General Wasn't-a-Smoker-Before-Vaping Discussion Thread

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2011
Interesting thread. Would consider myself a non smoker despite having smoked for ten years.

-Have you ever smoked an analog before? Done hookah? Other?

Smoked for 10 years 2-3PAD. Quit cold turkey with Allen Carr's book one and a half years ago.
Was smoking (very little) while drinking (not very often) and thought vaping 0mg was the perfect alternative. Have smoked hookah and loved cigars but have not smoked one since.

-What juices and nic levels do you prefer?

Dekang RY4 0mg is my fav although I have tried and out of six flavors I only didn't like one. Unflavoured pg is also good. I don't use nicotine because I have no use for it.

-How does your family or friend group react to your vaping? Do they know? Care?

Didn't tell my non smoking family. My wife who is in same boat as me and she enjoys it.

-How often do you vape?

When I'm with smokers whenever they smoke. When I drink I vape continuously. Normally I don't vape that often but I love to while in bed watching movies.

-Do you vape in front of kids (yours or otherwise)?

I won't vape in front of my kids at my home. When I'm with friends with kids I won't vape unless they're smokers but I will vape with other smokers if my children are present.

-Why did you start vaping?

Because I enjoy the non cigarette aspects of smoking, such as taking short breaks at work, going outside for a smoke and I enjoy inhaling and exhaling 'smoke'. Also I love having something in my hand.

The most annoying thing is people assuming that I got it to quit smoking and that I'm addicted to it. I personally use a joye ego 900mah. I ordered because the size is almost cigar like and the huge battery is great because I only have to charge it once every few days and if I know I'll want it later I'll just charge it up.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2011
Austin, TX
hey! Just an update on another non-smoker turned vaper, from a different perspective

since I started vaping in April, I've purchased
1 ego battery
4 cisco LR atomizers
maybe $40 worth of juice, most of it 100% VG.
(plus received some gifts from buddies!)

So in total I've spent under $100 and I happily vape 0mg nic for an hour or so most days to experience all the different flavors. It's fun, I've had no side effects, and the few times I've tried anything higher than a few mg nic I can't do more than a puff- the throat hit is too strong and I don't find it pleasant in any way. It's a neat hobby and complements my other hobbies nicely. I'm fortunate not to have any medical reasons- I started just because I thought it'd be interesting and fun, and it is. Proof that it's possible to use this thing and not get addicted in any way- I wish it could be looked at in different ways other than just an analog replacement / nicotine deliverer- then it would be more likely to stay in the market!

Anyway, just wanted to share another MO, as there are many reasons to vape! Vape on!


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2010
-Have you ever smoked an analog before? Done hookah? Other?
I was an occasional premium cigar smoker ($5-$15 cigars no gas station junk) and pipe smoker.

-Do you like "throat hit", as a non-smoker?
It was never a big deal.

-What juices and nic levels do you prefer?
I started high and now am 0 or 6mg only. I just had a 12mg the other day and it knocked me on my feet. Best juice out there is from actual extracted tobacco (vaperite, want2vape, and prime vaping natural tobacco line)

-What set-up do you think is perfect for a non-smoker, in terms of hardware?
Anything that doesn't look like a cigarette because most of that is crap and you're overpaying for the look rather than performance.

-How does your family or friend group react to your vaping? Do they know? Care?
Wife hates it but knows it helps me relax so she tolerates it. Others don't care too much.

-How often do you vape?
Usually nightly for a couple hours while I'm winding down the day.

-Have you actually gotten addicted to nicotine, if you vape nic juices?
I've had too much nicotine from smoking strong cigars too fast. That's a terrible feeling. In all ways I avoid getting addicted so 0 nic now.

-Do you vape in front of kids (yours or otherwise)?
I don't have any and don't think I would anyway.

