Reversing Heart Disease after stopping smoking

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  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    I am not a doctor so my knowledge is quite limited, but afaik heart disease is basically damage and buildup. The damage can be kept from accruing as rapidly but damage is damage.
    That is exactly what my NEW FOUND FRIEND the Cardiologist told me earlier this year after being diagnosed with heart disease after 75 care free years of living. To be precise he said today we can not remove the build up of plaque in the arteries though with the advancements being made it could be a possibility one day. For you younger people there is hope. to quote him "my job is to keep you alive, one way is to stop your arteries from further closing up". I thought I was healthy no shortness of breath, no dizziness. He was very adamant that I should stop vaping - not going to happen! He explained it further upon my last visit last month by saying "Nicotine turns your blood like jelly, do you understand what that means for you heart." So far I've reduced the nicotine from 14 to 7 mg.

    Anybody have information on what PG and VG does to the blood if anything at all. Thicken or thins or no effect at all?


    ECF Guru
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    Sep 12, 2010
    MN USA
    That is exactly what my NEW FOUND FRIEND the Cardiologist told me earlier this year after being diagnosed with heart disease after 75 care free years of living. To be precise he said today we can not remove the build up of plaque in the arteries though with the advancements being made it could be a possibility one day. For you younger people there is hope. to quote him "my job is to keep you alive, one way is to stop your arteries from further closing up". I thought I was healthy no shortness of breath, no dizziness. He was very adamant that I should stop vaping - not going to happen! He explained it further upon my last visit last month by saying "Nicotine turns your blood like jelly, do you understand what that means for you heart." So far I've reduced the nicotine from 14 to 7 mg.

    Anybody have information on what PG and VG does to the blood if anything at all. Thicken or thins or no effect at all?
    My information is what nicotine does is shrink blood vessels. The blood doesn’t get thicker but the tubes do get smaller. So sort of the same thing. If you’ve got a lot of plaque in your arteries the tubes are already reduced in size so he may have a point


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2018
    safe distance from a black hole
    He explained it further upon my last visit last month by saying "Nicotine turns your blood like jelly, do you understand what that means for you heart."
    Not really very accurate.
    Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. Blood doesnt really thicken up with nicotine, it just has a harder time moving through the constricted arteries.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I honestly don't know that much about heart disease other than to say my blood work is pretty encouraging although there have been times it has not been.

    I know there are some in the medical profession who are not big believers in cholesterol numbers as proof of health. IDK I have heart disease on both sides of my family, one set sort of drops dead instantaneously and the other side sort of gets a treatable heart attack (or three) and then finally eats it.

    My mom is 77 and healthy as a horse. She's the "drop dead" side, but it seems more confined to the males, somehow.

    I don't stress too much. While I don't really like nutritional "shilling" I will say this, I was vitamin D deficient (70% of the Western World is, per my doctor) and Vitamin D supplementation helps with energy. Vitamin B-12 shots (when I could get them for free) were like ROCKET fuel. I still supplement with it orally. It's not quite the same.

    What I DO have infinite faith in is my body's ability to heal itself. I read a study once about some crabs that needed a specific nutrient to live, but if they couldn't get it, they synthesized it.

    I'm a hell of a lot more complicated than a crab. Provided I offer my body REASONABLE nutrition, I think I will be Just Fine.

    There is like, NO cancer on either side of my family and I wouldn't call them a bunch of "healthy livers," more like "alcoholics and smokers." They all died (miserably) but they all lived (miserably) a surprisingly long time.

    I just don't want to go out with COPD. Before I started smoking I could bike over 100 miles a day and did so QUITE often, not to mention doing stuff like running 20 miles.

    I don't expect my cardiovascular system to ever get to quite THAT brilliance, all these years later, but I really would not know unless I tried. Yoga can give me a bit of a workout if I go FAST, but it's not the same as biking or running. Still healthy though

    I wish I never got rid of that stairmaster, man. It was great for cardio while being able to watch TV.

