Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only

Uncle Willie

Ultra Member
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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
Hi, I'm Willie ... :)

I never really considered starting my own Social Thread .. I don't participate in the modern on-line Tech like Facebook, etc .. not really because I'm old, (which I am), I just don't care for it .. but, I have participated on ECF for quite a while, and met many great folks .. I thought about finding an entirely new Forum and just moving on, but old habits die hard, and the one thing about ECF is, we all have one thing in common .. :)

So, you ask, "Why a New Thread .. " .. well, the truth is, I was drifting away for a while for various reasons, and then, made a Post which I immediately regretted, tried to erase, but it was too late, the damage had been done .. and it went against everything I had stood for over a long time .. so, in total embarassment, I just feel like I can't turn back time, and maybe I just needed to move on and the post was a sign .. I had likely worn out my welcome a long time ago anyway ..

At any rate, I'm going to ramble on some, if you've gotten this far without closing the window, perhaps there is still hope for me ..

Let's start with a little backstory (which, although I can't force you to do it, I would really, really like it if anyone that cares to join me would also write a little bio info) :: Most of my life has been spent in some facet of the Music Business .. I owned and ran a mid-level Concert sound system for many years, mainly catering to outdoor fests, State Fairs, mid-size town Festivals and the like, I owned and ran a small recording studio, mainly doing some radio/TV jingles and Demo Recordings for up and coming Artists .. and, still today, I build, repair, modify wood instruments, mainly Guitars .. I learned from an early Mentor that if you are going to be self-employed, do more than one thing, so that when work slows with one (which it always does), you have something else to keep you going financially .. I like to work, I'm not interested in retiring .. I also sandwiched in an Electronics Business for 10 years as a partner, so I'm pretty good on the Tech, and my history goes back to BBS and USENET .. I am also, very proudly, a Veteran, volunteered, was not drafted, that was deployed, my political leanings are left of center and I am a staunch Independent when it comes to my choices of Leadership in this Country .. I am a non-Believer (it's a long story) .. however, I do believe in the Power of Positivity and if I was forced to have a Belief System, it would be in the Tenets of Buddhism .. in other words, if you need some emotional support, because of one thing or another, I may not Pray for you, but I will honestly offer Positivity as best I can (and, I don't have anything against Prayer // I am a strong believer in Jesus the Man, not the Myth)

My journey on ECF began some years back, well after I had had my first Heart Attack, and the first thing I did after being discharged from the Hospital was, guess what .. ?? Time passed, and I heard about this new thing called an e-cig and I bought an original njoy (paid good money for it, too) .. that lasted maybe a week or two .. eventually, I stumbled across ECF and a very kind Moderator took my digital hand and guided me toward a product that worked for me .. I still use EVOD's and Spinners/Twists, Carto tank, etc .. so, if you're looking for in depth vaping talk from me, you've come to the wrong place ..

Flash forward, and I then stumbled upon the ECF lounge area and made up my mind to make it my On-Line go to place :: A comfortable, easy going group of folks .. All I ever really wanted from ECF was a place I could share my stories with other, older folks, because, I don't have many people left in real life .. and, we all get lonely sometimes, right .. ?? That, and the fact that I do like to write when the muse lands on my shoulder .. you can probably tell by now ..

A few things in order to give you a better feel of how I think ::

The open acceptance of differing views and outlooks, spoken rationally and with a degree of understanding and respect, expands our own personal horizons, if given the chance .. at any age, a closed mind limits ideas which otherwise could be worthwhile .. although many may not be swayed by others ideas / thoughts / beliefs, the purpose of a discourse is to gain a greater understanding of why we differ, and perhaps lend a new perspective to all that engage in that discourse ..

I find that Hope is the hardest thing, yet maybe the most important .. throwing in the towel is easy, hoping the outcome will improve is hard .. being hopeful and hanging in there is likely the real mark of dignity and humanity .. whether that hope is for yourself or someone else ..

In the past, I have always been waiting .. waiting to become the person I always felt I was on the edge of becoming .. waiting for that big moment, that big break .. waiting for something, nebulous and ethereal .. waiting and biding my time until I began to realize that a life well lived is the most precious thing of all .. yet, when the good things happened, for some reason, I felt sad .. maybe because the waiting was over .. The Journey overshadowed the End Result ..

If, by now, I have not totally lost you, I can only offer a sincere hope that you'll join me in my continued Journey, especially if I am hitting home with anyone, there is always room around the Digital Campfire for folks that want to reach out and grasp each others hands ..

"Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only" .. because, I am one of you .. I have had the deepest of lows and the highest of highs ..

Lastly, anyone that hits this Thread that I have ever offended, hurt the feelings of or been rude in any way toward, my sincere apology ..

I'm going to let this Thread stew for a while, see what happens, so don't expect me to mind it 24 / 7 .. and, if things don't work out .. nothing ventured, nothing gained .. if things work out, I'll probably drag some of my various other bits of Digital Detritus on in .. please, please, feel free to Post what's on your mind, let's just all be sure we remain respectful and understanding ..

