This,That and Chat Two

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Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
Dee, it's a matter of reminding myself that I'm her caregiver...not an easy task, but she does provide a roof over my head. As dementia progresses, it's often the case that OCD and temper tantrums's just part of the disease, especially in folks who already had those personality traits before dementia. I try to choose my battles, but sometimes I lose my temper :(

Prayers for Spike : check
Chicken #1 in the crock pot : check
Voting : check
More hugs for Rosco : double check!!

El Dee

Ultra Member
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Apr 1, 2010
Spike made it back too the crib minus one tooth...He's snoring up a storm atm...No call all day from the vet...No glasses this morning equals Dee writing the secondary number in the primary slot...Hellfire they already been calling to confirm appointments...Whatever....they did all that was needed on their own without permission and that's fine by me...

A 7:30 start makes for a tired old bass turd by days end...Some of the things I did earlier on started to seem like things from a day ago...Trust this....tomorrow isn't gonna be nearly as packed with work and such....Scored two pints of local honey today...Gonna check back with the link I posted and see what else I need for a little holistic dog tooth cleaner...NC reporting people coming too the polls in droves...Hoping for the best on that...I did my part...
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Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
I'm glad Spike is home, even if he did have to lose a tooth.

There's a stink in CT after people reporting showing up at their polling places and not being able to vote because the ballots weren't there yet, and/or the voting lists not being there. Court hearing all afternoon to determine if the polls can be allowed to stay open later to accommodate those who were turned away this morning :facepalm:

Got the yard mowed and leaves taken care of this afternoon. I hear ya on the tired part, Dee.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2010

I hope everything in the blue room went well for you today. :) It was great to log on and see your posts. Keep it up when ya can?

ElDee, I"m happy to hear about Spike! His appetite will likely pick up for it too. Guard those greenies! :)

Bov, Gee whiz....afraid for the cost of cooking?!? I don't think she'd rather you both starve, so just keep cooking!!!

Salad? I like salad, but one or two per week and I'm good. I could not eat them every day either.


Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
Another dislike for the time change! Be careful driving home in the dark.

Tracy, if it doesn't cook within 10 minutes in the microwave, it's damn near forbidden in this house. It's impossible to convince her that 10 minutes in the nuker (and ours is an old, monster high wattage one) costs more than 2 hours in the natural gas oven :facepalm:

Chicken #1 cooled, deboned, and shredded. Tomorrow I'll do chicken #2, and then freeze it all in quart sized bags.

Sweet dreams Fran :)

El Dee

Ultra Member
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Apr 1, 2010
Microwave???? I can't even tell you the last time mine was on...I try and cook enough for a couple of days and refrigerate leftovers...then either I take it out and eat at room temp or throw it in the toaster oven for a short bit...That microwave just ruins food IMO...

When i buy salad stuff 80% doesn't get eaten...I've been in a grocery with a salad bar....just can't remember where I was that day...

So far Spike is looking fine...Thanks for the well wishes!! There will be no Greenies for a least two weeks...

I've heard the time change was for farmers....I've also heard it was so school children could travel too school in light out conditions....Hey....start the dang schools a hour later...K ???????????????
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