just a tip........run battery analyzer. run the analyzer at a wattage you typically vape at. also a good idea to run case analyzer. i'm assuming hcigar hasn't run any of the analyzers, but i could be wrong. my vt200 is a peach now that i ran all the analuzers and also performed an internal mod resistance test. more info on these types of analyzers are available on www.evolvforumchitchat.comI love BOTH of my VT200s. Yep, I loved the first one (and my brother loves the one I bought him) so much that I bought a second one as a backup just in case. These are the only mods I have. All these things I hear people worrying/complaining about have been non-issues for me. Battery set to 14.43 as recommended by hcigar and it lasts from 5am to 10pm with 25%-35% battery remaining, everyday. I have bought a total of 4 VT200s so far. The first one did die after 1 day. The next 3, absolutely no problems. Manufacturing is great, price was good, battery life is good, vape is awesome, options with the dna & eScribe are better (I think) than anything else available right now. I love the look & feel of the device. I've had one for over three months now with no problems whatsoever. I don't think I could be happier....
glad to hear you also love your vt200. i love mine and she still purrs like the day i opened the box, if that makes any sense.