-Why did you start vaping?
Wife hated that I smoked cigars. She didn't like what I was putting in my body so I compromised by vaping. At 0 nic she's feels better about it but still hates it


Super Member
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Sep 25, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
Hi All, hope you don't feel I'm intruding as I don't fall into this category, but I find it really interesting because I have asked and wondered about it before. I'm all over the board myself...vaping, smoking, even snus in an effort to avoid cigs completely, but so far have failed pretty sadly! LOL! Just trying to abide as a friend suggested...every cigarette I don't smoke is a personal victory, I like that logic! I've already been smoking waaaay too long, so not expecting miracles, but it was really starting to catch up with me and had to do something! I love vaping though, and I don't know why exactly the stupid cigs won't leave me alone, but my best guess is the whole tobacco alkaloids thing. Most don't miss them at all, but some of us do. Thank goodness for this forum, I thought it was just me.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading each of your reasons for taking up vaping and find it so cool the range of interest and involvement on so many different levels. Typically most people think of it as a "stop smoking aid", but most people I know had other reasons initially. Though health concern is undoubtedly # 1, curiosity is probably #2, followed by a toss up between cutting costs and having another way of indulging where you can't smoke. You take it from there! (And you have!) I just think it is such a cool thing over-all and was wondering if any non-smokers would be curious enough to give it a try. Now I know!
I have a friend who is an ex-smoker I want to send here. She's expressed interest but is so afraid of "getting hooked" again after working so hard to quit 5 years ago, though she loves the idea of finally having an outlet for the whole hand to mouth, fidgety aspects she still fights with, the flavor range, DIY mixing, etc. My take is she can indulge herself at 0 nic, no problem! Hardly anyone quits because they don't like smoking, most quit for health reasons, vaping satisfies both and then some! All the flavors! Cool equipment...what's not to love? LOL. I do think it is kind of humorous that the "powers that be" are trying to peg our PV's as being geared to attract children! Most adults have issues getting their PV to work properly and maintain them...imagine a child trying? Or trying to afford it? Yeah. I abhor the way they prey on public sympathy by using the most vulnerable imagery they can think of to alert the "sheeple" to their cause. So phoney! If they really gave a s**t why not just ban smoking, period? Ha ha, not when Big Pharma and Big Tobbaccy have such high stakes in it, to stroke and placate the FDA! The irony is, if and when everyone quits smoking like they supposedly want, what will happen to all the programs those taxes relied on? How stupid is THAT?! And damn, can I ramble!!! LOL!
Stillalive, I find it really interesting that you started vaping for medical benefits! I have always said my nicotine helps me cope with a lot of issues so I am glad to see someone else say the same. Would you mind if I PM you, I have a few questions?
Sorry for the ramble, and good luck to all of you! Vaping isn't exclusive territory, whoever wants to can, for any reason or no reason, Vape on!
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Full Member
Dec 16, 2011
Sandy, UT
So glad to have found this thread. I haven't started vaping yet, but want to. I've actually picked out everything I want, but am having a hard time justifying the price (I'm currently not working, so I'm trying to be frugal). I'm about a pack a year smoker. Love that someone mentioned it potentially curbing nail biting. I chew on my nails and the skin around them like crazy. About once a year I get super stressed over something and pick up a pack and smoke them. I'm hoping that maybe I can get the same effect with the zero nicotine juices.


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2011
So glad to have found this thread. I haven't started vaping yet, but want to. I've actually picked out everything I want, but am having a hard time justifying the price (I'm currently not working, so I'm trying to be frugal). I'm about a pack a year smoker. Love that someone mentioned it potentially curbing nail biting. I chew on my nails and the skin around them like crazy. About once a year I get super stressed over something and pick up a pack and smoke them. I'm hoping that maybe I can get the same effect with the zero nicotine juices.

For smokers the mechanism for "relieving" stress is that it for fills their bodies nicotine 'craving'. For a non smoker this is not the case. You are likely having a placebo effect based on your preconceived notion that smoking relieves stress.

Running Wolf

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2011
North East Ohio
Interesting thread :)

I have a few friends that don't/haven't smoked. Know one friend of mine and his g/f I have been talking to about the flavors with vaping. I should be getting some DIY juice stuff the beginning of the week (mailman stalking)....

So I am interested in what ya'll might say about nicotine levels in what you vape. And your PG/VG ratios. What does someone who wasn't addicted to analogs look for in a juice?

My buddy's g/f is diabetic so nicotine would be out of the question for her. Maybe no sweeteners in the juice or would they be in so small of a quantity that it wouldn't effect her blood sugar? Might be an option... "I feel like something sweet" and not having it spike her blood sugar.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
For smokers the mechanism for "relieving" stress is that it for fills their bodies nicotine 'craving'. For a non smoker this is not the case. You are likely having a placebo effect based on your preconceived notion that smoking relieves stress.
I smoked on average around 5 cigarettes per day for 27 years.
And I was never addicted to nicotine, nor am I addicted to nicotine now.

