How long does it typically take to mellow out tobacco flavors?

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Apr 24, 2012
Orange Park, FL
I ordered a bunch of BWB's juices (13) and enjoyed 5 of them. I know you've gotta steep BWB's tobacco juices for them to get the best flavor, but I'm wondering how long it typically takes for them to mellow out? The overwhelming flavor I got from all the tobacco based juices is that of a cologne or musk. It's almost like I'm standing next to someone who bathed in musk and can taste it because it's so strong. I can taste the undertones in all the juices, but it's just a super strong cologne flavor that's keeping me from being able to enjoy them.

Any tips on getting that flavor to mellow out and let the tobacco come through? Or how long I should be waiting before I vape these again?

On a side note, the Malty Toffee is amazing. :D Went to the library and came back to the house to it's warm smell in the air. Stuff lingers. Peach isn't half bad, either.
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Dec 6, 2011
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Some people will leave their bottles uncapped for a day or two and let them "breathe." This allows for the perfume/musk to evaporate, as well as any residual alcohol that may be used as a carrier for some flavors.

I do it a little differently myself. I take new bottles and squeeze the old air out and allow new air to enter the bottle. I do this a few times in the first week, and that typically takes care of that.

As far as steeping time, tobacco juices take the longest to mature. Most are good after a week or two, but some can take as long as 2 months to reach full maturity.

I like to fill a carto as soon as I receive a juice, and taste it as it matures. Juice can steep in a carto just as well as it can in the bottle.
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Jul 21, 2011
The steeping time is different for every person and every juice to be honest. I personally like to give tobacco flavors a minimum of 2 weeks to steep after receiving them in the mail. (that is not with the cap open)

However, every juice is different, and some tobacco tastes I sometimes like from the start... they are just radically different from flavor to flavor.


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Apr 24, 2012
Orange Park, FL
You read my mind, I was going to ask about steeping inside of a carto. I got an order of 25 cartos from SureVapes today and filled up 13 of them. Kitchen table looked like a laboratory. If they'll steep while the juice is in a carto then I'll take all the caps off for a couple days, and keep tasting the cartos every few days.

Thanks for the help ya'll. Gonna be patient with these.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
You read my mind, I was going to ask about steeping inside of a carto. I got an order of 25 cartos from SureVapes today and filled up 13 of them. Kitchen table looked like a laboratory. If they'll steep while the juice is in a carto then I'll take all the caps off for a couple days, and keep tasting the cartos every few days.

Thanks for the help ya'll. Gonna be patient with these.

The only thing to pay attention to when filling cartos with brand new juice is to SHAKE the bottle vigorously before filling the carto to evenly disperse the flavorings and the pg/vg/nic.
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Apr 24, 2012
Orange Park, FL
So far it's mellowed out quite a bit. Still tastes strong, but the shaking and airing out has definitely helped. Still patiently waiting. :D

Edit: Did a hot water steep on them, twice, and now the cologne flavor has disappeared in a few of the bottles, and they've come to life a little more. So far I'm really digging the Melonbacko, 555 Exotic, Peach, Cola, and Root Beer.

The Honey Flue and Honey Flue Nut, along with the 555 all had the taste still, so they're gonna take some more time. So far, so good, though.
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Apr 24, 2012
Orange Park, FL
All said and done, I'm stoked about 5 of the flavors I ordered. I traded off the Honey Flue, Honey Flue Nut, 555, 555 Exotic, Casablanca, Malty Toffee, Root Beer and Cola.

The 555's and Honey Flues just weren't my style. I guess I don't like a nutty vape as much as I thought I did. Worth a try, though. The flavors were crisp and clean, just didn't sit well with me.

I never could get into the Casablanca. I may order another bottle one day just to let it sit for a month, then try again. I'd tried it because I heard it had a cocoa flavor to it, but all I got was peppery.

I do regret trading off the Malty Toffee. The lack of throat hit is what made me do it, but the flavor is really, really good. :D If only it came in a 30/70 I'd be stoked. I'm thinking I should have kept it to sweeten up a tobacco juice I just figured out I liked.

As far as the other 5 that I did like went, they are Maple Tobacco, Melonbacko, Applewood, Cherry Tobacco, and Peach. The peach is yummy. The other tobaccos are subtle, but have just enough flavor to let you know what you're vaping. I'll definitely be ordering 30ml-60ml bottles to keep them on hand.

I'm stoked about the experience. I'm usually a '1 in 5 flavors are good' kinda guy, so this worked out fairly well.

Thank you BWB! :)
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