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Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Hard to say Kate. I really don't measure it that closely. I do KNOW that I've spent much less on juice over the last month that I would have on real cigs at the rate of about 30 cigs per day.

I'll top up a 901 cart with a drop or two about 10-15 times a day. I have know idea how much that equates to. I'll take a puff or three, put the thing down for 5 or 10 minutes and then pick it up again - all day, every day.

Maybe too much? :confused:

I've no idea how much is too much, it must differ from person to person.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hey Trog your a lucky Man ...Anyone who is new to e-smoking wants the best e-cig i guess they did an "ecig" google and your screw driver came up ....How can i buy shares :thumb: ....Its not your fault the wanted the strongest NIC lol lol lol....Mabey you should sell it as an E-Cigar that you inhale lol lol

we didnt expect to get people buying S/Ds new to e smoking but we are..



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2008
Mt. Baldy, CA USA
But don't be stupid... see a doctor. The last thing e-smoking needs is a related death.

Dude, with all due respect, that comment was a touch insensitive dont you think??

Sorry if you took it that way. I was not trying to be insensitive... my point was that you seemed so reluctant to go to the doctor that if you weren't going to go for your own sake you should go for ours! It was meant to be kind of tongue-in-cheek.

Having said that, I did take on board what you said and got myself to A&E, I have overdosed on nicotine and it is not pretty, very strong painkillers and rest up for a few days and hopefully I will be ok then. The last thing I want to do now or for the forseeable future is smoke an e-cigarette, maybe I will see sense now in giving up altogether.

So, what's the moral of the story?? Well I think it is important going forward to add a sense of caution to the overall tone of information passed onto new members, I am happy to admit that I was a little reckless in what I was doing but I am not a complete idiot either.

This board has a lot going for it and we dont want this happening again!



Glad you're feeling better! Moderation in all things, eh? ;)
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Jimmy S

Full Member
Nov 7, 2008
Sorry if you took it that way. I was not trying to be insensitive... my point was that you seemed so reluctant to go to the doctor that if you weren't going to go for your own sake you should go for ours! It was meant to be kind of tongue-in-cheek.

no worries man, when I replied earlier I was in a pretty bad state, I can see how you meant it now!!

..and yeah, whaty the **** was I thinking?? I dunno..I thought everybody vaped that super strength stuff, looking back, I think I vaped it around 10 times through out the day, didnt think that would do any serious harm!!


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Some folks have built up a tolerance to high doses of nic but you were going from low to mega high without a transition period.

Low amounts of nic might be good for you but high can cause long term physical problems. If you can hack it you'd be best to swap from cigs to low. Esmoking won't replace the smoking feeling anyway, there are other chemicals in cigs that you will miss. Sometimes people think they aren't getting enough nicotine when they swap but it's likely the other stuff from burning tobacco that's missing.

Are you feeling a bit better tonight Jimmy?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
If i was Jimmy i would be feeling like crap now because i have just been told i will miss all the crap that you get in a real cig ..... Thats the E-Cig baloon burst now then lol ..... Whats our next topic??

Some folks have built up a tolerance to high doses of nic but you were going from low to mega high without a transition period.

Low amounts of nic might be good for you but high can cause long term physical problems. If you can hack it you'd be best to swap from cigs to low. Esmoking won't replace the smoking feeling anyway, there are other chemicals in cigs that you will miss. Sometimes people think they aren't getting enough nicotine when they swap but it's likely the other stuff from burning tobacco that's missing.

Are you feeling a bit better tonight Jimmy?


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
Oops, sorry :oops:

If it's any consolation Jimmy, I don't miss cigs at all and many here don't. Some people still crave cigs though so I was just trying to be honest. Raising your nicotine intake when you swap won't give you a better experience than cigs, it'll just raise your tolerance to nic ... and then you'll need more to feed the addiction.

