Hcigar vt133 or therion dna133 Which to get?

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ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Wait, they're making a 250, with a Lipo?!?

I always just assumed they would keep the 250 board for the Triade. I limit my DNA200 at 80W (I never go over 40W, maybe up to 50 in pre-heat but that's it), but the 2amp charging would be worth it, especially with a build in battery.

There will be a Therion 166 released, so the 250 board is not being limited to the Triade only. Although you will have to wire in your own Lipo if you want that form factor (never mind piddly stuff like warranties or anything).:D


Ultra Member
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Oct 2, 2013
Flat Rock, MI, USA
There will be a Therion 166 released, so the 250 board is not being limited to the Triade only. Although you will have to wire in your own Lipo if you want that form factor (never mind piddly stuff like warranties or anything).:D
To add to @Eskie post: Boxer already has a DNA250 and 167 out. The DNA250 will be out in greater numbers as time passes. I'm not sure if the holdup is the DNA250 is not available in big quantities or if companies are trying to sell off they stock of DNA200's (maybe a little of both).

PS The DNA250 is the chip - the 167 is what it puts out when using 2 cells. It's the same way the DNA200 was limited to 133 watts using 2 cells.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2013
Flat Rock, MI, USA
Here's a picture of the soon to be released VT167



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2013
Flat Rock, MI, USA
darn... there's always something better in the horizon... sweet the vt167...
I like the way it looks but I'll probably sit this one out. I have a few VT133's. They have the daughter board that provides reverse polarity protection. I don't charge the batteries in that mod (they are very easy to change/remove) and 133 watts is more than enough power for me.

IMO the main improvements of the DNA250 over the DNA200 are:
1. Reverse polarity protection (for 18650 mods mainly - Lipos can only be hooked up one way - I mean the connector)
2. Two amp charging
3. Extra power if you need it

None of those will effect the VT133 vs 167 for me.

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Jan 24, 2011
There will be a Therion 166 released, so the 250 board is not being limited to the Triade only. Although you will have to wire in your own Lipo if you want that form factor (never mind piddly stuff like warranties or anything).:D

Oh, that's a missed opportunity, not selling a 250 with a Lipo I mean. Or better yet, they could just repeat that trick they did with the Effusion Duo to keep all options open

I might as well go with the 133 then if I have to do some soldering anyway. After thinking it through some more 1A charging might be better for the longevity of the battery.

So what ever happened to the, no new mods after 8/8/16? Do we really believe that these were sold to "someone" before that date or......? ;)

You're not complaining now are you? :p


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2016
So what ever happened to the, no new mods after 8/8/16? Do we really believe that these were sold to "someone" before that date or......? ;)

Reading that people purchased dozen of mods and gallons of nic prior to that date. Hopefully there was space available in their fallout shelter. Crazy. [emoji23] Btw I have binned the vt133. After thinking I've found a solution to my weak vape woes it reverts back to weak vapes. Hours spent on this and VapeNW gives you no support or returns. [emoji107]

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Full Member
Jul 16, 2015
If you are finding refinement is altering your resistance significantly, make sure the board is grounded properly. A bad ground can often cause resistance to drift. It matters more at refinement pulses because there isn't a whole lot of power being thrown around when the pulses are being done.

Alternatively, locking Ohms, as has been mentioned, will likely work, if the issue is ground. :)

SS is more finicky about this because its full temperature range is only a ~20% change in resistance. So 10% error from refinement on a low resistance coil can mean being a hundred degrees off. You can lessen the problem by making a higher resistance coil if you want.
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Jul 21, 2016
Just ordered a Efusion 200 from eciggity sale. Will compare and contrast. Because I want the truth! In the meantime being a stubborn fellow I put a 316l spaced coil that measures .86 ohms with a 3.5 mm diameter. At 480 degrees and 60 watts 60 preheat it vapes good so far. But I'm not crazy about what I'm seeing here. Since you can't see the values, the green power hits 36 watts before temp limit is hit and then stays at 19 watts the rest of the way. The temp peaks at 480 degrees. Should not the maintaining wattage be higher than 19 watts?


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