Want to get back into vaping.. need some help and advise

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Citrus Junkie
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Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
I vaped 18mg in STM for awhile, went to 12mg and stayed there about 2 years. Been at 9mg for several months and really happy with my vape. No desire to go lower. My body will let me know if I need to step down. Just don't care if I stay at 9mg or not.


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Mar 13, 2011
La Baie, Quebec
So after looking at what everyone suggested and listening to review youtube videos most of the day yesterday and this morning I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to pick up... except for the actual mod.

So here is what I plan to pick up :


- DTL TANK : Horizon Arco II tank : I want at least 1 tank where I can just buy atomizer packs and change it up instantly if I don't have time to build my own (on the go). I decided to choose this one since it has the flax paper, 1 or 3 coil builds and people are raving about how good it tastes and long it lasts. I won't be getting this one right in the beginning but will be picking it up in the following weeks.

- DTL RTA : OBS Engine Nano : So many people on these forums have suggested this DTL RTA to me. I was looking up reviews of the original engine with 2 coils and although most where good some where bad. Started looking up the Nano and they are all overly positive. Will be grabbing this up when I order my mod.

- DTL RTA #2 : Wotofo the Troll : This seems like a really good dual coil DTL RTA. Allot of people seem to be enjoying them. I won't be grabbing this up at first but will grab one up eventually to see the difference between a 2 coil vs 1 coil.

- MTL TANK : Aspire Nautilus 2 : As with the Horizon Arco II and The Troll, I won't be getting this right off the bat as I would prefer to have a RTA and I want to spend the money elsewhere. If I end up needing some MTL in my life cause I can't DTL 100% of the time I will check to order one with some atty packs for a fast change when I want a quick MTL vape and don't have time to build.

- MTL RTA : Digiflavor Siren 2 : This baby seems to have all the bells and whistles I want from a MTL RDA and it has been getting great reviews. (After lurking the forums a bit I might actually wait and see how well the ARES by Phil and Dimitri performs as it seems very similar and is coming out in a few weeks).

- DTL/MTL RDA : Tobeco Velocity RDA clone : I don't know how much I will like these. A friend of mine suggested it. I didn't used to like to drip but I was using really bad early joytech 510 attys and things have changed so much that I want to try it out and see how it goes.


Now this is a bit tricky as it will depend on the MOD I end up picking up, but the batteries will definitely be LG H2'S.

If I am going high powered (200W+) dual battery then...
-4 X LG HB2 1500 mAh 30 A batteires

If I am going for something lower powered (60w/75w/other)
-4 X LG HG2 3000 mAh 20 A batteries

-Charger : Nitecore i4 4 channel battery charger

Building Gear

- Wire : Lightning vapes 36/26 awg Fused Clapton Wire (Kantal A1/Kantal A1)
- Cotton: Cotton lab Organic Japanese cotton puffs
- Lightning vapes Universal tool coil Jig, or something similar by another supplier
- Ohm reader tool (tbd)


NicVape E-liquid DIY adventure Kit : Seems to have pretty much everything I need to get started. If anyone knows of a better/cheaper starter kit out there let me know.
A few bottles from Heather's Heavenly vapes

So yeah, I think I have everything pretty much down now except for the most important... the mod.
If anyone sees something I would be missing that is important or nice to have let me know.

Now for the mod... I really don't know what to chose.
I want something sturdy, that will provide me with enough power to DTL but that can go low enough for me to MTL. I don't think I will be cranking it up to 200w+ anytime soon to be honest and if I do, by then I will probably have bought another. I don't want something that will break easily and have to change it in 6 months.
Ideally I want a 2 battery mod cause I don't want something that is huge but still has decent battery life.
Since I will be using kantal coils, I guess I won't be using TC. I want a good and precise VV/VW mod. I need something that will accommodate 24-25 mm tanks and not only 22mm ones. I love the style of action trigger on the smok mods but not really interested in smok anymore after all the QC horror stories I have read. The DNA 75 mods looks interesting to me but I find 75W to be a bit low (since I don't know if I will really like DTL and want to crank it up higher) and they come with TC which as I said I probably won't be using because of my choice of wire so I think I might be better off saving some cash by removing said feature. But hey, if there is a great mod and the feature is there but don't have to use it, i'm fine with that too.

