When will I suffice to transition to vaping.

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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    This isn't going to be popular, but I'm gonna post it anyhow.

    When you switch from smoking to vaping, you still have to deal with most of the quitting process of quitting smoking as smokers who quite altogether. Very little about vaping is similar to smoking. You have to give all that up and replace it with something else.

    Your addiction seems to be extremely psychological and you don't seem to have what it takes to break it (it happens to a lot of people, not just with smoking).

    The fact that you started smoking at the age of 13 tells me that whatever it was back then that made you do that is what is stopping you from quitting today. It is that something you have to address and attack (and it won't be easy).

    I suggest, if you don't have the money already, that you try to save up and seek psychological help for your addiction. Get an extra part time job if you have to.

    Good luck. And I really mean that.
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    ECF Guru
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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    It's not psychologically healthy or productive for you to keep reminding yourself and thinking and harping on the fact that you keep "doing the deed" or the "no-no".

    This alone tells me you really do need psychological help/intervention with this. This is a deep rooted problem that has nothing to do with smoking. You are subconsciously using smoking to cope with something else that I suspect is very hideous in your past.


    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    @UncleJunkle I am a Paranoid Schizophrenic and I think that is why I smoke. I get paranoid most of the day.

    When I first started to vape I spent about 1K on mods and juices and others, because I got paranoid about backups.

    My history is dark, with my Father being the dominant parent and I had to be submissive to him for not getting hit. He has later passed away about 15 years ago and I miss him, no matter what he had done.

    Now today I had my last puff of a Cigarette at 1 PM then instantly went to Vaping to ease my Transition.

    Now my New QUIT date will be the 18th October 2020 @ 12 PM w/o DST
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    ECF Guru
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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    That's what I thought. You won't likely find your solution to your smoking habit on a vaping forum as your particular addiction is much too complex and branches far beyond the actual addiction itself.

    For you, smoking provides a major source of comfort or something similar.

    I wish you good luck.
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
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  • Jul 19, 2015
    Right you lot, I am beginning my Journey again at 9 PM on Sunday 25th October 2020.

    The reason why I say that, is that I need to Quit smoking.

    With both Smoking and Vaping, I cough because I have narrow airways.

    Smoking was my Vice, and it needs to go because of the price of a packet, as mother buys 2 packs and I 1.
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    I hate myself for keep doing the nono and to smoke.

    So far I have done over 4 hours, and I am no longer smoking, until.......

    So I am hoping that I can do a day by day approach to only Vaping.

    So my new Quit date will be as follows.

    27th October 2020 @2:30 PM
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
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  • Jul 19, 2015
    I find that if I am about to undertake to reduce my intake, my intake increases for some reason.

    I need to quit, but I am the only one that can do this alone, meaning it is me that is at fault.

    And my thinking is wake up smoke not wake up vape. It will only work if I vape in the mornings when I have gotten up. But for now, I will take missing out a number of smokes in a day anytime.
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
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  • Jul 19, 2015
    Right, I have no funds to buy any more packets, and this is why I want to quit smoking.

    I have started to Vape at 7:30 PM on the 4th of November 2020.

    Hoping that I will not fail. As the consequences will be me having to borrow money, in which I do not want to do.

    I might stay up tonight and vape all through the early hours of the morning, But this is not going to cut it.

    I have to learn that I have to quit smoking the hard way, as to not to have a single one in the morning.

    I also have to try and vape first thing when gotten up.
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    Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    Just recoiled a bellus, as I have 8 but 6 on the go.

    As the last one was dual and did not have an effect of vaporising my liquid.

    So now have 1 coil at 1.17Ω and running nicely at 15 watts.

    I have the airflow wide open and directing to lung a tobacco juice by F-Vaper, namely, Leaf Tobacco.
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    Vaping Master
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    Jan 16, 2019
    Why not try a version of aversion therapy?

    I'm thinking about a very heavy duty rubber band around a wrist and snap it when you think about a cigarette.

    So in theory you start to associate the pain with cigarettes and it starts to put you off.

    It's only an idea though.

    But try to focus on how many you haven't smoked, rather than the ones you have. And don't forget that these interesting times don't help any either.
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