    And WHOO cardio FEELS so good when you stop.

    I may have to get a new one. Heh. I got all into those elliptical things but they turned out to murder my back.


    John Phoenix

    Ultra Member
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    Apr 12, 2011
    New Orleans
    I was hoping to have test results today to post for a baseline so I can compare it to the results for 3 or 6 months down the road to see if my reverse heart disease diet was working. That didn't happen.

    I don't do hospitals unless in extreme emergency.. I don't do insurance.

    My idea of hiring a doctor: Get to talk to the doctor. Ask him if he is willing to do the job I am hiring him for, no more no less. In this case I wanted certain specific test done and not certain other tests. If he agrees, to this (in writing signed by him) , then we agree to price. No money exchanges hands before you talk to the doctor and before you actually hire him .. especially if you don't know yet if he's willing to to the job I ask. No professional does business that way but that's what they want.

    Their idea of hiring a doctor: No insurance, pay 500 dollars up front, (no problem had a couple of thousand dollars on hand) this goes to the hospital/dr.s office (the doctors office is in a for profit hospital in the USA.) The hospital puts through Medicaid in whats called a Pending status. (Medicaid is US Government insurance) This allows me to see the doctor - problem is this money is Gone even before I've agreed to Hire the doctor! They don't want to trust that you'll have the money to pay unless your rich like Donald Trump so they want insurance of Medicaid in your name. In this manner, they will pretty much Guarantee you will always go back to them because they have secured your payment from Medicaid or insurance.. and this is before you even speak to a doctor. In fact, you cannot even talk to the doctor to see if you want to hire him without this Medicaid pending and your 500 dollar deposit. Like I said, No professional does business this way.. except for doctors.. and it's why i don't go to doctors. If Medicaid accepts you, they will reimburse you the 500 dollars. If not, and I decide not to hire the doctor (say if he's not willing to do the job I ask of him) then you have No recourse for getting that money back. To me this is a SCAM. Oh sure it's all good if you actually use the doctors services but I'm not paying 500 dollars for an IF... IF Medicaid accepts me, or IF the doctor agrees to my terms for hire neither of which has been established at this point. They wanted my money without giving me anything.. but a way to keep the hospital making government money at my expense. I asked the financial advisor several times how do I get the money back if it's Not Used.. if I do not get accepted by Medicaid and if I choose not to hire the doctor.. she didn't want to answer that question and kept trying to skirt the issue. Finally she admitted the hospital just keeps the money because after all the dr. is a specialist bla bla bla. I walked out and went home. I'm not dealing with those scams. I don't wanna be treated by people who put money over health care especially if I am not allowed to even ask the dr. a few simple questions before hiring him.

    If I do have to go to the hospital, if my pain gets that bad, I'll post the results then. Otherwise this thread will not serve it's intended purpose.
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    John Phoenix

    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 12, 2011
    New Orleans
    Here's a thought for people with Heart disease.. we Vape Nicotine which is a vascular constrictor, it causes blood vessels and arteries to shrink - what if we Vaped a Vasodilator.. a substance that causes blood vessels and arteries to dilate (open)..

    Now That may help change the game. It would give us another way to open our arteries besides supplementing with things like L-Arginine which creates nitric oxide which open arteries (same as nitroglycerin) and blood thinners like vitamin E.

