I am something other than an "ex-smoker". Are you?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
Hi all, MasterofChaos just started an interesting thread about being a non-smoker and just a vaper. It made me think about how many people on here have successfully quit smoking via vaping but how many are still working to totally kick the habit or have only tried to cut back or maybe haven't cut back at all! I myself started vaping in an effort to quit smoking but I will gladly say that while I have successfully cut out so many of the analogs I have per day, I haven't kicked the habit completely yet. I am really curious to hear how many more people are either in various stages of quitting or who doesn't have quitting on their agenda at all (for one reason or another). Do you still smoke cigars? Do you still smoke analogs? Are you in the process of quitting or have you never smoked before? I'd love your input!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2011
Quit smoking cigs the day I opened my mailbox 13 weeks ago when my pv arrived. I do go over to a friends house once a month for what we call "Man Night" and we roast brats over a fire and smoke a few cigars. I really dont like cigars but I have one or two just to do it, you know, peer pressure and all lol. I dont ever smoke em anytime else. ALso I have demonstrated the pv to several and have sparked an interest in vaping in a few cig users. I currently vape 24-36 mg juice and plan to reduce that down to next to nothing over the course of the next 9-18 months. Sometimes I vape some 0mg juice I got as a freebie from a vendor and it also satisfies some part of my desire to smoke/vape or whatever bu once I'm down to such a low level regularly i do plan to just knock it off altogether. Only once in the last 3 months I saw a person with a marlboro light and for a moment I was like, man she is really enjoying that wish I had one, then I was like NO I DONT!! hehe


Senior Member
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Feb 1, 2011
Manchester, CT
I was smoking a pack a day of Camel menthol silvers for over 5 years and started doing research on ecigs and ended up buying a Joye 510 model. I was one of those people that never thought it would be possible for me to quit. The first week I used my ecig I bought one pack of analogs and made them last me the week. Week two the did the same thing and made them last me a week and a half. I did that for probably 3 weeks total until I didn't even want analogs any more. It's amazing how much more alert my senses are. Food tastes better, I can't even stand the smell of smoke any more, and I don't have to worrry about burning my clothes or reaking of cigarette smoke. Not only that but now when I go hiking I can breathe, it's absolutely amazing how much better my lungs feel. I'm proud to say that for over 4 months I've been analog free, and now my boyfriend, his friend, and two of his cousins are too. :)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2011
20+ a day, 35+ years, almost all of that time unfiltered hand rolled cigs here. Today is day 19 without tobacco, not a single drag and loving it. Surrounded by batteries, juice bottles, DIY kit flavours and more in the mail every day. Only one problem so far - WHY CAN'T I FIND A DIY TOBACCO FLAVOUR THAT DOESN'T TASTE LIKE PERFUME !!!!!



Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
I started vaping almost a year ago but not with the intention of putting pressure on myself to quit smoking. I've been a smoker for 38 years, the last 8 or so at 3 packs a day. I still smoke, but I went from that 3pad to half a pack a day average...some days it's less. Will I quite smoking completely? I don't know, but I count the ciggs I don't smoke as a success for me :)


Full Member
Apr 23, 2011
Baden, PA
49 y/o WM smoked Camel lights since age 15. 1-2 PAD most of the time. I vaped on March 2 this year and have not touched an analog since. My breathing was getting worse and especially my sinuses with smokes. My sinuses began to improve the first week of vaping. I am now sleeping better and for some reason drinking a LOT less coffee. I could not quit nicotine with gum, patches, pills, etc. But, with my PV I have quit smoke. Vape on!


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Jan 31, 2011
Santa Rita,GU, USA
I am a Vaper! I was a smoker. 20 years slowly killing myself! Quit the day I first vaped. Fell off the wagon twice by buying a pack. First time I finished a whole cig and was gagging at the end of it. Took 1 drag the second time and that was it. Still have the desire now and again but I know now what I'm missing and I'm not missing a thing. I AM A VAPER!


