Are people Still buying Provape Anything? WHY?

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Jun 26, 2013
United States
I'm trying to figure out how to get a Radius to add to my Provape family--two of which I've had since 2013. I've dropped my 3 Provaris tons of times, even from 3-5' up straight to concrete. Killed several glass tubes (RIP IBtanked pink, blue/green, ZAP x2, and untold number of old style Protanks), and the only problems (other than cosmetic) I've had are due to not maintaining them. A little Noalax on the threads and 99% alcohol on the contacts, and they run like tops.

I pay for customer service and durability. I pay for peace of mind. I pay as much with word of mouth fan-girling as I do with hard currency, and they're STILL a bargain. I don't pay for prestige--I can't afford that. But I also can't afford to be vape-less, even 2+ years after quitting a 35 year habit. I pay for a product I know will still be tootle puffin' away years and years from now.

You wanna take down Provape, you go through me, lil fella.


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Apr 26, 2012
I bought a Lava tube just after they came out and puffed on that. A few months later I bought the Provari 2.0. A few months later I put them down and went back to analogs. This happened around 2012/2013. In December 2015 I picked up the lava tube to try again and found it DOA. I picked up the Provari, recharged the battery and it came back up as if I had just set it down for a few minutes. I am not sure how many other brands would do this.


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Aug 27, 2013
meh, the reason people still buy Provari's, even-though they are underpowered compared-to other mods on the market today, is because OG vapers KNOW that a good, NORMAL vape, can be achieved BELOW 40w. OG vapers also know the quality of the Provape mod product-line. OG vapers have had the chance to HOLD a provari in their hand, and they know that the walls of the Provari are thicker than almost any other tube-mod on the market today. They figured the Ratius would be of similar build structure and build quality, because the owners of Provape deliver. Provape delivers fine quality, quality built mods, with long-lasting internal electronics/aka-chips... OG vapers know that Provape assembles in the US and tries their best to source & use US materials. The circuit-boards are even programmed by US citizens, while being sourced from cheaper countries.... OG vapers also know that Provape offers a money-back guarantee upon purchase, and an extended 1-year warranty that covers malfunctions & issues. PLUS, the LIFE-TIME ability to send your Provape product/APV in for repair, if/when your APV either fails or physically breaks. in-fact, they list repair prices on their website (or, they used-to list repair prices for the original Provari, on their website) If your circuit-board gets wet, you can have it replaced for X dollars. If your screen stops displaying, X bucks. Cracks? $X.YY :)
The same goes for Dicodes. It's made entirely in Germany, the CS is excellent and their mods come with 2 years of warranty. You can also send it in for repairs at a very reasonable price ofter the warranty expires. And I hope you realise the whole "Made in the US" means absolutely nothing to people who don't live in The States? I understand it's some weird source of pride to you but to someone in Europe it's completely irrelevant. Oh, and what is a OG vaper?

All in all, Provape runs one of the best US-made mod sales corporation within the US. They've got a rich history of serving/servicing us vapers. (The Provari being the very FIRST regulated mod WITH screen) They were with-us OG vapers from the very beginning, competing with the likes of the Buzzpro, & the VapRlife Diamante. Yes, the Provape corporation has been with us for what seems like forever, and the quality is bar-none. The customer service is (at-least USUALLY) very very good (altho can sometimes get slow, imho) and the customer service team can be very kind (most of the time, imho) Many of us have 4, 5, 6+ year old Provari mods, that show absolutely NO SIGNS of breaking, or even slowing-down. Provape even offered a send-in to upgrade option for those that owned the original Provari, but wanted the newest Provari's chip & volt/wattage limits.
The Provape 1 was introduced in 2009 iirc. That's hardly a rich history and not what seems like forever.

So, with the warranty- Hell, ya can't beat it. The mod- Hell, ya can't beat it! It's a GREAT mod of HIGH quality. Ya cannot BEAT the quality of Provape mods, simple as that.... I've dropped my Provari at-least 100 times. From head height onto ceramic tile flooring at-least 5 times, from lap-high onto concrete at-least 4-5 time. I've dropped my Provari from 3-4ft onto ALLLL types of flooring surfaces & outside on the concrete/sidewalk many times, and not-only does my Provari run like the day I got it- My Provari doesn't even show scratches, lol. The satin-silver model hides scratches like you wouldn't BELIEVE!!!! I think it may have been MADE to hide them... For those they KNEW couldn't afford more than one, and for those they KNEW would be devastated, if their Provari would wind-up gouged or scratched. (not that you COULD gouge a provari, considering the SOLID BLOCK of metal it is) lol. I saw 1 that ran thru the washing machine, and after drying it out, if i remember right, it continued to light-up and work. I saw ONE provari that was ran-OVER by a full-sized vehicle, that, if i remember right, continued to turn on and work, altho, Provape replaced it! lol. (idk if I'm remembering these right- They may NOT have turned-on, but provape DID help these people!)
I get it, you like Provape.