    I wonder how many different types of things we can vape that will help us in ways we never considered.
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    John Phoenix

    Ultra Member
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    Apr 12, 2011
    New Orleans
    Nicotine and aspirin...:ohmy:

    NicSalt-S (Nicotine Salicylate salt)

    Problem solved!!! :thumb:

    Cute but not not helping.. it may deaden the pain some but does nothing to cure the cause. The body can heal itself of almost anything, so why don't dr's tell the truth in America rather than give false hope? Even the UK is way better now at treating illness with nutrition over the USA's instance of using drugs that do further harm the body. -

    People none of this should be shocking..we started vaping to Keep from this Same Heart Disease one gets from smoking cigarettes.. I'm kinda applaud there are not tons of people wanting to talk about and encouraged to talk about Heart Disease in this forum.. sounds kinda hypocritical to me.. I KNOW Lots pf people read this thread IN Pain Right Now from Angina.. just hoping for a light in the darkness..
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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2018
    safe distance from a black hole
    Cute but not not helping.. it may deaden the pain some but does nothing to cure the cause. The body can heal itself of almost anything, so why don't dr's tell the truth in America rather than give false hope? Even the UK is way better now at treating illness with nutrition over the USA's instance of using drugs that do further harm the body. -

    People none of this should be shocking..we started vaping to Keep from this Same Heart Disease one gets from smoking cigarettes.. I'm kinda applaud there are not tons of people wanting to talk about and encouraged to talk about Heart Disease in this forum.. sounds kinda hypocritical to me.. I KNOW Lots pf people read this thread IN Pain Right Now from Angina.. just hoping for a light in the darkness..
    Maybe no one is as shocked or as outraged as you are :unsure: Its not new information.

    Everyone is looking for a silver bullet for health rather than being adult about it.
    Dr's arent responsible for your diet and neither is the gov....
    Sometimes, most times, the individual just has to make sensible choices.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I wonder how many different types of things we can vape that will help us in ways we never considered.

    I am NOT going to be the guinea pig on that one. Maybe there are, maybe there aren't but this is getting a bit too near homeopathy only DANGEROUS instead of just ineffective if you ask me.

    IDK. I will wait for some studies, not speculate about what "might" work. No offense intended.


    John Phoenix

    Ultra Member
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    Apr 12, 2011
    New Orleans
    A little background on this thread. The day I posted this August 4th, I had been having bad chest pains since August 1st. Not the normal chest pains I have had over the years like a small pain that would last a few seconds.. (this is what I called angina for 10 years.) On August 1st 2019 I found out I was wrong. Those were baby taps. What I have now is full blown angina. I have been in constant pain since 2019 August 1st in one form or another.

    They tell you if you experience chest pain for more than 3 minutes seek emergency treatment immediately.. it's now been 11 days. I have something against me, a healthy distrust of being in the hospital or being under a doctors care. I have something going for me, an understanding of how and why that situation can kill you as well as the diet I've allowed myself to eat over the years was not sufficient and I had to change my whole diet forever.

    Let that sink in. I'm having to change my whole diet forever. A Real lifestyle change no one really Wants to do because we are wrongly taught that meat and dairy is healthy for you. ( and we get addicted to the taste.. much of that addiction is Proven to be organized by drugs they put in the food!!) It's Not in any form and I won't entertain any fantasies in this thread that it is. As a layman I have studied nutrition and health for over 20 years. I know better. I have studied Natural Hygiene which is the predecessor to the whole food plant based diet - they used to CURE patients with Natural Hygiene in the 1900's! Then modern for profit medicine (using synthetic pills) to treat illness came around the the American Medical Association was born. They didn't want health, they wanted to make money off of treatments. It's still like that today if you've read my last post. ( and of course the folks in the UK know this because their health care changed years ago because of it) Trust a doctor.. not on your life. I hired him, I can Fire him.. even in the hospital. If your doctor doesn't prescribe a whole foods plant based diet, he's 1) Wrong, and 2) Not worth your time and money After all it's YOUR Health that's at steak, don't let him dictate to you whats best for your health. (his diet will Kill you!) - That's Not even their JOB!! Their Job is to Push Pills! - Fire the guy Immediately.

    Now, I'm still trying to get the test for you because I KNOW they are all full of Crap and I Will Prove it.. or I Will DIE. It's that simple. I believe I can beat it because...

