Concern over converting new vaper

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Sep 22, 2013
South Florida
So, let me start off with I have converted a few smokers over to vapers before. And have been successful with it.

But my 1 friend tonight( a good friend), who I have been sort of dropping hints to for a few weeks, flat out told me to buy him a kit tonight. is my concern, he told me he wanted the exact kit I was vaping on. Which happened to be a mech(a clone) with a kick, with a carto tank on top. Typically, I have converted new vapers using an ego type battery with a clearo, but he was adamant that he wanted the exact same setup I had tonight. He even gave me cash to buy it for him.

I tried to talk him into a more simplier setup. I even offered to give him a 'beginner' setup, and he responded to that with that he....would borrow that and use it for a few weeks, but he did not want to wait on buying the same setup I am using. He even handed me cash tonight.

My concern is, is a mech with a carto tank too advanced for a brand new vaper? I moved to this setup over a few months so I 'worked my way up to it'.

I hemmed and hawed with him for a bit, tried to tell him he should really find a juice he is certain to like before getting something more advanced, but when he flat out said..."Jay, I want to quit smoking, you like the setup you are using, just buy me it, and I will give you the cash" I had to finally agree, as I like to convert smokers to vaper....but am still concerned about not starting him on a more simpler setup. Are my fears unfounded? Is a mech(with a kick) and a carto tank too advanced? Or should I try again to talk him into getting something more 'easy' to start out with.

How would you proceed? I have his cash in my pocket btw. And he is one of my best friends.
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Apr 5, 2013
Dallas, Tx
With you to help him close by I wouldn't be opposed, but I'm a huge backup gal (I am in IT! Lol) and I would tell him he needs a ego and clearo too. Hopefully he gave you enough cash? The k101 clones are cheap...
That way if he is struggling he can use ego until you can help, but also he will have a backup too.
Heck I was charging and left my ego case that holds my 6 batteries on my end table the other day and my provari started blinking and I had to dig my spinner out for my afternoon break and drive home. Vv egos are a must as backups IMHO.


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Sep 19, 2013
NWI Cedar Tuckey (Lake)
If he wanted to jump right in to sub ohm vaping I could see it being an issue. The kick adds a layer of protection. Be it only one layer, but better than none. Maybe throw another layer in there, explain it could potentially be dangerous if they did not educate themselves. If you explain what could go wrong and battery safety, I don't personally see a big issue with it. With some common sense vaping is as safe as can be. Just explain the possible hazards, and how to avoid them.


Full Member
Aug 30, 2013
So, let me start off with I have converted a few smokers over to vapers before. And have been successful with it.

But my 1 friend tonight( a good friend), who I have been sort of dropping hints to for a few weeks, flat out told me to buy him a kit tonight. is my concern, he told me he wanted the exact kit I was vaping on. Which happened to be a mech(a clone) with a kick, with a carto tank on top. Typically, I have converted new vapers using an ego type battery with a clearo, but he was adamant that he wanted the exact same setup I had tonight. He even gave me cash to buy it for him.

I tried to talk him into a more simplier setup. I even offered to give him a 'beginner' setup, and he responded to that with that he....would borrow that and use it for a few weeks, but he did not want to wait on buying the same setup I am using. He even handed me cash tonight.

My concern is, is a mech with a carto tank too advanced for a brand new vaper? I moved to this setup over a few months so I 'worked my way up to it'.

I hemmed and hawed with him for a bit, tried to tell him he should really find a juice he is certain to like before getting something more advanced, but when he flat out said..."Jay, I want to quit smoking, you like the setup you are using, just buy me it, and I will give you the cash" I had to finally agree, as I like to convert smokers to vaper....but am still concerned about not starting him on a more simpler setup. Are my fears unfounded? Is a mech(with a kick) and a carto tank too advanced? Or should I try again to talk him into getting something more 'easy' to start out with.

How would you proceed? I have his cash in my pocket btw. And he is one of my best friends.

What is so complicated about a mech with a kick and a cartotank?
It will give him a good vape and he will enjoy his gear.
Teach him, but don't think for him, let him made his own decisions.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
My gut feeling also would be to not get him the mech. But.... He is your close friend. You should know him well enough to know if he would be capable of handling the mech with a kick. Without a kick and sub ohm - no way. I would want no part of that. But the mech, kick and an ego backup - I would chance it. Just be ready for some 1 am calls on why he is not getting any vape.

You are a good friend. And a great friend to be worried about if you are doing the right thing. Go by your gut feeling on this one.


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Sep 22, 2013
South Florida
Some good advice so far.

I will definitely give him some backups. I have some ego batteries and iclears specifically as PIF's. I had actually put together a kit with a 2 iclears a 650 and a 1300 spinner as a 'starter' kit for him when he started to seem interested recently, which is what I was trying to talk him into starting slowly with tonight, but he really caught me off guard with the whole 'get me the same kit you have tonight' get up.

The cash I am not worried about.

And yes on battery safety. I really did not think about that tonight being caught off guard. I went into the whole, you will have to get a $15 charger and pulled out my battery and showed it to him, and was like..."There are simplier systems than this" almost, trying to talk him out of it in a way. It was a weird conversation for me, because I am typically talking about the benefits of whatever setup I have in my hand to people asking questions....but I also know where I started and I guess figured, a new vaper should start somewhere around where I started before jumping in head first. But thanks for the reminder to give him the battery safety speech.

And yes, good points that I will be there for him. I really had no one for me...well besides this place :) But I went thru alot of trial and error, and had no one in front of me to ask questions to. I did not know anyone with anything more advanced than a blu before I went down this path a few months ago. I guess he has that going for him.

And no. I wont be showing him rebuildables. I barely do that myself. I have some RDA's, but nothing that I wrap sub ohm as I dont feel the need to venture there yet myself.


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
I suppose you could think of it like teaching someone to drive on a manual shift instead of starting them out on an automatic.

They'll learn the hard way but they'll know how faster and won't actually know the ease of the automatic.

It's not like you're not trying to TELL him something easier is a better way to start. He knows that much. He just wants what YOU have and thinks he's up for the challenge.


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Sep 22, 2013
South Florida
What is so complicated about a mech with a kick and a cartotank?
It will give him a good vape and he will enjoy his gear.
Teach him, but don't think for him, let him made his own decisions.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Good points I guess.

Nothing really. It just took me several months to get here, so I see it as more advanced. I also didnt really have anyone I knew personally teaching me things, so I learned everything about e-cigs on my own(thru here mostly). Maybe my concerns were unfounded. As I said, any previous vapers I converted I recommended them an ego type battery and a clearo, lately the iclear16's.

I guess I just wanted to start him with the 'simplest' setup possible. There isnt anything really complicated with a carto tank on a mech with a kick, but it certainly is more 'advanced' than an ego with a clearo, so I was mostly concerned about setting him up with something more advanced than typically what a beginner starts with.


Full Member
Aug 30, 2013
Don't worry Jay. If he enjoys his gear, he will be motivated to keep vaping. Teach him about the safety. As long as he follows the rules, the mech and a kick (I hope it will be a good one), with a suitable battery will be better than any ego.
Most of us started with simple setups. Not because we were too stupid to use something more advanced, but because we didn't know about better rigs...

My wife quit smoking 5 years ago, but sometimes she enjoys a value with 0 nic liquid. She uses a zmax v5 or a nemesis clone, with a dripper with a mini coil and cotton, she makes his could and changes the Wick.
She have me for giving advice when needed (note so much). Your friend will have you

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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