Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    That Provape site has been around for a long time but it isn't the 'original' Provape as it closed. Not the same owners or products to my knowledge.

    Not sure what device you are looking for. I think the Caliburn wasn't a disposable but a pod type. There is a fairly new pod that has a disposable battery, you can search reviews for it, @hittman recently reviewed it iirc. Personally, I really like the Xros for a pod type.

    I think the Old Folks thread closed due to no activity.
    It was the innokin trine that has the replaceable battery and comes with two batteries.


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, all.

    Rain due in later today, the sun breaks are over for a while.

    Did get some weed whacking done yesterday, after the ride-em decided it wanted some new parts. PTO cable, that engages the blades, figured it was time to fail. Oddly :))) local stores don't stock parts for 13 year old machines. So, waiting for Mr. Amazon to come through for me...



    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Why Hurricane Mills? I thought Ken was from some other city.
    His daughter and father live in Hixson which is close to Chattanooga. Ken lived 3 1/2 hours away in Hurricane Mills.

    Mrs. Rochelle is taking good care of you.
    She took such good care of me. She fed me every day except the night I visited the Moose Lodge there where Ken had taken me several times. She makes beautiful quilts and she gave me a little quilted coup bowl holder which is absolutely perfect. It works much better than my pot holder that I usually use. She also sent home 2 tomato plants that she grew in her greenhouse. I hope I can keep them alive. Fingers crossed.


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Just wanted you to know that I could not have been more pleased with Ken's funeral. 10 motorcycles led him in and I know Ken would have liked that. There were around 60 people there at least. I was so glad I had called so many people on his phone's contact list. I met so many wonderful people who said they knew me because Ken had talked so much about me. That made me feel good.

    I was not trying to be disrespectful but I did not sit with the family in the chair they provided. I stood over to the side and Ken biker friends came and stood with me. They told me if I ever needed anything that one of the 5 would be there for me because I was part of their family now. I really think they meant it.

    I am not going to tell you that I am not sad because I am but I cannot/will not become a prisoner of this house ever again. I took myself out to the Moose Lodge tonight and everyone there must have hugged me 3 times. I was not sure how I would feel out there but since everyone was so nice I had a wonderful time. I had half a plate of Ken's friend Ahi tuna and it was delicious. Ken never would try it even though everyone told us how good it was. I can't wait until Prime Rib night again. They have such good food.

    I am going to keep myself busy for a while because that is how I handle everything. I have so many thank you cards to write but I will work on it next week and get it done.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, all.

    Well, the heavy rain seems to be scattered showers. So far, anyway. Maybe just decided to stop for a rest?

    I am going to keep myself busy for a while because that is how I handle everything.

    Yes, challenging as that may be, imo the best way to deal with it.


    Uncle Willie

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    May 27, 2011
    Meet Me in St Louie Louie
    People deal with issues in life in various ways .. booze and drugs were my go-to for way too many years ..

    I'm going to give the same schtick I've given many times in the past .. look beyond yourself and help those that need help .. volunteer .. give of your time / energy and find a place that needs you .. Food Bank, Homeless Shelter, etc .. there are always places that need some help ..

    There are so many benefits to your mental health, making new friends and avoiding loneliness, a sense of purpose and deeper self-confidence ..

    IMO, the volunteer gets more out of it than the recipients .. and, it helps fulfill the 'staying busy' mantra ..


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    I went to the the Moose Lodge Friday night and was not sure how it would be but everyone was so nice to me. I had Ahi tuna for the first time. Really good.

    I have wanted to visit other Moose Lodges closer to me so today a friend of Ken's took me to two of them. One lodge invited us to return tomorrow because they had free food. Country-style steak, real taters, and green beans. That does sound good.

    I went to a Thai restaurant tonight and ate sushi for the first time. I was shocked because it did not taste like fish like I expected. It is not something I would want to eat all the time but I do love trying new things.

    I like staying away from home because I don't think about stuff. But I need to get back to getting rid of everything and figure out what I want to do.

    Lots of rain coming my way. I was chilly today and wore a flannel shirt because I was cold. My nose is stopped up now and I think I am getting another cold. That or allergies. Either way, I don't like it.


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Oh? My solution has always been to sit around and stare at the walls. I just might give that a try.
    It was raining today so I had to find something to occupy my time inside. I went through my pantry of canned goods because I noticed some were out of alphabetical order. Ken helped put up groceries and did not know my system. I know it sounds silly but it sure makes it easier to find what I am looking for.


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, all.

    Rain continues, after apparently stopping for coffee on the way in yesterday. Nearly another 3/4" since yesterday morning.

    Nice to get closer to normal precip for the season, but would have been better if it was a lot more snow higher up.



    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Well, I just cannot seem to get a break. What I thought was allergies, is most definitely not. I was running a low-grade fever last night. I would have been surprised if I had not gotten sick with everything that has been going on the last few weeks.

    So rest is what is on the agenda today!


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    I sure hope you have a lot more canned goods than I. If not, it sounds a wee bit obsessive.
    I do have right many canned goods. I fed my father very well. I had brought home Ken's canned goods so that was why I needed to organize.

    But I disagree with you about the wee bit obsessive. It is much more than a "wee"!


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, all.

    Still raining, although the claim is that it will start to back off. Some day :)

    I would have been surprised if I had not gotten sick with everything that has been going on the last few weeks.

    Hope it's minor and you recover quickly!



    Vaping Master
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    Aug 23, 2011
    Skippack, PA
    Someone on my H.S. forum posted this link to his 45 rpm record collection from the 60's, 70's and 80's.
    The site has the "A" (or hit) side of the collection. The songs play if the titles are clicked.



    14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Someone on my H.S. forum posted this link to his 45 rpm record collection from the 60's, 70's and 80's.
    The site has the "A" (or hit) side of the collection. The songs play if the titles are clicked.

    Thanks for posting that. Funny thing is I can still remember the color of the label on most 45's. Isn't that strange? For instance, The Box Tops, was on a blue label. Ike & Tina records were on orange.

    My dad would get all the 45's off a jukebox as they changed them. What a collection that I wish I still had.

    They even have my favorite one from the sixties: Born to be Wild lol

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