Are people Still buying Provape Anything? WHY?

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Resting In Peace
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Aug 22, 2012
North of Detroit, way south of Heaven
Me too, but between the two of us, Jackie has a V2 Mini and a P3. I have a V2/wP3 connector and 2 P3's. We also have 80 V2 springs (20 years) and 110 P3 springs (27.5 years). I plan on getting Jackie a Radius this summer. Whatever...


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2012
North of Detroit, way south of Heaven
I am now all provari, all the time! 2 standards, 1 mini, and a radius. Skipped the p3 hype altogether.
But, still buying provari. Have gotten rid of all my other devices that weren't broken.
We absolutely love our P3's! :thumb:


Super Member
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Nov 26, 2012
idk about OP, but my P3 worked for a year as my only device. Broke the pin inside the tube that connects battery (I change battery 2/3 times a day) and provape fixed it at no cost and send intl. express fedex at no cost... all of that on device that was 3 weeks out of warranty. On device that is everyday with me. Device that fell a lot. Most of falls are tipping on the table, but some from the table down on the floor.
The device is like a tank.
Their support should be used as benchmark for other companies.
I didn't buy more of provape products because the one I got works and I don't need any other device... but when/if I'll want another device I'll buy provape for sure.


Vaping Master
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Jan 22, 2010
Just read through this thread... I see the Provari haters are still out in full force.. Sad!

Why does anyone even care what and how others vape?

When I started vaping in 2009 3 ohm was the standard and then someone (GG I think) came out with a 2.2 ohm coil and everyone thought that was ridiculously low. To vape at 5V you needed to double stack batteries or use a passthrough plugged into a wall socket.

Not everyone is interested in blowing clouds and sub-ohming. If that is someones thing, then cool! Whatever keeps you off the stinkies!

But yes, people still do buy and love Provape products. I just purchased a Radius, so why?

To answer the OP question:

1. Quality
2. Safety
3. Warranty
4. Quality
5. Safety

You see, not everyone needs or wants temp control. Not everyone needs or wants to go above 40W. Heck I vape around 1.6 to 1.8 ohms and anywhere between 16-22 watts depending.. So taking my 1-5 list above, and reading my vaping style, why would the Radius be a bad purchase? Well, it wouldn't be unless you are just a hater..

Now onto the pricing...

I think $200 for the Radius is a fair price. You are paying for made in the USA (it cost more to make a product in the US than it does in China), you are paying for all the safety research and tech in the mod, you are paying for quality!

In a 5 month time span I went through 2ea IPV D2's.. The 1st one died after 2 months and would not power on anymore. Thinking this was just my bad luck, I bought another. 3 months later it died. This 2nd one would power on but the firing button became faulty to where it had to be pressed 20 or 30 times to get it to fire.

I think at the time I bought them, they were about $60ea.. So $120 down the drain and in the garbage after 5 months.. I only mentions this because of the OP's rant about price..

Bottom line = You get what you pay for!

Anywho, after reading this thread I felt the need to respond. I see the hate is still strong and people just can't help themselves from putting down the choices of others = Bummer!

So vape whatever keeps you off the stinkies because that's all that really matters in the end. What and how others vape is not really a concern for me.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2012
meh, the reason people still buy Provari's, even-though they are underpowered compared-to other mods on the market today, is because OG vapers KNOW that a good, NORMAL vape, can be achieved BELOW 40w. OG vapers also know the quality of the Provape mod product-line. OG vapers have had the chance to HOLD a provari in their hand, and they know that the walls of the Provari are thicker than almost any other tube-mod on the market today. They figured the Ratius would be of similar build structure and build quality, because the owners of Provape deliver. Provape delivers fine quality, quality built mods, with long-lasting internal electronics/aka-chips... OG vapers know that Provape assembles in the US and tries their best to source & use US materials. The circuit-boards are even programmed by US citizens, while being sourced from cheaper countries.... OG vapers also know that Provape offers a money-back guarantee upon purchase, and an extended 1-year warranty that covers malfunctions & issues. PLUS, the LIFE-TIME ability to send your Provape product/APV in for repair, if/when your APV either fails or physically breaks. in-fact, they list repair prices on their website (or, they used-to list repair prices for the original Provari, on their website) If your circuit-board gets wet, you can have it replaced for X dollars. If your screen stops displaying, X bucks. Cracks? $X.YY :)

All in all, Provape runs one of the best US-made mod sales corporation within the US. They've got a rich history of serving/servicing us vapers. (The Provari being the very FIRST regulated mod WITH screen) They were with-us OG vapers from the very beginning, competing with the likes of the Buzzpro, & the VapRlife Diamante. Yes, the Provape corporation has been with us for what seems like forever, and the quality is bar-none. The customer service is (at-least USUALLY) very very good (altho can sometimes get slow, imho) and the customer service team can be very kind (most of the time, imho) Many of us have 4, 5, 6+ year old Provari mods, that show absolutely NO SIGNS of breaking, or even slowing-down. Provape even offered a send-in to upgrade option for those that owned the original Provari, but wanted the newest Provari's chip & volt/wattage limits.