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ECF Guru
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Apr 25, 2012
Hello my Friend...:)

Should anyone wonder.....I will proudly and staunchly, call Willie my friend, whose stories, comments and music I have been missing.

Back story, bio?? well....Most of my working life was spent in the Casino industry, while at the same time raising a family and supporting my late hubby as director of a non-profit juvenile drug rehab, which he was instrumental in creating. I'm a transplanted Westerner because I followed the Casino industry East for the opportunity to go into middle management. I'm always quick to poInt out that I came from Reno, not Las Vegas because...I started before Equal Rights...;) In Vegas, women could be Keno runners, cocktail waitresses, or....hookers :rolleyes:... but not dealers... When I finally left the casinos, I was able to indulge the artistic, creative side of myself that I have always had. Everything that I had played with over the years came together to allow me a small measure of success when I started sculpting, until....Mother Nature said "Oh no you don't" and hit me with severe, aggressive RA. Oh well...at least I can say I did it for a time...

Hubby passed, money was next to nil and daughter moved me here to PA. Not allowed to smoke in the house, freezing my .... and fingers off outside, combined with what seemed to be an increase in the price every time I went too buy smokes, pushed me to look at e-cigs. So...went to the local convenience store to try one out and...they were sold out. Off to the internet I went and yep....ordered a kit with cartridges that were supposed to equal a pack...LOL I went back to order more cartridges and saw a post asking about the liquid to refill them.....which of course they didn't sell. That sent me on a search that eventually landed me on ECF.

When I found the threads that Txtumbleweed had started, I had found my home here on ECF. It was warm and welcoming. I made a number of acquaintances there... and...a few good friends. I'm hoping (there's that word....Hope..:)) this thread will have the same ambience we once had there.
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Uncle Willie

Ultra Member
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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
It was with some trepidation as I sat home last night and thought "Did I follow my instincts rightly, or make a big mistake .. ??" .. however, since I am encouraged by at least a degree of fellow ECF'ers here, the sleep I lost last night was a waste of good sleep .. ;) .. so, "One Brick at a Time" .. (although, yes, I was sorely tempted to take a peek ..)

An early thanks to those that have dropped in and taken a moment out of their busy schedules ..

Beginning the Day with :: Whenever a product pops into the Marketplace and suddenly takes off, I generally slap my forehead and say "Why did not I think of that .. ??" .. Enter the so-called Fidget Spinner Craze .. while I'm sure it's in the downward "Spiral" at this point, it once again proves the Buying Public will Buy In .. I've not studied it, so I really don't know squat about the allure other than it's a spinning thing you hold between your fingers, I do know somehow tying it to helping kids or adults with easing stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD and the cure for cancer was a brilliant marketing ploy .. I mean, what parent could resist that, since apparently a large portion of the population has "Fidgety" kids .. ?? So, instead of slapping a tablet or smart phone in their grip, get a cheap toy to occupy the time and maybe get them off the Ritalin .. ?? o_O

We had :: Pet Rocks, Mood Rings, Pokémon Go (truly a bit of a dangerous game, have you ever seen the roving Bands of Kids (and Adults) oblivious to everything except for the "Hunt" ..?), Mr Potato Head, the Rubik’s cube, etc .. and that's just off the top of my head .. feel free to share any others .. :)

Kick back, pour that second cup and relax ::


Uncle Willie

Ultra Member
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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
Young at heart? I'm 73 and feel like heart and everything else is much further along. I'll set this one for alerts and see what develops.

You got me beat by just a tiny bit .. ;)

You supplying lounge chairs or do I have to bring my own rocker?

It's BYOLC or I do have rentals available in the Lobby .. ;)


ECF Guru
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Apr 25, 2012
We had :: Pet Rocks, Mood Rings, Pokémon Go (truly a bit of a dangerous game, have you ever seen the roving Bands of Kids (and Adults) oblivious to everything except for the "Hunt" ..?), Mr Potato Head, the Rubik’s cube, etc .. and that's just off the top of my head .. feel free to share any others .. :)
And....hula hoops, which leads me to another of my old stories...;) I had a habit of walking home from school, changing into shorts, putting some music on the radio and going out into my front yard and spinning a hula hoop for about an hour every afternoon...it's good exercise for the waistline, don't you know? :rolleyes: The old football stadium which was about four blocks away from the school had burned down. There was a new one built next to the school, but the sod was still fresh and so....they practiced on the old field. My house was in between the school and the practice field. The coach was also the teacher for one of my classes and there came a day when he turned my face a lovely shade of red by announcing to the class that he had to move the team to the new field because they were too distracted after passing my front yard....:lol:


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
While visions of .... danced in my head ...



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Apr 25, 2012


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
You didn't tell me there's a waterbed on the deck!! If I put my walking shoes on now, I might make it there before the snow falls....:D

The a cozy couch on the upper deck too, I hear. Just watch your step getting down.


Uncle Willie

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
I have to tell you, Mike, I really am enjoying that Canon G7 X MK II .. over the long weekend, I gave it a good workout, here's a reduced size shot of Aynsley Dunbar (reduced by quite a bit, yet still expandable by clicking in order to stay within upload limits) ..
IMG_7343 (3).jpg

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