My thoughts on 1st BWB order, malty toffee, casa, applewood, and more

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Mar 30, 2011
Not so weird...It happens to all of us...I go back & forth from Casa & 555...with some fruity ones in between that in the chorse of a day

Vaped casa all morning... flavor just died out on me 20 minutes ago... too bad : (

Oh well, 15 minutes until quitting time and then I'll change flavors


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Jan 26, 2011
Conroe, TX
Agreed. I love mt 1st thing in the morning, but by midday I can't taste it anymore and need a stronger flavor. I absolutely adore my new blueberry, but it's such a light vape, so i'm alternating it with espresso. Ejoker totally rocks, but for some reason, I only like it in the evening. As for saving special flavors until they're fully steeped-i think the key is having sooooo many choices that you can keep away from it. My ry4 is tucked away on a shelf til late July and I've got 14 other flavors to keep me busy. Something about the devil and idle hands....:)


Full Member
May 26, 2011
something I noticed today, the flavor on my echo-e carto of dulce got a little weird, almost burnt tasting, like when you burn a normal carto, except echo-e's in my limited experience, typically have a different flavor when they get low (don't know how to describe it, maybe chalky, but not burnt). So I went to refill, and I noticed the bottle had changed, bunch of white sediment floating on the bottom, so I shook it up, looked OK. When I dripped into the carto, I noticed it was dripping into the filler kind of slow, and saw what looked like a 'precipitate' or 'scum' coating the top of the filler. I grabbed a toothpick, and scraped some of it off, clear/whitish solids. It tasted kind of like the dulce, but salty too.

Haven't experienced this with any of my other liquids, and I'm wondering what could have happened. I figure this stuff built up in the carto as the liquid was vaped away, and then when it got low and started to get heated more, it gave off that funny flavor. It was only my 1st refill, and what's odd is that it was in the bottle too.

I've been shaking the bottle once a day at least, haven't left the top off, haven't left it exposed to light, kind of odd. What do you guys think?

I love this dulce, but this is kind of bugging me, it's at least going to clog the carto eventually, and I have a feeling it shouldn't really be doing this. The precipitate wasn't present at ALL until today, ie, I wasn't just missing it before because it was mixed up.

Any ideas?


Full Member
May 26, 2011
it's not HV, and it's not just in the carto, it's in the bottle itself. Like right now I looked at it, and there's a bunch sitting at the bottom of the bottle. It hasn't been exposed to light or heat either, and none of the other bottles look like it. If I had to guess, one of the ingredients is separating out, why that's happening I have no idea. I use a clean syringe, all that's been introduced to the bottle is oxygen, as the bottle got slowly emptied, air replaced the liquid, maybe it's a bad batch, or just a fluke, dunno.

Wanted to make sure nobody else had ever had this happen with their dulce. Basically it just looks white/cloudy at the bottom, solids that have settled.

I'll send an email to don and ask, because I love this vape, and the flavor just isn't right, I tried shaking it up, and the flavor seems "OK" but then it gets bad quickly. That's sort of weird huh...


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Jan 4, 2011
Great reviews, can't wait for my 1st order to arrive! I had a cart all ready for the Canadian shipping to be back up, but when it finally was, GASP - Hunter's out of stock. Turned out to be a good thing, I would have missed the new flavors lol

Here's what I got:
Hunter's Blend
555 exotic
Menthol Tobacco - medium

all 18mg. Gonna let 'em steep, but not before tasting each one!


Full Member
May 26, 2011
update on the dulce, dons shipping out a new one to swap the old out. Curious to see what happened.

Loving RY4 mixed with a tiny bit of snickerdoodle, it's just enough to lighten up the nicotine and tobacco hit, blends very nice, probably similar to folks blending it with vanilla. Probably would blend well with dulce too. Mind you I'm not a big tobacco fan, for those that are, I'd leave this one as is. Very smooth, very.
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