So, with the warranty- Hell, ya can't beat it. The mod- Hell, ya can't beat it! It's a GREAT mod of HIGH quality. Ya cannot BEAT the quality of Provape mods, simple as that.... I've dropped my Provari at-least 100 times. From head height onto ceramic tile flooring at-least 5 times, from lap-high onto concrete at-least 4-5 time. I've dropped my Provari from 3-4ft onto ALLLL types of flooring surfaces & outside on the concrete/sidewalk many times, and not-only does my Provari run like the day I got it- My Provari doesn't even show scratches, lol. The satin-silver model hides scratches like you wouldn't BELIEVE!!!! I think it may have been MADE to hide them... For those they KNEW couldn't afford more than one, and for those they KNEW would be devastated, if their Provari would wind-up gouged or scratched. (not that you COULD gouge a provari, considering the SOLID BLOCK of metal it is) lol. I saw 1 that ran thru the washing machine, and after drying it out, if i remember right, it continued to light-up and work. I saw ONE provari that was ran-OVER by a full-sized vehicle, that, if i remember right, continued to turn on and work, altho, Provape replaced it! lol. (idk if I'm remembering these right- They may NOT have turned-on, but provape DID help these people!)

So... IDK. I was sooooo against Provape in the beginning. I hated them. I hated them w/ all my heart. I was of the gang of vapers on ECF that despised Provape for pricing their mod at such a high price. I hated Provape for pricing their battery caps, their extender tubes, their COLORED LED screens, at such a high price... After-all, I thought, HOW U GONNA' CHARGE 15 BUCKS FOR A GREEN LED SCREEN, when I cud get the DIAMANTE, that uses a RAINBOW LED SCREEN, that flashes ALL the colors of the rainbow, included FREE in the price of the mod (which costed LESS than the Provari b4 and after adding the colored LED to ur cart on the Provape website!) LOL.... AND TO THIS DAY- I STILLLLLLL BELIEVE PROVAPE OVERCHARGES!!! I STILL, CONTINUE, TO BELIEVE, that the RADIUS is OVER-CHARGED... & the ORIGINAL provari is finally at a good price-tag, at 75 bucks, hahaha. But nah, despite the high prices (of even the EXTENDER TUBE + CAPS!!!) despite the high prices of the atomizers/cartomizers they kept on their site, and their e-liquid, the high prices of the Z-Atty-PRO they supported & had on their website, the high prices of ALL of their accessories (Hell, they even charged like, 15-20 bucks for AW batteries, (they had/have the highest AW battery prices I've EVER SEEEEN on ANY vendor's website!!!) despite all of this...

You cannot deny that the Provape product-line is basically the highest quality product line avail to us vapers. End of story. You really cannot find a mass-produced mod, that you can ALWAYS purchase, any time of the year, any time of the night, ALWAYS produced- that has a better quality than the Provape. That has a better warranty and repair service agreement, than the Provape Provari & Provape Radius. NONE!

So that is why they continue to be popular. & 40w is enough for MOST vapers that KNOW what they like already, that KNOW what produces a good vape, that want to preserve liquid, have good flavor, and keep the throat hit and vapor production at a good hardy normal level. NO other mod does it like the Provape mods.

;) & yes, I am STILL waiting for my RADIUS to REVIEW- Provape! I have spent the last 6 years of my life supporting your mods, suggesting your mods to vapers & new vapers, & PROMOTING your mods like nobodies business here on ECF and around the web... So, I await my RADIUS for video/text review both on Youtube and here on ECF, Provape..... I will continue to check my mailbox. ;) Edit- if u do-not have my address, just PM me!


I hope you get it Plumes - after all that, you deserve it. :thumbs:


Vaping Master
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Jan 22, 2010
And I hope you realise the whole "Made in the US" means absolutely nothing to people who don't live in The States? I understand it's some weird source of pride to you but to someone in Europe it's completely irrelevant.

Not exactly true.. Most people know that a majority of the mods made in China are cheap. There are a few exceptions but the vast majority are garbage.

Look at the USA manufacturers.. Almost every one of them are known for their high quality build. Super T (out of bizz), Billet Box, Provari, VPX (out of bizz) ect.. Many have went out of business because even though they made a high quality product they could not compete with the Chinese prices.

