When will I suffice to transition to vaping.

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Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    I have been smoking since I was 15 years old, and tried to vape for the past 5 years, although I did do 42 days in October 2016. I am now 37 going on 38 on October 6th.

    I just wish I never started to smoke in my life, but it is what it is. I just wanted to quit smoking with something that would replace it. I did try the Patches back in 2008 and only lasted 2 days without.

    Now my story goes something like this.

    I took my first puff at the tender age of 13 and only had the one, then found some aged 14, smoked them, as there was only 11 in the packet it took me a few weeks to do so.

    Then we moved and I purchased my first packet and smoked them taking in only 3 a day, it was bliss for me. Then mother found me smoking and have done ever since. It took about nearly a year for me to smoke a packet a day. And that is when the addiction to cigarettes became prominent.

    But even when smoking at home I was still paranoid about people watching me smoking.

    Now I have been paranoid ever since I was in about secondary school. And I do not know where it stemmed from. But I am a Paranoid Schizophrenic.

    I have had this diagnosis since 2012.

    Now when I first heard about vaping I was a little sceptical and did not know what it meant. Then one day when at the town centre with mother, I noticed a stall with some devices and read the claims. It was a cigalike stall or ego battery seller, I read the claims that one cartridge of a cigalike is equivalent to 1 packet of smokes. I tried one and coughed immediately afterwards, but not like I do now. This was back in 2013.

    I bought a pack but no backup battery. I noticed that when I used it My smoking was declining and this lasted for a few days, from 27 a day I would smoke 6 a day. Then catastrophe, I needed to charge the battery and it was downhill from there as my smoking increased.

    Then put that cigalike to one side. I tried again back in August 2015. And purchased a Cool Fire IV and Isub G tank, I purchased it on the whim after watching a review. I bought a backup battery in a different colour. And purchased some 18 mg/ml juice that was recommended. Waited for the juice to come and put it into the Isub G and blew my throat out.

    Not knowing that it should at least had 6 or 3 mg/ml in that tank.


    Then bought some more juice but this time for the iSub G. I went with a cheap brand as I could dispose of the item and would not have forked out a lot for juice, I went with peach.

    Then over the course of a year and a bit done a few days here and there, until it was time to do StopTober, Now from the 5th October to the 14th November 2016 done 42 days without smoking, and I blame myself for smoking again as I had some juice in my tank and would not change it as it had no flavour at all.

    Then the problems started with me making threads and vaping a few days till I smoked again, I have now been banned from that forum. The reason, constant trolling.

    Up to now, I can do a day without and then smokes again to make up for the lost time.

    I just want to quit smoking as it is not good for my health. As I have narrow airways of the throat, ever since I had a camera down my throat to check for ulcers in my stomach.

    I will now start my journey to a better way of life not smoking, as I have been vaping since 12 PM (Without DST).


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 16, 2019
    Hello @P2PLeon, it does take some time to find out what works for you. As everyone vapes differently.

    But there's plenty of options and at varying price points, and things can get confusing fast.

    DIY liquid and rebuildable atomisers can help reduce costs though, which allows you to spend money slightly more wisely though.

    So ask any questions you wish to, we'll try our best to help.


    I'm considered a Mad Scientist in some circles!
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    Oct 21, 2012
    San Antonio, Texas
    You should probably try something like a JUUL. High Nic Salts, low power.
    Nic Salts are easier on the throat and give you the nic hit you need to power through any reason to pick up a smoke.
    I am not up to date on the types out there right now, especially in the UK.


    Vaping Master
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    Jan 12, 2014
    I was smoking a PAD and had a disgust about myself doing it. People, places, and things just reminded me and I noticed that it was hurting my family, job, and health. I started to get an attitude of anger, that is important. Well, that sense of disgust helped me.

    I was just learning about it from social contacts and I made a plan. I bought a complete set-up and supporting items. I assembled the tank with drop-in coil and juice that I bought. Friends said 18-24mg is a good start to ensure that I replaced the nicotine that I got from cigs. I bought 24mg.

    I went to bed after having smoked a cig and when I woke up, I started vaping. I took about 4-5 draws and then sat the mod down and waited for when my body reminded me that I was in need of nic. By lunchtime, I knew that vaping would give me the nic that I was addicted to.

    I never smoked again.

    I went to my doctor for a different reason and I just happened to ask him about vaping and nicotine. He explained that nicotine is not the bad part, it is the Tar and whatever other chemicals that were bad. Well, vaping doesn't have those. He said it is much better than smoking.

    I settled into vaping and got spares, pretty quickly, so that I would not have a reason to stop at some shop for cigs. I removed all potential reasons/excuses that I might use to go back to smoking.

    After a few (6) months, I just vaped and got used to removing some of the habits that come with smoking. Then, I bought juice at the next level down and vaped that for several months. Then I did it again. I got down to 3-5mg in about two years.

    I spent money for 30 packs/month (3 cartons) when I smoked, I figured that I could spend the same amount on vaping, so long as I did not smoke.

    I have never smoked after that first morning. I had/have an attitude about how disgusting smoking is. I am grateful for that.

    As to dealing with being Paranoid Schizophrenic, I think a doctor can prescribe something to alleviate that. It takes time to find the right med, AND, doctors are slow about giving adequate dosages. They want you to sloooowly build up. That makes it hard, but not impossible.