    Since the 1st I have switched my diet and lifestyle to a whole foods plant based diet. I have improved my diet in recent years but it apparently was not enough.. Heart Disease is KNOWN to be a Food Bore Illness! We Know what clogs your arteries and we know where that stuff comes from - Animals!! It's Animal Fat and Animal Cholesterol you Need to avoid to stop the damage then it's a whole food plant based diet ( Everything Natural grown in the soil as God intended) that will Heal you. It's why your body has the ability to Heal itself in the first place.. that's what it's designed to do if you fee it the right building blocks ! - don't believe me.. research it for yourself. The longest living healthiest people on the planet are whole food plant based people.. that's simply how we are made.

    So I went from eating good to eating in a Very Strict manner, avoiding all added salt sugar fats cholesterol processed foods meat and dairy. and you know what.. in 11 days my pain has considerably lessened. My blood pressure is still out of whack but not as it was on day 1. I had 35 points difference between the right arm and the left and now it's only 20. The strict diet is working.

    Sometime this week I will go to the emergency room ( that way I'll never have to pay an absurd amount I shouldn't be asked to pay in the first place) and get some test done. I'll post the results. I will do this because even though I believe I can control and even cure my problem with nutrition there is still that voice that says What If.. My Mom had to have a valve replaced, and she's never smoked and always ate healthy ( Not really she ate Meat and vegetable oils because it was told to her healthy fats exist which is a Lie) .. this tells me if the idea of genetics is true (which I don't believe, kids eat the same diet's the parents so most things they claim is genetic is simply the whole family eating the wrong human diet.) then there is a good chance I'll have the same heart problem. Of course I know that's not gonna happen. I ate wrong all my life and smoked. I did this to myself and it's my responsibility to get myself out of this mess.

    Also the very real thing of the difference in blood pressure from one arm to the other freaks me out. There are many different types of heart disease mostly all with the same cause, but I have to know which one I have to best to treat it. I'll hire a doctor in the ER to do the job I want .. the test I want or if not, I'll fire him. He's not going to Do anything I will not authorize expressly.
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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    A little background on this thread. The day I posted this August 4th, I had been having bad chest pains since August 1st. Not the normal chest pains I have had over the years like a small pain that would last a few seconds.. (this is what I called angina for 10 years.) On August 1st 2019 I found out I was wrong. Those were baby taps. What I have now is full blown angina. I have been in constant pain since 2019 August 1st in one form or another.

    They tell you if you experience chest pain for more than 3 minutes seek emergency treatment immediately.. it's now been 11 days. I have something against me, a healthy distrust of being in the hospital or being under a doctors care. I have something going for me, an understanding of how and why that situation can kill you as well as the diet I've allowed myself to eat over the years was not sufficient and I had to change my whole diet forever.

    Let that sink in. I'm having to change my whole diet forever. A Real lifestyle change no one really Wants to do because we are wrongly taught that meat and dairy is healthy for you. ( and we get addicted to the taste.. much of that addiction is Proven to be organized by drugs they put in the food!!) It's Not in any form and I won't entertain any fantasies in this thread that it is. As a layman I have studied nutrition and health for over 20 years. I know better. I have studied Natural Hygiene which is the predecessor to the whole food plant based diet - they used to CURE patients with Natural Hygiene in the 1900's! Then modern for profit medicine (using synthetic pills) to treat illness came around the the American Medical Association was born. They didn't want health, they wanted to make money off of treatments. It's still like that today if you've read my last post. ( and of course the folks in the UK know this because their health care changed years ago because of it) Trust a doctor.. not on your life. I hired him, I can Fire him.. even in the hospital. If your doctor doesn't prescribe a whole foods plant based diet, he's 1) Wrong, and 2) Not worth your time and money After all it's YOUR Health that's at steak, don't let him dictate to you whats best for your health. (his diet will Kill you!) - That's Not even their JOB!! Their Job is to Push Pills! - Fire the guy Immediately.