Sure there are some stellar European manufacturers as well. GP, Atmistique, Atmizoo and even though I've never been a fan of his mods, GG... I am sure there are others that I've missed.

I support USA made products because this is where I live. I have a pecking order I try to follow for my purchases.. Local --> State --> USA --> Other global items or markets

The Provape 1 was introduced in 2009 iirc. That's hardly a rich history and not what seems like forever.

In the ecig bizz, that is almost forever!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2012
L a sub par product that will soon be out grown by even a casual user

I was just trying to make the point
to people to not get stuck on the provari name because once upon a time it was considered the gold standard and for some reason Provape is still charging people double and triple the price of better devices.

Sorry rondo777, I think I missed your point. :lol:
My soon to be 3 yr. old 2.5 is still working flawlessly - even after being dropped on concrete more than once, hard enough to raise a "burr" on the end cap - has never needed a repair, other than sanding those careless mishaps and has all the power and features I need or want.

So, knowing what a fantastic product I have, Made in the USA, I bought 7 more :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: at unbelievable prices. I never thought I would see the day I would get 3 ProVari 2.5, 3 extended end caps, ego adapter and a wrap for $100.:D

Sir Kadly

Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
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  • Sep 18, 2015
    So, I thought twice about posting in this thread given it started in November but since the last post was this morning I guess I will.
    I can't speak for anyone else, but I bought two 2.5's recently and my reasons for buying them are that they met the criteria of what I was looking for. I wanted something with this general form factor, with removable batteries. Why? I find it easier than a box mod to deal with when driving. As someone who rarely sub-ohms (and who uses different gear for that anyway) it has enough power to meet my normal needs.
    I have never owned any Provari mods prior to this so I'm taking some other people I trust at their word regarding quality. But even with the high quality, I'm going to admit I would not have considered buying them if it weren't for the great blem prices. If they live up to my expectations regarding quality and durability though, I will consider buying other ProVape stuff in the future.
    So far though the only complaint I have is that they haven't shipped yet...ordered over the weekend, hoped to have 'em by this weekend, but looking like I won't know what I think till maybe next week. Guess the $30.00 blems must have put them behind on processing orders.
    So having answered the original question of why people still buy them, I guess my question to the OP would be WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU? I read through this whole thread and frankly you were incredibly rude to any number of people in my opinion. You clearly didn't come here to find out WHY, you came here to insult others. Don't know if you will even see this post, but if you do, keep in mind I'm not a Provari fanboi as I've never actually used any Provape products and wouldn't have bought them at full price, and I still think you were out of line with much of what you said.


    Super Member
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    Aug 2, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I've been around these parts a while now... Long enough to remember the days of variable voltage just hitting the market.

    I remember the eGo spinner being THE device to have... LoL

    When the ProVari hit the market, it was clearly above ad beyond what every other manufacturer was doing at the time. There were other VV devices, but none of them could touch the build quality or accuracy of the ProVari.

    In The Beginning: there was blu ecigs! Which is how I discovered vaping in 2009. They were terrible, but, kinda, sorta, worked, for very brief bursts of time, and provided proof of concept, that this vaping thing was possible.

    Then, at The Dawn of Time (not to be confused with The Beginning, or prologue): there was Super T, GG and ProVape-1. All 3 worked remarkably well. Out of those 3, the only one that wasn't a mech, was the ProVape. There was nothing else on the regulated mod market -- that I'm aware of -- which could touch the accuracy, reliability, and build quality of ProVape.

    (This is the part where someone will arrive and say, "you're so totally wrong brah, The Tr0g Screwdriver!!!!!! It wasn't junk! My Precious!!!1!@!!!)

    I am now all provari, all the time! 2 standards, 1 mini, and a radius. Skipped the p3 hype altogether.
    But, still buying provari. Have gotten rid of all my other devices that weren't broken.

    We absolutely love our P3's! :thumb:

    Agreed! Use the P3 daily! ;)

    Same. The P3 was actually my crossover from using mech mods 90% of the time, to using ProVari's 90% of the time. The PV1 and 2, just didn't do it for me, they worked, but, well, who cares, mechs are much cooler; the P3 r0x, and if someone can't see that, then I cry for you because you're just blind and wandering lost in the darkness (I'm j/k in case that isn't obvious, I just happen to have had a different response to original VV devices, which amounts to <shrug>, and really love the P3).


    Senior Member
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    Nov 9, 2011
    Still using my Provari original (V1?) What ever the first one was.
    Just bought a 2.5 yesterday........ Seen they were so cheap now and I know they'll fire my Kayfun builds.
    My all day vapes are GG atties on my Provari . Yeah I'm old school.
    Penelopes at work on a Istick 30.

