FINALLY satisfied with an e-cig!! long thread with questions for veterans

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Dec 7, 2011

I have been smoking analogs (Newport Light) for 10+ years and first explored the world of vaping by buying a LOGIC ecig from a gas station. i loved the concept, and it worked for a day, but i hated how short lasting it was, as well as the inconsistency of the vapor production. since then, i tried v2, as well as halo g6 as well. I was never able to vape for more than 2 days, and always returned back to analog cigarettes. I almost gave up when I came across a friend who I haven't seen in a long time using a Provari. He offered me a drag and I was surprised at how much better it was compared to the other ecigs I have tried.

I am pleased to announce that my Provari Mini v2 Satin Silver with Blue LED has arrived. I ordered it with the Pila 4 Stage Battery Charger, a Metal ProTip, three 18490 Batteries, an atomizer adapter (kr808d1), and battery extension cap for $285. A huge investment, maybe...but I figured it will save my life in the long run compared to continuing to smoke analogs.

I received the Provari today, and immediately used the battery charger. 30 minutes later and it turned green and was ready for use. I immediately used the kr808d1 atomizer adapter and attached a halo g6 (Menthol Ice) cartomizer and set the VV to 4.5. I took 5-6 puffs and received a burnt feeling throat hit. Surely this couldn't be what other members were praising when they made the switch to Provari. I tried lowering the VV all the way down to 3.3 but by then I couldn't get any vapor production at all.

This was when I realized that my cartomizer was burnt. I immediately loaded up another halo g6 cartomizer and this time started at 3.3VV and moved all the way up to 3.7. At this level, I achieved a warm throat hit with tons of vapor production. It feels like smoking a real cigarette (or as real as it can get). The feeling completely differed from smoking the halo g6 cartomizer with the halo g6 starter kit!! Like others have stated, I am REALLY surprised at how great this is, and can see myself finally quitting analogs once and for all. Like others have also stated about the Provari, I wish I just started with this sooner instead of the other kits!!

Now I had a couple of questions for some of the seasoned veterans out there.

1. How high can I crank the VV on the Provari using Halo g6 cartomizers without burning them? I am up to 3.7VV, but was wondering how high other users have been cranking up the voltage to.
2. What is the next logical step from here? I can either continue to buy pre-filled halo g6 cartomizers, or fill them with liquid myself. OR i can buy what many seem to enjoy (Boge Cartridges) and try filling them with halo juice. I have also heard many stating that the ViVi Nova tank is a godsend. What do you guys recommend? I am planning on putting in an order tonight if I can get a response!
3. What liquids do folks recommend? As a former Newport Light smoker, I really think the Menthol Ice flavor from Halo is actually VERY good and works so didn't with the halo g6 battery, but with the Provari - it truly brings out the throat hit, vapor, and flavor. Once serious shock at the difference!
4. Anything else I can do with the Provari that other members have found useful??

I almost feel GUILTY that I am moving off analog cigarettes, but enjoying much of what cigarettes had to offer me with the Provari. I almost feel inclined to do more research to see if e-cigarettes are harmful to your health versus analogs. I've read some articles on this forum, but wanted to do some more due diligence. Once again, any facts or articles that you can link me to would be greatly appreciated.

Once again. Seriously happy about finding out about the Provari. It is simply worth the cost. Any help from you guys would be GREATLY appreciated. I am happy to say that I am officially done with analogs. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Get away from cartomizers. You always have to worry about the filler muting taste and burning. You have an awesome machine, but he most important part of vaping is the delivery system. It's like buying a Ferrari and putting regular gas in it.

Get yourself some bottom coil ce3 (also know as Phoenix) and a vivi nova.
The ce3 lasts 3-4 times longer than any carto and the vivi nova is rebuildable. All you need to do is buy replacement heads

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I almost feel inclined to do more research to see if e-cigarettes are harmful to your health versus analogs. I've read some articles on this forum, but wanted to do some more due diligence. Once again, any facts or articles that you can link me to would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a link that I would recommend starting with...

And you should also read this thread, and watch the video...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 17, 2011
Hi Vap0r, Welcome to the ECF. So as far as how high you could go with those specific cartos...... Depends on a bunch of variables, like length of draw, moisture of carto and carto ohm load..... so some experimenting is in order for you. I can say that I use a Boge 3ohm carto anywhaer between 5.6v(usually in the morning) and 4.7v(normally later in the evening) this allows me that first morning kick to go along with a couple cups of coffee and the smoother more mellow late evning relaxing vape alll while using the same liquid. Heres a calculator to nudge you toward the knowledge as to what you enjoy. Down the page the second set calculates for power(wattage) plug your numbers in the voltage-resistance=wattage section.My personal sweet spot is between 7.5watts and 10.5watts. Some liquids have big issues above about 8.5watts some do not(experiment). Every liquid is at least a little different. Every user is at least a little different.

On the qusetion of should you get some Boge cartos..... Yes every Vaper needs to have a good reliable carto available. I own two Vivi Nova(v2) and I do like them alot but I do still make certain I have a few boxes of Boge cartos on hand just incase. I do take the Vivi to work. I have the metal tank upgrade tube and must say it is a very nice device, sturdy, reliable, easy to fill, easy to clean. Right now I'm vaping a boge carto, have been all day, the tank hasn't left the house since thursday.

Oh and Unless you just like paying extra just because, Buy yourself blank cartos from now on. Fill them with whatever liquid you are currently into. Its not much work at all. In my opinion, the filled cartos are for those transitioning from analogs almost solely.They are simple, unassuming, easy to get used to and most of all take about as much time to screw on as it would take to find a lighter. You have invested in vaping so you should just make the next logical choice to fill your own cartos. Stick with the Menthol Ice you like for now as your current vape. Just step over to the e-liquid discussion area and poke around over there to get an idea of some of the favs for menthol vapers. Every pallete is different, one I love , you may hate..(experiment)..
The provari can hold open a door as long as you can let go of it long enough.... Vape your face off, thats what it is really good at. Here's to the journey. Good Luck. Happy Vaping.
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