    Now, I'm still trying to get the test for you because I KNOW they are all full of Crap and I Will Prove it.. or I Will DIE. It's that simple. I believe I can beat it because...

    Since the 1st I have switched my diet and lifestyle to a whole foods plant based diet. I have improved my diet in recent years but it apparently was not enough.. Heart Disease is KNOWN to be a Food Bore Illness! We Know what clogs your arteries and we know where that stuff comes from - Animals!! It's Animal Fat and Animal Cholesterol you Need to avoid to stop the damage then it's a whole food plant based diet ( Everything Natural grown in the soil as God intended) that will Heal you. It's why your body has the ability to Heal itself in the first place.. that's what it's designed to do if you fee it the right building blocks ! - don't believe me.. research it for yourself. The longest living healthiest people on the planet are whole food plant based people.. that's simply how we are made.

    So I went from eating good to eating in a Very Strict manner, avoiding all added salt sugar fats cholesterol processed foods meat and dairy. and you know what.. in 11 days my pain has considerably lessened. My blood pressure is still out of whack but not as it was on day 1. I had 35 points difference between the right arm and the left and now it's only 20. The strict diet is working.

    Sometime this week I will go to the emergency room ( that way I'll never have to pay an absurd amount I shouldn't be asked to pay in the first place) and get some test done. I'll post the results. I will do this because even though I believe I can control and even cure my problem with nutrition there is still that voice that says What If.. My Mom had to have a valve replaced, and she's never smoked and always ate healthy ( Not really she ate Meat and vegetable oils because it was told to her healthy fats exist which is a Lie) .. this tells me if the idea of genetics is true (which I don't believe, kids eat the same diet's the parents so most things they claim is genetic is simply the whole family eating the wrong human diet.) then there is a good chance I'll have the same heart problem. Of course I know that's not gonna happen. I ate wrong all my life and smoked. I did this to myself and it's my responsibility to get myself out of this mess.

    Also the very real thing of the difference in blood pressure from one arm to the other freaks me out. There are many different types of heart disease mostly all with the same cause, but I have to know which one I have to best to treat it. I'll hire a doctor in the ER to do the job I want .. the test I want or if not, I'll fire him. He's not going to Do anything I will not authorize expressly.

    I'll just set this here for your reading pleasure, John:

    30 Centenarians Share Their Secrets to Living to 100 - Funny Tips for a Long Life

    These are true stories.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    Lol, wouldn't have thought you to be a GH reader. :) ( No offense)
    Well, I'm not, really, but had found this fascinating when a friend sent it to me last
    Now, to ask the big question.....why? ;)
    Hey, I see you're a fellow Pennsylvanian....whereabouts?
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    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Well, I'm not, really, but had found this fascinating when a friend sent it to me last
    Now, to ask the big question.....why? ;)
    Hey, I see you're a fellow Pennsylvanian....whereabouts?
    Ima going to skip answering The Big Question, lol. Other side of the state here. Grew up in the coal country, living south now with the Amish folks.
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    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017

    The naturopath is where you want to be like, if you think you need some sort of placebo thing to increase your wellness. Natural medicine is FINE as far as it goes which is NOT THAT FAR.

    THE ER is where you want to go if you are having A HEART ATTACK or have been in a NEAR FATAL accident.

    @John Phoenix , I feel really bad for your situation but GO TO THE ER already GO!!! Also, do not try to "dictate" to your doctor what he may or may not do (although it is within your rights to walk out, refuse tests, and etc., if you must.)

    If you are having a heart attack you will be moved to the cardiac floor where they really know what they are doing! If your hospital is DECENT there is NO reason (other than what appears to be YOUR fear of finding out what is really going on) NOT TO GO!! Best case, you need antacids from all the weird crap you have been eating, worst case you NEED SURGERY and if you do, NO amount of healthy eating at THIS point is going to make that NEED go away.

    You are staring to remind me of my dead stepfather. A LOT.

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