The "Newish" Member Contest for Awareness...

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Pink Spot Fanatic
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Jun 23, 2011
Long Beach, CA


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Most new vapers assume that Big tobacco is funding the fight against electronic cigarettes. But in reality, it is the non-profit health organizations that are behind every effort to curtail the use of electronic cigarettes. Even when the FDA stepped in and began confiscating shipments of electronic cigarettes, it was at the urging of these non-profit health organizations. But why? You would think that the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association would embrace electronic cigarettes. You would think that the Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights and the Campaign for tobacco Free Kids would be thrilled that a product finally exists that could help stamp out smoking. Well the answers, as usual, can be found by simply following the money.

First there is the money from the Master Settlement Agreement, and then there is the money from cigarette taxes. Much of this money goes to help organizations run anti-smoking campaigns. Many of these organizations would cease to exist if nobody smoked cigarettes any more. But there is another very large source of cash to help fund these organizations, and it comes from Big Pharma. Electronic cigarettes are a direct threat to their multi-billion dollar sales of nearly useless quit-smoking products.

In the last question I left a link to an article, and indicated that the next question would be based on that article...
According to that article, which anti-smoking organization was actually created by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation?

The last question of this contest period will be asked on Monday, December 12th at 2pm PST


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
So I guess now I should apologize, because I'm going to have to do it one more time...

This contest was intended to be based on the Electronic Cigarette News subforums, namely the Media and General News subforum and the Legislative News subforum. And while it actually has been based on information that can be found in those subforums for the most part, some of it was from posts and threads from further back than most new members would have encountered. And my apology at the start of this post is because I am going to do it again, to some extent, because there is one last piece of the puzzle I want to lay down for groundwork.

This question will be about something I spoke of briefly in a recent question... the small but growing number of "harm reduction" people who are at odds with the general Tobacco Control community that opposes electronic cigarettes. There are names like Brad Rodu, Joel Nitzkin, Bill Godshall, Riccardo Polosa, Elizabeth Whelan, Carl Phillips, Murray Laugesen, and Paul Bergen. But this question will focus on yet another person who has stepped up and out of the shadows of Tobacco Control to speak the truth...

Dr. Michael Siegel recently co-authored a study that goes perhaps further than any other to date in exonerating electronic cigarettes from claims of possible harm caused to users or bystanders. This study should be read by all vapers, and it's conclusions should be understood by anyone who agrees with the concept of harm reduction. It showed that there has never been anything that has ever been found in the vapor of electronic cigarettes that is cause for alarm. It is the best tool to date, in my opinion, to quiet all the speculation of possible harm by those who wish to see electronic cigarettes be made less available.

All I want to see here is a link to the study I am talking about...

The next contest period will begin on Friday, December 16th at 1pm PST

There will be a new thread for the next contest period, and some slight rule changes.
So make sure to read the rules again when they are posted!!
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