I know many of you have already gave me good input on mods, if you have any other let me know. So far none has really caught my eye or they generally have a features I don't like or the look just doesn't click with me :S
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Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jul 8, 2012
So after looking at what everyone suggested and listening to review youtube videos most of the day yesterday and this morning I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to pick up... except for the actual mod.

So here is what I plan to pick up :


- DTL TANK : Horizon Arco II tank : I want at least 1 tank where I can just buy atomizer packs and change it up instantly if I don't have time to build my own (on the go). I decided to choose this one since it has the flax paper, 1 or 3 coil builds and people are raving about how good it tastes and long it lasts. I won't be getting this one right in the beginning but will be picking it up in the following weeks.

- DTL RTA : OBS Engine Nano : So many people on these forums have suggested this DTL RTA to me. I was looking up reviews of the original engine with 2 coils and although most where good some where bad. Started looking up the Nano and they are all overly positive. Will be grabbing this up when I order my mod.

- DTL RTA #2 : Wotofo the Troll : This seems like a really good dual coil DTL RTA. Allot of people seem to be enjoying them. I won't be grabbing this up at first but will grab one up eventually to see the difference between a 2 coil vs 1 coil.

- MTL TANK : Aspire Nautilus 2 : As with the Horizon Arco II and The Troll, I won't be getting this right off the bat as I would prefer to have a RTA and I want to spend the money elsewhere. If I end up needing some MTL in my life cause I can't DTL 100% of the time I will check to order one with some atty packs for a fast change when I want a quick MTL vape and don't have time to build.

- MTL RTA : Digiflavor Siren 2 : This baby seems to have all the bells and whistles I want from a MTL RDA and it has been getting great reviews. (After lurking the forums a bit I might actually wait and see how well the ARES by Phil and Dimitri performs as it seems very similar and is coming out in a few weeks).

- DTL/MTL RDA : Tobeco Velocity RDA clone : I don't know how much I will like these. A friend of mine suggested it. I didn't used to like to drip but I was using really bad early joytech 510 attys and things have changed so much that I want to try it out and see how it goes.


Now this is a bit tricky as it will depend on the MOD I end up picking up, but the batteries will definitely be LG H2'S.

If I am going high powered (200W+) dual battery then...
-4 X LG HB2 1500 mAh 30 A batteires

If I am going for something lower powered (60w/75w/other)
-4 X LG HG2 3000 mAh 20 A batteries

-Charger : Nitecore i4 4 channel battery charger

Building Gear

- Wire : Lightning vapes 36/26 awg Fused Clapton Wire (Kantal A1/Kantal A1)
- Cotton: Cotton lab Organic Japanese cotton puffs
- Lightning vapes Universal tool coil Jig, or something similar by another supplier
- Ohm reader tool (tbd)


NicVape E-liquid DIY adventure Kit : Seems to have pretty much everything I need to get started. If anyone knows of a better/cheaper starter kit out there let me know.
A few bottles from Heather's Heavenly vapes

So yeah, I think I have everything pretty much down now except for the most important... the mod.
If anyone sees something I would be missing that is important or nice to have let me know.

Now for the mod... I really don't know what to chose.
I want something sturdy, that will provide me with enough power to DTL but that can go low enough for me to MTL. I don't think I will be cranking it up to 200w+ anything soon to be honest and if I do, by then I will probably have bought another. I don't want something that will break easily and have to change it in 6 months.
Ideally I want a 2 battery mod cause I don't want something that is huge but still has decent battery life.
Since I will be using kantal coils, I guess I won't be using TC. I want a good and precise VV/VW mod. I need something that will accommodate 25-26 mm tanks and not only 22mm ones. I love the style of action trigger on the smok mods but not really interested in smok anymore after all the QC horror stories I have read. The DNA 75 mods looks interesting to me but I find 75W to be a bit low (since I don't know if I will really like DTL and want to crank it up higher) and they come with TC which as I said I probably won't be using because of my choice of wire so I think I might be better off saving some cash by removing said feature. But hey, if there is a great mod and the feature is there but don't have to use it, i'm fine with that too.