You cannot deny that the Provape product-line is basically the highest quality product line avail to us vapers. End of story. You really cannot find a mass-produced mod, that you can ALWAYS purchase, any time of the year, any time of the night, ALWAYS produced- that has a better quality than the Provape. That has a better warranty and repair service agreement, than the Provape Provari & Provape Radius. NONE!
Dicodes is on the same level of quality. In fact, they've left Provape in the dust with the Dani-Box. It also comes standard with 2 years of warranty, the only company in the vaping world to do that.

So that is why they continue to be popular. & 40w is enough for MOST vapers that KNOW what they like already, that KNOW what produces a good vape, that want to preserve liquid, have good flavor, and keep the throat hit and vapor production at a good hardy normal level. NO other mod does it like the Provape mods.
A good vape is completely subjective. You make it sound like only people who use Provape products know what a good vape is. This is why people dislike the Provarinati.


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Dec 16, 2013
The Provape 1 was introduced in 2009 iirc. That's hardly a rich history and not what seems like forever.

If you ever had any credibility in your ramblings - you just lost it right there. OG vapers (this means anyone around from pretty much the beginning...long before "CLOUDZ BRUH!") will understand why that is the most ridiculous statement you've made yet - and you've made your share. Have a nice day!


Resting In Peace
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Jul 23, 2013
Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
The same goes for Dicodes. It's made entirely in Germany, the CS is excellent and their mods come with 2 years of warranty. You can also send it in for repairs at a very reasonable price ofter the warranty expires. And I hope you realise the whole "Made in the US" means absolutely nothing to people who don't live in The States? I understand it's some weird source of pride to you but to someone in Europe it's completely irrelevant. Oh, and what is a OG vaper?

The Provape 1 was introduced in 2009 iirc. That's hardly a rich history and not what seems like forever.

I get it, you like Provape.

Dicodes is on the same level of quality. In fact, they've left Provape in the dust with the Dani-Box. It also comes standard with 2 years of warranty, the only company in the vaping world to do that.

A good vape is completely subjective. You make it sound like only people who use Provape products know what a good vape is. This is why people dislike the Provarinati.
How's your GF's Radius doing Lem?


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Apr 4, 2011
Well said Zapped', exactly. I dont want to look like a fog machine vaping this in public, not to mention, i love my provari v2 for soo many other reasons, the taste is sooo good with vivi nova's, i jumped too all other kinds of vape mods, tanks, etc, and these vivi nova dinosaurs still give out the best flavor i've ever had.

I'm not into keeping up with the jones's or getting the largest cloud of vapor, for me, its provari v2 and vivi's. its just an easy enjoyable combination with the utmost flavor.



Because not all of us are cloud chasers.

I like a long, slow drag and a cool vape. Neither of which I can get from doing my best imitation of a commercial fog machine.

Im also not a fan of burning through 20-30 ml of juice per day.

And on top of that, the durability, customer service and repair service offered by Provape is legendary.


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Aug 27, 2013
Danousa said:
Hmm, why are clouds a vapor so important? It seems that if there are large clouds you might be wasting the juice...
I mix my own juice so liquid consumption isn't a big deal to me. It costs me €1.25 on average to mix a 30ml bottle so even if I go through a bottle each day it's still only €8.75 per week.

ENAUD said:
How's your GF's Radius doing Lem?
She already sold it. She hates the thumbscrews and charging takes too long for her liking. She has a Dicodes Dani-Box coming her way


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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
Used a Provari for around 2 years stopped using it then sold it a year ago. I simply outgrew it.

There was a time when it was the only reliable regulated mod on the market. But those times are gone.
It's a real shame that Provari has not kept up with the leaps in vaping technology.

Today I'm:
Happily vaping away on a Reuleaux RX200, TFV4 with Quad Coils at 100 Watts.

For About town vape Evic Vt, Tobeco Super Mini at 50 Watts.

No Provari has the watts to run either of my favorite tanks.


Vaping Master
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Apr 19, 2011
The Motor City
Well said Zapped', exactly. I dont want to look like a fog machine vaping this in public, not to mention, i love my provari v2 for soo many other reasons, the taste is sooo good with vivi nova's, i jumped too all other kinds of vape mods, tanks, etc, and these vivi nova dinosaurs still give out the best flavor i've ever had.

