Vaper blames me for converting him. Now that's rich!

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Moved On
Dec 6, 2013
I have this hobby you see: I convert smokers who express an interest in quitting to vaping.

What I do is, I keep an eGo battery, 2 PT2s and a selection of 12 mg nic juices (nic juices are illegal here) that I lend to people I trust who say they'd like to give vaping a go.

I tell them is: try replacing smoking with vaping for the number of days corresponding to the price you'd pay for cigarettes, equivalent to the cost of vaping kit I'm lending you. If, after that period, you're still smoking, you give me the kit back and that's that. If you've quit smoking, you keep it and pay me back. That way, you get to give vaping a go at no cost to you.

Seems fair doesn't it?

I mean, since everybody I've proposed this deal to has ended up quitting (but one), I've always gotten my money back. Still, each time it happens, I make the effort of getting a new vaping kit to lend to the next guy, and it means I'm always behind 60-some euros for the vaping kit that belongs to me, but is used by someone else. And I don't make the person pay for the juice they consume during the trial period. So I reckon I'm not exactly shafting people here.

Today I see this guy at the local bar. He's one of "my" converts, and he's getting to be a total vaping addict. Of course, he's reaching the limits of what an eGo battery and a PT2 can deliver. He wants more, and he's getting picky about his flavors.

But he doesn't want to hear about rebuildables or bigger mods, because he reckons he's "invested so much into vaping that he needs to see some return before getting new equipment, otherwise it'll cost him just as much as smoking". And he blames me for hooking him to vaping, and for the mounting cost of replacing atomizer heads, saying "I didn't tell him about all that when I sold him on vaping."

I told him: "You've got some nerves! You may not be saving much money compared to smoking (at the moment), but you ain't smoking no more are you? How valuable is that? Remember the last time you dropped a ton of cash on patches and you didn't quit in the end? Now *I* help you quit and you're counting pennies on me? Well thanks a buncharoony!"

So he sort of got all cross and left. I just don't believe the guy. It's kind of depressing really...


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
I'm rather amazed at the shear number of people that complain about the cost of Vaping........... As opposed to What?
Coughing up a Lung?
Possibly getting some form of smoking related Cancer?
Incredibly high medical expenses?

Even on the ridiculously high side, a pack of Nautilus Heads @ $15 for 5............. and how long will they last if kept up as opposed to $15 in Smokes.
Then they say, Yea but I had to but the tank...............okay and do you flip it out the window when empty?

No complaint of Expense can be justified against the Cost of Smoking - PERIOD.


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Mar 21, 2014
Bella Vista, AR
I have this hobby you see: I convert smokers who express an interest in quitting to vaping.

What I do is, I keep an eGo battery, 2 PT2s and a selection of 12 mg nic juices (nic juices are illegal here) that I lend to people I trust who say they'd like to give vaping a go.

I tell them is: try replacing smoking with vaping for the number of days corresponding to the price you'd pay for cigarettes, equivalent to the cost of vaping kit I'm lending you. If, after that period, you're still smoking, you give me the kit back and that's that. If you've quit smoking, you keep it and pay me back. That way, you get to give vaping a go at no cost to you.

Seems fair doesn't it?

I mean, since everybody I've proposed this deal to has ended up quitting (but one), I've always gotten my money back. Still, each time it happens, I make the effort of getting a new vaping kit to lend to the next guy, and it means I'm always behind 60-some euros for the vaping kit that belongs to me, but is used by someone else. And I don't make the person pay for the juice they consume during the trial period. So I reckon I'm not exactly shafting people here.

Today I see this guy at the local bar. He's one of "my" converts, and he's getting to be a total vaping addict. Of course, he's reaching the limits of what an eGo battery and a PT2 can deliver. He wants more, and he's getting picky about his flavors.

But he doesn't want to hear about rebuildables or bigger mods, because he reckons he's "invested so much into vaping that he needs to see some return before getting new equipment, otherwise it'll cost him just as much as smoking". And he blames me for hooking him to vaping, and for the mounting cost of replacing atomizer heads, saying "I didn't tell him about all that when I sold him on vaping."