I know many of you have already gave me good input on mods, if you have any other let me know. So far none has really caught my eye or they generally have a features I don't like or the look just doesn't click with me :S
You have really done some good homework, as for a mod over 75 watts, can't help much as I never owned one that high......try the dragons fire and temptation from hhv, both tobaccos and if you want a tobacco and fruit, the peach tobacco is great

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Mar 13, 2011
La Baie, Quebec
@Krang ... About nine months ago, I was right where you are now. Coming back to vaping after a long hiatus and absolutely overwhelmed with the growth of both technology and terminology. I relapsed to combustibles in late 2014, when anything with variable wattage over 15 Watts was considered a fad, a coil resistance less that 1.5 Ohms was considered dangerous and adjustable airflow was something those dripper types used.

I can't tell you what to do or what to shop for. I can only tell you what finally worked for me. I completely quit combustible tobacco three months ago yesterday. It was sub-Ohm, direct lung vaping at 35 to 40-ish Watts that made me literally forget to go out for a smoke.

I used to use variable voltage eGo style devices and two Vamo VV/VW 15 Watt mods. I still have and occasionally use the mods but my main rotation now consists of five Eleaf Pico 75 box mods, a Pico Dual 200 and a Smoant Battlestar 200. I have an Eleaf Ikonn 200 on the way.

I used to use Protank II's, Kamry X10 tanks and Evod clearomizers. My main atomizers are now Kanger Subtank Minis, Toptank Minis, a Vaporesso Estoc Mega and and two Eleaf Melo III tanks.

Rebuildables are creeping back onto my screen (long story there), and I'm using a Battlestar RTA, an old Goblin RTA, RBA heads for the Kangers and the Eleafs and two tanks that I consider "pain in the ...." projects to build and wick.

When I got back into vaping earlier this year, I tried to go back to the mouth-to-lung style I'd used ca. 2013-14 and it just wasn't getting it done for me. I bought my first Pico and Subtank Mini and never looked back. The lungs-full of warm vapor took the place of a throat hit from higher nic juice. That setup was all the power and versatility I was looking for. DL? Check. MTL? Check. Temperature Control? Check. Rebuildable atomizer? Check.

Rebuildable, DL, 40 Watt Temp control? Vaping it as I type.

I have tried (I think) about 14 different tanks, including tanks from Aspire, Joyetech, Smok, Geekvape, Anyvape and Uwell. I have tried mods from most of those same outfits, too. I keep going back to the Eleafs and now the Battlestar combo.

Again, I ain't gonna tell ya what to do. But I've never gone three straight months without needing a cigarette since I was a virgin, and my lighters are used now for birthday candles and barbecue.

I have been looking into Eleaf and Smoant. People really seem to like them. I might pick one of those up.
40 W seems like a reasonable Watt setting, and I think I might actually end up around those ranges also for everyday vaping as I was used to around 15 w back in the day. Hard to say though as I haven't tried DL yet. That's what is kinda scaring me about buying a mod. Not knowing if I will want a bit more power and ending up having buyers remorse. Thanks for the input and sharing your personal experience. It is helping me have a better idea of what to expect and having less fear of going for a lower powered mod.


Citrus Junkie
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Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
Smoant Battlestar and Charon are great mods. Battlestar can take a beating and Charon tc and adjustable are both reliable. Eleaf mods are very good as well. Vaporesso has a good reputation. There are just so many good mods now. Minikin mods are very popular.

Maybe narrow it down. What form factor do you like? I like C frame mods for example. That's why I bought the Charons.


Vaping Master
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Apr 19, 2011
The Motor City
One thing about mods these days compared to your ProVari vaping is that they're pretty cheap. It might be worth it to plan to get two - a smaller single battery mod that is pocketable and goes up to about 75 watts, plus a bigger device when for when you want to go further. At these prices, a couple mods doesn't break the bank and you'll have a backup!

A backup is probably more important now as most devices have a shorter lifespan than your old heavy duty tube. They don't make 'em like they used to!