I'm not into keeping up with the jones's or getting the largest cloud of vapor, for me, its provari v2 and vivi's. its just an easy enjoyable combination with the utmost flavor.


Me too! I was beginning to think I was the only one on ECF that continues to enjoy this combination as my sweet spot.


GCS E (1) + V (1) + M (1) = 3
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Dec 18, 2013
Los Angeles County, Ca. USA
The same goes for Dicodes. It's made entirely in Germany, the CS is excellent and their mods come with 2 years of warranty. You can also send it in for repairs at a very reasonable price ofter the warranty expires. And I hope you realise the whole "Made in the US" means absolutely nothing to people who don't live in The States? I understand it's some weird source of pride to you but to someone in Europe it's completely irrelevant.

Looks like a nice mod Lem. But why would I want something made in Germany? I hope you realize that means nothing to someone living in the States and in fact conjures images of some beer swilling guy in a speedo prancing around shouting "Ont my mod is wondabah!" I understand that makes you feel warm inside but seems completely irrelevant to me.


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Oct 1, 2013
I love my provaris. I have 2 2.5's and a P3 stealth. They work very well, the 2.5 for the price it is right now I would say is worth it. I use them on my mini protanks and I still enjoy that vape as well as other high wattage devices.

I remember when I posted in the P3 thread about my stealth. I stated the only thing I didn't like about it was the "quick check settings". I claimed that the Evic mini stealth mode was by far superior as you can just click the button quickly to truly and quickly check the settings. Unlike the P3 where the screen stays on as your vaping.

So I was quoted in that thread about some rubbish that it would take 2 buttons to have a feature like that. Even though I had previously already posted that the evic only uses one button to do this. That quote was also quoted stating that yes indeed it would need 2 buttons. So they didn't even bother to actually read my post and then had to jump on the defensive that I am asking for something that isn't even possible. So I just replied back about helloooo evic button. They then just ignored me so ya there's that.

Provari is pretty great. I really enjoy my mods I have of theirs. But I find the hardcores a little conceited and arrogant. Like they just had to instantly jump on me for stating the evics stealth mode superior to the P3's. Which it is. I just leave the display off the P3 as I am used to that with my 2.5 anyhow

Also I find it funny all the stories about how much provaris can go through. "Oh I dropped mine in the tub and toilet twice and it still works!" "Derrr I dropped mine from a 5 story building and it still works!"


Anyhow Provari is awesome! Getting a 2.5 right now is more than worth it and pays for it self ten fold eventually.


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Nov 21, 2015
Toronto, Canada
I don't really think Provaris are that expensive if a buyer waits for sales. My Radius was fairly expensive but to me it is "worth" 1.5x what my Snow Wolf initially cost. A 2.5 can be found for $40-60 if you wait/look. I bought one today for $45 new. Better mod than my iStick 30 for a few bucks more? 100% IMO and no Chinese mod I owns has a 1 year warranty.

But to @ashtrayogdc 's point, I agree that some Provari owners can be a little over the top. But more "passionate" than "arrogant" IME. I am not a complete fanboy of anything, but I own 3 Provaris and ordered another 2 today. Mostly for the long warranty and the proven reliability.... not for performance. I have 2 Reuleaux RX200's and a Snow Wolf if I want to drip at 100W.

I don't know why anyone would post a thread like this in the "Forum Suppliers" section though and I don't blame Provari owners for being p!$$ed.

Buy Provari if you like them or buy something else if you don't. Who really cares? This isn't a Rolex vs. Timex conversation. A Provari isn't a status symbol.


Vaping Master
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Sep 23, 2013
I don't really think Provaris are that expensive if a buyer waits for sales. My Radius was fairly expensive but to me it is "worth" 1.5x what my Snow Wolf initially cost. A 2.5 can be found for $40-60 if you wait/look. I bought one today for $45 new. Better mod than my iStick 30 for a few bucks more? 100% IMO and no Chinese mod I owns has a 1 year warranty.

But to @ashtrayogdc 's point, I agree that some Provari owners can be a little over the top. But more "passionate" than "arrogant" IME. I am not a complete fanboy of anything, but I own 3 Provaris and ordered another 2 today. Mostly for the long warranty and the proven reliability.... not for performance. I have 2 Reuleaux RX200's and a Snow Wolf if I want to drip at 100W.

I don't know why anyone would post a thread like this in the "Forum Suppliers" section though and I don't blame Provari owners for being p!$$ed.

Buy Provari if you like them or buy something else if you don't. Who really cares? This isn't a Rolex vs. Timex conversation. A Provari isn't a status symbol.

these threads don't bother me at all ... I actually enjoy the ProVari bash threads :blink:
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