Hello, new member here.

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I just wanted to say hello. My name is Luigi, and I've been smoking cigarettes for around 10 years now. I recently purchased the Halo G6 and its e-liquids based on recommendations from this forum and others from the internet. Eventually, I would like to get my hands on something like the ProVari Mini. I am looking to quit smoking analogs and replace it with different tasty vapors.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 30, 2012
Tripple digits half way to home
A very hearty warm WELCOME to you. I'm glad you made the decission to join the Forum. It takes time to get everything in the right place. juice, delivery system, what your comfy with. When you do you wil love it trust me. EXperment. It's not like setting fire to something and it works. It's a life lesson learned and then passed on to others. I wish you all the luck in your new journey to a great life.
Thank you guys. Actually, I've been a lurker for many years, lol. I first got a e-cig many years ago when they first became popular, but it was not what I was expecting. I think it's because the concept of e-cigs was just getting started, and companies were more worried about making a profit than delivering a good product. I wanted to give it another honest shot. I purchased a disposable Blu-Cig. I did not like it, at all, and it tasted bad. However, it did made me interested in e-cigs again. I revisited this forum, and browsed the many reviews threads here on the forums. Now is the time for me to make the change from analogs to electronic cigs. Thanks again guys for this forum.
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