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Mar 13, 2011
La Baie, Quebec
Smoant Battlestar and Charon are great mods. Battlestar can take a beating and Charon tc and adjustable are both reliable. Eleaf mods are very good as well. Vaporesso has a good reputation. There are just so many good mods now. Minikin mods are very popular.

Maybe narrow it down. What form factor do you like? I like C frame mods for example. That's why I bought the Charons.

How does the battlestar feel in the hands? I find the shape of those type of mods a bit weird and dunno how comfortable they would be. That being said I have fairly large hands so I am sure they would be able to accomodate.

The smoant charon 218 tc has defenitly picked my curiosity and is on my short list of ''potentials''.

As far as form factor it is really hard to say. All I used to have where tube type mods and loved those, but I want to go regulated this time. I remember having a bottom feeder (which are now called squonkers?) and it was very bricky which I did not like very much. Maybe with one that has rounded edges and a better hand form factor I would be pleased.


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Mar 13, 2011
La Baie, Quebec
One thing about mods these days compared to your ProVari vaping is that they're pretty cheap. It might be worth it to plan to get two - a smaller single battery mod that is pocketable and goes up to about 75 watts, plus a bigger device when for when you want to go further. At these prices, a couple mods doesn't break the bank and you'll have a backup!

A backup is probably more important now as most devices have a shorter lifespan than your old heavy duty tube. They don't make 'em like they used to!

That is exactly what I find kind of worrying. I remember back then a good mod would cost you at least 150 and I remember paying over 200$ for my provari once shipped and currency converted to CAD. Most mods these days seem to be around 50$ which has me worried that what I am buying might be poor quality. I don't want something that will break if I knock it too hard on my desk. But as you said, I could always grab 2... That or buy one with good reputation at 50-60$ then a few months from now try something else out.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
That is exactly what I find kind of worrying. I remember back then a good mod would cost you at least 150 and I remember paying over 200$ for my provari once shipped and currency converted to CAD. Most mods these days seem to be around 50$ which has me worried that what I am buying might be poor quality. I don't want something that will break if I knock it too hard on my desk. But as you said, I could always grab 2... That or buy one with good reputation at 50-60$ then a few months from now try something else out.

I started with a 510 cigalike and went to the eGo in 2010. In early 2011 I bought a Provari V2 and immediately quit smoking cigs. That was a reward for a promise to myself that when my Provari came in I'd dump the cigs. Haven't smoked since.

The Smok Alien 220w sounds like a good fit for you. At MTL wattage you can get two days vaping on a set of batteries. At least I can. It will also let you experiment with MTL, DTL, and cloud vaping by just changing the atomizer. It's also a dual battery mod that will fit in a pocket.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Alabama Gulf Coast
I have been looking into Eleaf and Smoant. People really seem to like them. I might pick one of those up.
40 W seems like a reasonable Watt setting, and I think I might actually end up around those ranges also for everyday vaping as I was used to around 15 w back in the day. Hard to say though as I haven't tried DL yet. That's what is kinda scaring me about buying a mod. Not knowing if I will want a bit more power and ending up having buyers remorse. Thanks for the input and sharing your personal experience. It is helping me have a better idea of what to expect and having less fear of going for a lower powered mod.
I hope I helped a bit.

The Battlestar feels great in my hand. It's hefty, but not overweight. I bought the copper color, and the finish has a ceramic clear coat that feels like it will last. It's paired with a Battlestar RTA of the same color. The tank is a 25mm Velocity style and big enough for a fumblefingers like me to succeed on. Best setup I've owned.

Paul Mohr

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2017
Adrian MI
As for using high wattage devices for low wattage use don't worry about it. They can all be used at lower wattages. My Aspire Speeder is a 200 watt dual battery mod, but it can be adjusted down to 1 watt. And I mostly use it at around 14 watts. It just means less stress on your batteries is all.

For batteries I like the VTC5A sony's myself. Also with batteries if you are using a dual battery mod remember that the power gets divided between the two batteries. This means that if you were using a single battery mod that needed a 20 amp battery if you moved to a dual battery mod you could get a way with a 10 or 15 watt battery in most cases.