I told him: "You've got some nerves! You may not be saving much money compared to smoking (at the moment), but you ain't smoking no more are you? How valuable is that? Remember the last time you dropped a ton of cash on patches and you didn't quit in the end? Now *I* help you quit and you're counting pennies on me? Well thanks a buncharoony!"

So he sort of got all cross and left. I just don't believe the guy. It's kind of depressing really...

Screw 'em, honestly there are some people not worth helping


Senior Member
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Sep 10, 2012
ejuice is illegal in Belgium? Dang I didn't think it was illegal anywhere yet.

I too have turned several people onto vaping, not giving them the equipment, but telling them about it, and letting them try it.
In fact when I first started vaping and telling people about it. At least 20 co-workers\friends all quit but I was still having troubles myself (took me about 4 tries before being able to kick the analogs, but all these others I told about it quit. (was pissing me off) and frustrating me. LOL


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
I tell them is: try replacing smoking with vaping for the number of days corresponding to the price you'd pay for cigarettes, equivalent to the cost of vaping kit I'm lending you. If, after that period, you're still smoking, you give me the kit back and that's that. If you've quit smoking, you keep it and pay me back. That way, you get to give vaping a go at no cost to you.

Seems fair doesn't it?

If leaving out the part that vaping can be addictive (as a hobby) and costly, then not so fair.

If upfront with that added information, that you are aware of, and that likely comes into play with full switch, then I would say very fair.

If looking just to add notches to your belt on conversion and not really caring what happens after the switch is made, then it is, in general, a fair proposition.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I had a "friend" leave a snide comment on my FB about how I got them started vaping and now they're ticked I did because of the FDA. I could have come back at them with something equally snide but I just consider the source really rather than start a war. However, I'm going through a spell of being reluctant to help anyone get started... I'm still mullin it over and thinking about adding an "FDA disclaimer" if I do.


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2013
I'm in the middle of converting my sister. She casually mentioned on the phone that her husband had hit a bad patch of health, and that because of the stress she had resumed smoking after a 10 year lapse. I mentioned e-cigs and she was immediately interested (after I cleared up all of her misconceptions). I had a few disposables on hand (I get them free when I order cartomizers for my wife) and sent three of them to her. She loved them and had a ton of questions.

She doesn't have a computer so I ordered a $20 starter kit for her and some juice. I put those in the mail along with detailed instructions on the care and maintenance of the batteries and cartomizers, phone numbers, etc.. I am now waiting for her call.

It's encouraging to think that I might be helping her quit smoking for good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Even if I tossed the heads immediately after I emptied the tank, I'd still be slightly ahead compared to smoking. This doesn't even mention the health benefits and probable decrease in medical costs.

His argument is a fail just on casual inspection. Sure, I've spent a fortune on hardware...but I'm still way ahead.


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Mar 21, 2014
Bella Vista, AR
In his case, I wish I had left him stew in his cigarillo smoke. All the other folks I've converted are grateful to me, even the one who didn't manage to quit smoking. Most have turned into evangelists themselves, which is a good thing.

Definitely, didn't mean to sound so pessimistic with my post would be so much easier if we could predict the outcomes of such things before the effort is expended, haha. It's a good thing you are doing, very genuine and altruistic of you...don't stop for this fool!
So, let me see if I got this straight.
The guy is interested in quiting cigs, right?
You provide him with the tools necessary to address that need. So, you are the 'Pusher Man that Hooked Him' on a vaping habit?

Who can take a sunrise?
Sprinkle it with dew?
Cover it in chocolate
And a miracle or two
The candy man
The candy man can...


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
i'd have told him i want my money for the free juice he consumed. then when he's payed up or decided he's not going to, i'd tell him to pound sand.

if/when he apologized i'd be happy to set him on his way to a good mech and dripper or a REO/RM2 and continue to be acquainted with him.

i have no time in my life for ungrateful drama queens.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
There are people in this world who are unable to take responsibility for their actions and that guy sounds like he's part of the pack.

You mentioned you met him at a bar when he pointed the finger at you, how many drinks did he have before the conversation started? You're a kind soul to go out of your way to help others quit smoking. Let this experience teach you to be careful with whom you are dealing with.

Do you think him capable of going to the authorities and complain that you're giving out illegal substances to people to get them hooked on it?
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