    My Provari survived a drop in the toilet!!! Yeah I dished it out quick.
    Luckily it was only number 1. Yeah It filled up with water. Tossed the battery in the yard. Figured it was wet already so i washed it with hot water. Filled it with rubbing alcohol,shook it up, dumped it out,wiped it it all down with it. Let it sit for a couple hours . Fired it right back up and it still works 2 years later...........EEEEEEWWWWWWWW. Now i wanna sell it it. LOL Any one want a classic original version Provari? LOL

    I like when the haters call my setup a toy as they blow there giant cloud. Then I say "hit this".............Watchemmm Suckkkkkkk and then gag like a cat with hair ball stuck in its throat. 24 mg nic has quite a kick to it compared to 3mg I say. Yeah I tried sub ohm setups. Didnt get any satisfaction from it.

    To each their own I say...............


    Resting In Peace
    ECF Veteran
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    Jul 23, 2013
    Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
    Still using my Provari original (V1?) What ever the first one was.
    Just bought a 2.5 yesterday........ Seen they were so cheap now and I know they'll fire my Kayfun builds.
    My all day vapes are GG atties on my Provari . Yeah I'm old school.
    Penelopes at work on a Istick 30.

    My Provari survived a drop in the toilet!!! Yeah I dished it out quick.
    Luckily it was only number 1. Yeah It filled up with water. Tossed the battery in the yard. Figured it was wet already so i washed it with hot water. Filled it with rubbing alcohol,shook it up, dumped it out,wiped it it all down with it. Let it sit for a couple hours . Fired it right back up and it still works 2 years later...........EEEEEEWWWWWWWW. Now i wanna sell it it. LOL Any one want a classic original version Provari? LOL

    I like when the haters call my setup a toy as they blow there giant cloud. Then I say "hit this".............Watchemmm Suckkkkkkk and then gag like a cat with hair ball stuck in its throat. 24 mg nic has quite a kick to it compared to 3mg I say. Yeah I tried sub ohm setups. Didnt get any satisfaction from it.

    To each their own I say...............
    That was a great post :) Loved the 24mg line :lol: different strokes and all.

    I believe you can still get that V1 upgraded to the latest board for 20$. I had one done and they totally re-built it for me, new magnifier screen, torx screws, new slotted 510 top cap. I was blown away when I got it back, a brand new device in an old suit :D


    ECF Guru
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    Jul 12, 2012
    USA midwest
    It's a real shame that Provari has not kept up with the leaps in vaping technology.

    Please explain why keeping up with leaps in vaping technology is important to somebody who is not interested in that leap?

    It's like my friends who only use email and browser to surf the web.....they are not using photoshop, they are not crunching tons of numbers, they are not sorting and crunching huge databases....yet they just paid about 5X what they need to pay for a computer with dual and even quad send pics of their grandkids to each other. :lol:

    I always asked people, when I was building a computer for them: what do you DO, and how do you use your computer?

    Same thing with vaping. What do you vape, how do you like to vape, etc.

    Why would I even want something "technologically advanced" like temp control, high voltage if I am NEVER going to use those features?

    Every product has different entry points.

    This obsession with "how high can we go" is really the vaping industry shooting itself in the foot. You guys have no idea how people who ONLY use stuff like eRolls had to comb sites all over the internet to scarf up what was left of this item, ditto, people like the poster who said they LOVE their Vivi Novas.

    People like what they like, and unfortunately, there are many things people like that they can't even buy anymore.

    Ditto, people who can build coils, but just don't want to. They realize they aren't getting the *best* vape from over the counter delivery devices, but it's good enough for them, and keeps them off the cigs (many people who started vaping in say, 2011 or so) are just used to these clearos, they like to just take one out of the package, use it for a week or 2, then toss it. It's convenient for them, teh way cigs were convenient.

    I don't understand this need to push and force people into stuff they don't want or need.

    Oh wait......I guess it means you're *cool* and they're not. :lol:


    ECF Guru
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    Jul 12, 2012
    USA midwest
    PS. Yes, I am one of the few people who still have a land line. I need it for my phone collection, which looks like this, but I have most of the colors now, including a bright turquoise one. The sound is fantastic on these old phones


    Vaping Master
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    Mar 4, 2014
    PS. Yes, I am one of the few people who still have a land line. I need it for my phone collection, which looks like this, but I have most of the colors now, including a bright turquoise one. The sound is fantastic on these old phones

    Ahhh.... The Princess.

    The Ocelot

    ECF Veteran
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    Aug 12, 2012
    The Clock Barrens, Fillory
    PS. Yes, I am one of the few people who still have a land line. I need it for my phone collection, which looks like this, but I have most of the colors now, including a bright turquoise one. The sound is fantastic on these old phones

    I always wanted one of those.
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