    I would not worry about how much freebase nicotine (24mg) I vaped, I would follow my body's need. And, I would see a psych doctor immediately and nag often.

    It is a battle, but with a bit of preparation and attitude, very doable.

    Good luck!


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I really sympathize. I've given you all the advice I really can on quitting. I know it's hard when you have an MI, I mean it's just impossible at times. While I firmly believe people with MI and chronic pain and a few other conditions should just be able to smoke for life unfortunately that is not how it goes.

    I am going o suggest an (in person) quitting class of some sort. Hell, you don't have to tell people you are vaping if you don't want to, just that you are trying to quit smoking. The rest is not so important.

    I say this only because I have seen studies done and MI people do tend to have better success with a structured 7-10 week quitting course, where you have people around you to support you in your efforts. And believe me, you are making EFFORTS, and some of those triggers to smoking you might learn how to deal with them (including substituting vaping.)

    Your other option is to keep smoking if you have to and hopefully develop a curable health problem that makes quitting smoking more desirable to you. ;Hell, it's what I did and I focused ALL My efforts on it. I didn't want an oxygen tank. IF your wake up call is lung or esophageal caner, that will likely be a bit more unpleasant to deal with.

    I do wish you luck and you should post here if it helps you.

    There are some folks who do well with this website (which is probably anti vaping if I know this guy.) He is a cold turkey advocate I think but there is useful help on there including a forum I think. WhyQuit: Nicotine Dependency Recovery

    Good luck keep posting and don't give up..

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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 16, 2019
    Don't try to focus on how many cigarettes you've had @P2PLeon, focus on how many you haven't smoked.

    It's difficult to transition though, when I first started to transition to vaping I smoked about 3 rollups a day. But I had a setup which was a good fit for me with a Nicotine level that worked, over a couple of weeks I ended up needing Tobacco less and the smell and taste I started to really dislike.

    So keep at it, you're doing well.
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    Sometimes I can do a day, or two, but I find it difficult to even do that these days.

    So now am vaping my 6mg/ml liquid that I purchased a few years ago. And it is still fine to vape. The only problem with it is the PG/VG ratio. 45 PG 55 VG.

    Started to Vape since 12 PM today without dst.


    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    Still on my same bottle of Peach 6mg and have now used the first 10ml bottle from about 30 bottles I had left.

    Still have been smoking but not too much.

    Yesterday I nearly did 9 hours without smoking.

    So today started to vape the same time each day I was trying to quit.

    So the starting time for me to vape is 29th June 2020 @12 PM


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 16, 2019
    @P2PLeon, you're doing well.

    I don't know if it may help, but recently I came across the Duncan Trussell Family Hour due to finding The Midnight Gospel animated show.

    But it covers mindfulness, meditation, spirituality and a lot, lot more.

    It may be something good for you to just unwind to and listen to Duncan Trussell and his guest or guests ramble on about pretty much everything.

    Welcome to Night Vale is another good podcast I can recommend as well, as that's just something that you can just sit back and listen to the strange events in and around Night Vale. It's a great work of fiction.

    Here's a bit of the transcript for the first episode.

    Hello, listeners.

    To start things off, I’ve been asked to read this brief notice:

    The City Council announces the opening of a new Dog Park at the corner of Earl and Somerset, near the Ralph’s. They would like to remind everyone that dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People are not allowed in the Dog Park.

    It is possible you will see Hooded Figures in the Dog Park.

    Do not approach them. Do not approach the Dog Park.

    The fence is electrified and highly dangerous. Try not to look at the Dog Park, and especially do not look for any period of time at the Hooded Figures. The Dog Park will not harm you.

    And now, the news.
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    Each day I try to start for 12 PM and so far this is working as I do about 8 hours for each day I start at this time. But for each day that I start, I somehow keep going back to tobacco and this is not good.

    So from today, I started at 12 PM or 11 AM without Daylight Savings Time.

    I keep coughing and when I do I hold my breath and find It difficult to breathe. So this keeps coming on each time I take a long pull on a subΩ tank and also when trying to do an MTL tank.

    So either way, I am finding it difficult to vape or smoke without coughing, but I know the more time that I do I will become accustomed to it and will cough less, or this might be that my airways are narrow. And might need a stent in.

    I have a phone call from the hospital on the 20th of this month to see how I am dealing with this and perhaps to make an appointment to have a CT scan.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 16, 2019
    Keep it up @P2PLeon, you're doing well.

    Like I and many others would say, think about how many you haven't smoked.

    But transitioning to vaping can be a hard process, you've just got to remember to not be too hard on yourself.

    But you're more than welcome to PM me if you so wish, about everything or anything.

    You won't disturb me, as I'm already disturbed. :D
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    Done the no no at 8:15 PM. As I saw that since I can do this amount of time, that it would not hurt to have one.

    So instead of having 30 in a day that I only had 10 yesterday, and that is a win to me.

    So my new starting time is 4 PM today.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    It is somewhat normal to have coughing when you dual use, but like, if it is very bad and or continues you might want to look at your ingredients. Cut back on the PG maybe, or look at nic salts if you are vaping high percentages.

    Also, if you go for that CAT scan for the love of all that is holy, look for an in person quitting class, like ask all the medical personnel.

    Good luck and don't give up!

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