Also keep in mind that just because a mod says it can function between 1 watt to 200 watts that may not be what you can actually get out of it. These mods have hard voltage limitations. So the resistance of the coil you use would effect this. If you use a coil that require 9 volts to achieve 200 watts you won't get that high. The device simply can't apply that much voltage to get you there. For instance if you had a .5 ohm coil and wanted to vape at 200 watts. Since it would require 10 volts you wouldn't be able to do it. You could set it to 200, and it would fire, but it wouldn't actually be putting out that much power because you exceeded the max voltage limit.

Same issue with lower settings. If you tried to vape the same .5 ohm coil at 10 watts you might not get it because the voltage for that would be under 3 volts. Some mods don't do proper "step down". Which means they can't apply a voltage lower than what the battery charge is. Not so much an issue with newer mods, most of them can do this. And again, not that it wouldn't fire, it just wouldn't fire at the wattage it was set to. It would actually be higher because the mod would be firing at close to 4 volts.

Not to mention trying to vape a .5 ohm coil at 10 watts just doesn't work very well, even if the mod can do it. I have tried it, it isn't very satisfying. This is why building the correct coil for your build is important. I try to build my coils so they fall between 4-6 volts at the wattages I want to vape them at.


Vaping Master
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Jan 24, 2014
Tomball Texas
Anyone here tried the voopoo drag ? It seems that mod with fit the bill as far as what I am looking for.
The battlestar is also in the list of those I am looking at closely now.
The drag is rated good, I did see one review that stated it had sharp edges. I love Smoant devices. I have 3 Charon TC and 2 Battlestar. They all have a hefty feel and fit good in the hand. Good quality built devices. Top with an OBS Nano or a Battlestar RDTA and you will have a nice set-up.
I know that the Smok Aliens are popular but I had 2 that didn't even last 6 months as did a friends Alien. I'm not saying all Smok products are bad, but it wouldn't be my 1st choice.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Great homeworking. Mods have dropped quite a bit in price, with still (for the most part) decent mod life. With that said, it would be useful to have a backup mod, too. I wouldn't sweat it too much, if you have a 2 battery mod, you should be able to sub0hm on that unless you are planning on crazy wattages, without too much trouble. Get what looks good to you, the Voopoo Drag does get good reviews and people don't tend to complain about them breaking, like I have seen with some others. So if you like it, I wouldn't hesitate to get it, you may likely find you want a backup mod in any case.

By the way, it's pretty rare these days for folks to hit on "the perfect setup" right out of the gate (though I will repeat, you have done your homework) and often 1 or 2 mods or tanks need to be purchased to find exactly what you are looking for, but once you choose one, at least then you can really take your time and study other setups if it's needed.

Good luck and I hope you find some enjoyable setup(s)! :)



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2009
I own the smok alien and am on my 3rd in 8 months. Replaced twice in 8 months due to the screen going blank. Great mod when working but wouldn't dare buy another one just too unreliable in my opinion. I just bought a single cell 75 watt device with a. Smok baby beast and it's a great vape at 50 Watts with the V8 t8 coil. I love the smok beast tanks . Never had a problem with them.


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Mar 13, 2011
La Baie, Quebec
So I went ahead and ordered my stuff last night.
It changed a bit because of availability and shipping prices (I live in Canada and some US stores charge ridiculous prices) but still pretty similar to what I originally intended to order.

Mod : VooPoo Drag Black Purple/Jade Resin 157w
$46.73 Authentic VOOPOO DRAG 157W TC VW APV Box Mod (Purple Jade) - 5-157W / 100-315'C (200-600'F) / 2*18650 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Batteries : 4 X Sony VTC5A 2600 mAh 30A
18650 Sony US18650VTC5A 2600mAh High Discharge Flat Top - Batteries - Batteries, Chargers, and PowerPax Carriers

Charger : Nitecore New i4 Intellicharger
Nitecore New i4 Intellicharger Li-ion, NiMH/NiCd Charger

Wire :
For MTL builds :
Lightning vapes 32 AWG 316L SS
Wick & Wire Bundle - Stainless Steel 316L 100' + Native Wicks Platinum

For DL builds :
Lightning vapes 40/28 AWG 316L SS 2x Fused Clapton wire
Clapton Wire Spools