But smoking cigaerttes ALWAYS relieved my stress, and it was no placebo effect.

Smoking gave me a chance to escape from the world for 10 minute increments whenever I wanted.
It gave me a chance to sit down and gather my thoughts and think through problems.
It gave me a reason to gracefully exit uncomfortable social situations.

It gave me a chance to relax, do something with my hands, and watch the smoke for awhile.
And I NEVER would have stopped smoking, no matter what, because I needed those things.

And though I tried many things through the years, I could never get those things from anything other than smoking.


Full Member
Nov 14, 2011
United States
-Have you ever smoked an analog before? Done hookah? Other?

Analogs for 3 years. Pipes as a hobby. Hookah still do, and often. And the occasional cigar.
-Do you like "throat hit", as a non-smoker?

Don't mind. Kinda gives me a sense of actual smoking.
-What juices and nic levels do you prefer?

Still searching for the "it" flavor. Caramel Spanish Gold is great. 12mg is my preferred nicotine strength.
-What set-up do you think is perfect for a non-smoker, in terms of hardware?

Anything 3.7v. I'm receiving a 3.7v box mod, with 1.7ohm resurrectors.
-How does your family or friend group react to your vaping? Do they know? Care?

Parents don't know. Girlfriend, sister, and friends all supportive.
-How often do you vape?

Everyday, really sporadic throughout the day though. Pretty much whenever I feel.
-Have you actually gotten addicted to nicotine, if you vape nic juices?

Well I was, and still am.
-Do you vape in front of kids (yours or otherwise)?

Don't have any..yet.
-Why did you start vaping?

To be free of analogs!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
I have an annoying habit of picking at the skin around my fingers / cuticles. I've done it for at least 28 years. I've tried to stop many times and have never been able to. But I decided a couple of days ago to give it another go, and haven't been picking! It can't have to do with nicotine as I haven't smoked practically any nicotine in the past week or so, so maybe it's just the vaping (though I haven't vaped for the past 2 days- maybe it's just knowing I have some alternative?). <3 this thread!

This is interesting. I have the same habit (picking and biting the skin), especially in the car and while using the computer in the evening. It can get pretty bad, with both sides of my thumbs and a finger here and there having scabs. Since vaping, it as drastically reduced. Still do it, but so much less. Maybe I should start making it a point to pick up the PV when I notice I do it.

I don't exactly belong in this thread, but support it. As has been said, not vaping is better than vaping, but I'm certainly not in any place to judge someone who starts.

I was a regular smoker for a few years (10-15 cigs/day), then an occasional smoker (1-2 cigarillos / week) for another six or seven years. I recently got a new job with added stress and noticed myself increasing the cigarillos to once per day and took up vaping to replace that. I've been vaping 1-2ml 12mg /day since picking it up over a month ago, but do plan to eventually decrease it when the novelty wears off (does the novelty wear off? lol)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 25, 2011
Omaha, NE
I think I started a thread asking about non-smoker vaping and its been what 7 months and I have been on and off vaping since.
The truth is, I have no addiction, I dont have crave even when I am stressed out, I have no crave. Vaping is just a little nice touch during the evening when I am enjoying games or movies seems like.
It's like saying driving alcohol will make you an alcoholic.
So glad I found this thread! When I purchased my PV, the look the guy gave me when I tried to explain I don't smoke was PRICELESS. Here we go...
-Have you ever smoked an analog before? Done hookah? Other? Yes, I smoked sporadically in college. Maybe 1-2 cigs a week.
-Do you like "throat hit", as a non-smoker? I do like a good throat hit.
-What juices and nic levels do you prefer? I prefer fruity/sweet flavors, but my favorite is a strong menthol. I use 0-24 mg juices.
-What set-up do you think is perfect for a non-smoker, in terms of hardware? I am a beginner, but I am really enjoying my eGo.
-How does your family or friend group react to your vaping? Do they know? Care? My husband knows, does not care. I use it as stress relief, and it does not smell, so he is fine with it.
-How often do you vape? I vape in the morning, when I can at work, and all night long after I get home from work :)
-Have you actually gotten addicted to nicotine, if you vape nic juices? I think I could live without it, but I really like the calming effect I get.
-Do you vape in front of kids (yours or otherwise)? No kids, just dogs... they think it is weird!
-Why did you start vaping? I wanted a way to relax like I would with an occasional cigarette, but did not want to get addicted to cigarettes. It has worked well so far!
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