops were bad, mean or just unhelpful in the future. They came back and I politely let them know that I was upset that they even got involved and one of the officers actually said to me WELL WE HAD TO LET YOU KNOW HE WAS SWEARING! They were acting like I was a bad parent because I thought this was all going too far. Long story short that chief and his super side kick were both let go and our town is back to normal. I haven't heard a word from a cop since. I went from daily issues regarding my oldest son and his skate board to never hearing a word in the next 4 years. Are some cops on a power trip? You bet they are.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Sep 11, 2011
Thats another way we can get the word out there. A bumper sticker that says "Elecontronic Cigarettes saved my life" or something similar only cost a few bucks, would definitely lend credence to your explanation if stopped by a police officer and would help get the word out there.

On a related note I'd like to see some vapers form special interest groups and request personalized group license plates from states that that allow them. Never know we may actually get lucky with a few states.

For those interested you can buy the black VPR as well as vaping t-shirts and accessories here VPR Oval Sticker by stickdeez

I am in LOVE with this idea. Unsure how "reputable" this company is, just Googled and found them however I think this particular design would be perfect(or ironic depending how you look at it) to the "Saved My Life" cause Customize this White/Clear Sticker about heart, flatline, clear, beat


Ultra Member
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Jan 22, 2012

These LEOs are the ones working AGAINST all of us. Innocent until proven guilty has long been just a saying, not a practice. Just be yourself, screw the police, and take responsibility for yourself. You have power, you have dignity, you have a life that you create and you alone control.

Once again, ACAB.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2013
Lexington USA
In new jersey - I got out of bed and looked out my window to take in and anticipate another crappy 30 degree day with a good amount of wind to keep ur fingers close to falling off - I showered and got ready for work. All was normal today - same as yesterday and it will be the same tomorrow. But one thing did change...on route 46 (fellow jersey guys /girls will know of it) in Fairfield I was at a light - vaping the life out of my lambo mini on 36mg DIY menthol listening to Howard stern .

To the right of me and behind me are 2 cops - I immediately check to see if I have my seatbelt on due to instinct and I say to myself (nice, you have the seatbelt on) and I take a vape while ignoring the surroundings.

Within 30 seconds both cop car cherries are on and I'm being pulled over . Without even asking me for a license and registration he asks me if I enjoy smoking (delete reference) in front of cops ??!!!

I laughed due to nervousness and how outrageous that question was !! I thought I was being tricked. And then I realized I had the lambo In my hand and from their perspective it was not a cigarette so it had to be something else right ? Because assumptions are always correct :) insert sarcasm here .

So luckily I had juice and an ego battery with me so I could explain to them it was a nicotine delivery vaporizer. One was talking to me from the driver side while the other was in the passenger side window. They weren't buying it at first - they were rude and thought I was trying to get out of something that was a very big crime in their eyes - well in my eyes too - smoking while driving!! Lol

After the explanation and the show and tell they told me they've seen blue cigs but nothing like this. :).

Just wanted to share my story - after all that BS I was 20 min late for work and wanted to share on ECF as soon as I could.

Anyone else have a similar experience ?

I learned a lesson - you can vape in your car but don't vape a red light or in front of a cop - because as with everything in life - the unknown scares others... So he had no reason to think it was nicotine because he never saw a device like that before - they were just doing their job. But to avoid being pulled over and being late for work - I think I can stay away from vaping at a 20 second red light - wouldn't you all agree ? :)

Here is what they saw View attachment 175237

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I haven't had that happen yet but I am a little worried that I might look like I'm smoking something else when I'm stopped at a traffic light.
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ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2011
United States

These LEOs are the ones working AGAINST all of us. Innocent until proven guilty has long been just a saying, not a practice. Just be yourself, screw the police, and take responsibility for yourself. You have power, you have dignity, you have a life that you create and you alone control.

Once again, ACAB.

I had to google ACAB. Seriously? :facepalm:


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Nov 2, 2009
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