Super Member
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Jan 23, 2011
Smoked for going on 48years:(
Mostly marlboro reds and then went to Red 100's when they came out many many years ago.
Averaged 1 1/2 packs a day i guess --some years more--some years less.
Tried it all--gum-patches-inhalers-lozenges--pres. drugs--longest quit was about 6 monthes .
Started with 2 !!!!!! of the "SCAM" brands on New Years Eve 2010.
Must say--they worked for few weeks till i ran across ECF!! :)
Stopped charges on Credit card at that point -and had charges removed from CC.( No contact so far from scam cigs )
Not had a "Stink Stick" since Midnight 12-31-2010 :)
Still get the urge--like tonight--out mowing 11 acres of grass--LOT easier to " Smoke" than vape when working outside.
But with a little help from above AND my ego--NO SMOKES for 129 days ( as of midnight tonight) :) :) :) :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2011
51 yo smoked for over 29 years. Started e-cigs on Feb 25, 2011 have not had a cig since then. Took me a little time to get the right type of equipment together (riva 510, Clearomizer and lots of coffee flavored juices did the trick for me) I feel much better and enjoying the kudos I have been getting from my kids and husband. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
I'm so glad to see all the responses to this thread! I personally started vaping with the intent of quitting and continue to have that intent and drive. So far I've gone from a 1pad habit (2 at worst, but it's been 1pad for the past year or so) to only one or two a day. Of course, logically, I ask myself all the time if I REALLY need that one analog a day, but for whatever reason I can't seem to kick it quite yet. I agree with Bovinia that every analog I don't have is a success and I'm hoping that as I've been able to cut back I will cut out that last analog yet. I'm pretty happy with my Inferno but I think the solution is MORE POWER! :) I have my eyes on a shiny new ProVari, but I think I'm going to wait until I'm home from school to have something to look forward to.

Eli Huffman

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2011
I smoked for 12 yrs and it only took one week to switch completely to the ecig. Just stop smoking cigs and only vape. You'll see that you won't miss it as much as you think. 3 months after I quit smoking cigs, I was out with some friends and ended up smoking one cig. It tasted terrible and I couldn't stand the smell. Haven't smoked a cig since!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
Hi all, MasterofChaos just started an interesting thread about being a non-smoker and just a vaper. It made me think about how many people on here have successfully quit smoking via vaping but how many are still working to totally kick the habit or have only tried to cut back or maybe haven't cut back at all! I myself started vaping in an effort to quit smoking but I will gladly say that while I have successfully cut out so many of the analogs I have per day, I haven't kicked the habit completely yet. I am really curious to hear how many more people are either in various stages of quitting or who doesn't have quitting on their agenda at all (for one reason or another). Do you still smoke cigars? Do you still smoke analogs? Are you in the process of quitting or have you never smoked before? I'd love your input!

It's more likely that the tolerance for nicotine will increase to the point that a real cig just won't do the job any more.



Senior Member
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Apr 13, 2011
Bucks County, PA
I was a menthol analog smoker for 22 years. I received my first PV on the 7th of April, 2011 and have not smoked an analog since April 9th. Between the 7th and the 9th only smoked 5 analogs total...I think more to see what satified me more or if I was "missing" something with vaping vs. analogs. Of those 5-analogs I never finished one of them...they grossed me out more and more and then I just stopped. Still have a half a pack of Newport in my purse. I guess I can throw them out now :)


Vaping Master
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Jan 11, 2011
Moscow PA
Smoked Marlboro reds for 30 years at 1-2 packs a day. My wife smoked Marlboro Ultra Lights for a long time. On Dec 22 2010 I got my first e-cig. I researched e-cigs for about 6 months before picking the best deal on e-cigs out there. I had 6 cartons of Marlboro from another country in my cabinet and sold them all after my first vape. My wife soon followed my vaping pleasure. Since my first kit, I am now trying all kinds of liquids and better and longer lasting batteries and its all been a very nice experience for the most part. I have wasted a few bucks on some liquids that tasted like crap but its all woth it getting off the Marlboro death sticks. I will most likely vape for the rest of my life.
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