Cotton :
1 Bag of Native wicks paltinium
Wick & Wire Bundle - Stainless Steel 316L 100' + Native Wicks Platinum

1 Bag of Organic Japanese cotton puffs by Cotton Lab

Wire building tools :
Winding jig tool
$1.52 Vaping Coil Winding Jig Tool for Rebuildable Atomizers - stainless steel / 1.5mm + 2.0mm + 2.5mm + 3.0mm + 3.5mm sections at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Coil Master 521 mini V2
Coil Master 521 mini V2 - Coil Master

Tanks/RDA/RTA :
MTL : Currently waiting on the ARES by Phil and Dimitri to release on black friday to buy one.

DL: OBS Engine Nano
$21.95 Authentic OBS Engine NANO RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer - 5.3ml / 304 stainless steel + glass at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

RDA: Velocity V3 Clone RDA
$9.18 Velocity V3 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer - 304 stainless steel / 24mm diameter at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Eliquid/DIY kits :
Still to be determined, don't know where to buy. Need a good started kit that will contain everything I need.
I will then order more nic liquid/flavours afterwards.
US suppliers don't ship nic to Canada.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 8, 2012
That is exactly what I find kind of worrying. I remember back then a good mod would cost you at least 150 and I remember paying over 200$ for my provari once shipped and currency converted to CAD. Most mods these days seem to be around 50$ which has me worried that what I am buying might be poor quality. I don't want something that will break if I knock it too hard on my desk. But as you said, I could always grab 2... That or buy one with good reputation at 50-60$ then a few months from now try something else out.
Well your definitely not going to get a mod for 50 bucks that has the longevity and quality of a provari, but most do get good usage from cheap mods. It's just that people don't want to spend for expensive vape stuff, so basically the cheap stuff won out and the higher quality stuff just doesn't sell like the cheaper stuff does, so it's harder to obtain higher end stuff, because it's not made in the quantity. Most would buy 4 mods for 50, then one for 200, so China is making most of the stuff (what's new).. you can get lucky and that 50 dollar mod can last for years, or it can crap out in a month.....there are however higher quality stuff out there if you want, and although it also can crap out in a month, chances are you will have that much longer then a cheaper mod...plus everything changes so fast now, people don't want to spend alot, when 6 months later they want something newer.....so in the end it's up to you..my personal experiences have payed off with more quality stuff

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Mar 13, 2011
La Baie, Quebec
Well your definitely not going to get a mod for 50 bucks that has the longevity and quality of a provari, but most do get good usage from cheap mods. It's just that people don't want to spend for expensive vape stuff, so basically the cheap stuff won out and the higher quality stuff just doesn't sell like the cheaper stuff does, so it's harder to obtain higher end stuff, because it's not made in the quantity. Most would buy 4 mods for 50, then one for 200, so China is making most of the stuff (what's new).. you can get lucky and that 50 dollar mod can last for years, or it can crap out in a month.....there are however higher quality stuff out there if you want, and although it also can crap out in a month, chances are you will have that much longer then a cheaper mod...plus everything changes so fast now, people don't want to spend alot, when 6 months later they want something newer.....so in the end it's up to you..my personal experiences have payed off with more quality stuff

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I am coming around to the idea. I guess you are right, for 100$ I can have 2 cheaper mods which will also provide me with a backup. I am already eyeing the battlestar and charon tc 218 as good backups. At these prices I am not too stressed as if mine breaks I will be able to replace it fairly easy. I am already planning on picking a 2nd one up around Christmas time.

A quick update to my stuff, I went ahead and bought myself some ''smooth'' 100mg/ml Nude Nicotine Nic salt base.
This stuff is new to me, I used to only buy standard nic bases. Saw a post in the eliquid section and people seem to really enjoy them for lower throat hit which was definitely an issue for me back in the day when vaping high nic liquid. I trust that people have thoroughly tested them and they don't provide any danger over regular nic base liquids?

Also went ahead and grabbed a few graduated cylinders, beakers, bottles, syringes and some Capella/flavourart/flavor west flavors. I used to use TPA/TFA and they were good but found them quite perfumy at times.
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