I have to agree here. Just over 5 weeks without burning tobacco now - and I don't miss it at all. What we're partly doing by vaping is fooling ourselves, but in a good way. Jimmy - you should try vaping pure glycerine. You'll have clouds of smoke, no poison, and I bet you'll enjoy it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
No. Kate is right. We're all different, I acknowledge that, but I miss real cigarettes after not having one for 16 months. And I've had numerous conversations with former smokers, who almost all say they miss cigarettes 5 years, 27 years, or even 36 years after quitting in the case of one I spoke with.

Smoking forever changes your brain. Quitting does not return your brain to that of a never-smoker. You will likely always experience cravings for cigarettes, no matter how easy things seem at any given moment. Just wait. The haunts will return.

My neighbor, with one lung lost from lung cancer a decade ago, just got out of the hospital after five weeks on the edge of having a blood clot turn loose. Weak, he limped across the road to greet me and the first thing out of his mouth was, "You got anything to smoke?" Now, that's addiction. He knows I use e-cigs all day, but I noted that he didn't ask, "You got an e-cig I could vape?" He's rejected my attempts to get him to try one.

Heck, John McCain told an interviewer he'd been off cigarettes for 28 years (think that's the right year number) and still misses them.

For me, and I bet many others, e-smoking is not a miracle. It's an acceptable, but incomplete, alternative. If you're a happy e-smoker now, let's talk again in a year. If the FDA doesn't speak first.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 25, 2008
Missoula, MT
No. Kate is right. We're all different, I acknowledge that, but I miss real cigarettes after not having one for 16 months. And I've had numerous conversations with former smokers, who almost all say they miss cigarettes 5 years, 27 years, or even 36 years after quitting in the case of one I spoke with.

Smoking forever changes your brain. Quitting does not return your brain to that of a never-smoker. You will likely always experience cravings for cigarettes, no matter how easy things seem at any given moment. Just wait. The haunts will return.

When my mom called me tonight, I actually asked her if she still has cravings for a cig. After about 20 years, she said every once in awhile, she gets a craving still.

Scary **** @_@


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2008
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
My father used to smoke, way before I was born. I'm currently 27. My brother smokes analog cigs.

One day my father was talking to my brother outside while he (my brother) was smoking. He said he really would like to have a cigarette, but he can't. He gave that up over 30 years ago, and he doesn't intend to start back up. But he still would really like to have one. :-/

Jimmy S

Full Member
Nov 7, 2008
Some folks have built up a tolerance to high doses of nic but you were going from low to mega high without a transition period.

Low amounts of nic might be good for you but high can cause long term physical problems. If you can hack it you'd be best to swap from cigs to low. Esmoking won't replace the smoking feeling anyway, there are other chemicals in cigs that you will miss. Sometimes people think they aren't getting enough nicotine when they swap but it's likely the other stuff from burning tobacco that's missing.

Are you feeling a bit better tonight Jimmy?

Kate, still have a headache but its a bit better than yesterday, please god it will be gone in the next day or two, thanks for asking!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2008
Yikes jimmy

Glad to hear you are slowly on the mend.

I used to smoke 40 cigs a day I was cautious and started on the 18mg , no headache or any other symptoms.

I am intending to cut down slowly 14mg and then maybe try 11 mg .

I dont want to stop vaping as I enjoy it and will still continue even if I go down to zero juice.

Don`t actually understand why others want to increase their nicotine intake ?.

When you are better , you may wany to give it another try but as others are saying use much lower juice.
Stay well away from the 25mg and the 36mg .

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Jimmy S

Full Member
Nov 7, 2008
Yikes jimmy

Glad to hear you are slowly on the mend.

I used to smoke 40 cigs a day I was cautious and started on the 18mg , no headache or any other symptoms.

I am intending to cut down slowly 14mg and then maybe try 11 mg .

I dont want to stop vaping as I enjoy it and will still continue even if I go down to zero juice.

Don`t actually understand why others want to increase their nicotine intake ?.

When you are better , you may wany to give it another try but as others are saying use much lower juice.
Stay well away from the 25mg and the 36mg .

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

thanks mate but I am not so sure I will want to, if I get any kind of a headache again, even from a lower dose, I think I will leave it be...we'll see!
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