The "Newish" Member Contest for Awareness...

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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
CASAA is a non-profit organization formed by (and made up of) members of this forum, and the case discussed in the previous questions was essentially where it all began. Frustrated and feeling powerless to do anything while the fate of electronic cigarettes was being decided before our eyes, we decided to fight back...

A nomination process was begun, and a list of those with the most nominations was created. Those nominees that were willing to participate then posted their argument for why they would make a good CASAA board member, and an election was held right here on the forum. And from this effort CASAA was born. We the People stepped up and, represented by CASAA, joined other groups in filing our own amicus brief with the court. And that was only the beginning of the work that CASAA continues to do, by us as vapers and for us as vapers.

The question for today is, what was the most recent Call To Action listed on the CASAA website?
And what was the final outcome of that legislation with respect to the fate of electronic cigarettes?

The next question will be asked on Tuesday, December 6th at 6pm PST


Pink Spot Fanatic
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Jun 23, 2011
Long Beach, CA
Here is the outcome! :)

On November 15, Alameda City Council voted 5-0 to approve the new smokefree ordinance at
The City of Alameda - Secondhand Smoke Ordinance<br />

Its great that the city prominantly touts the removal of e-cigarettes from the proposed ordinance.

News story and minutes of the Nov. 15 council meeting are at
Big Night at Alameda City Council: Smoking Law Passes, City to Explore Alternatives to Cowan Land Swap - Alameda, CA Patch

Here is the Call to Action

Emergency Message for Northern California E-cigarette Users
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

We only just became aware last night that tonight (Tuesday, Nov. 1) the Alameda, California City Council will be voting on an ordinance that would prohibit "smoking," including the use of electronic cigarettes, in all indoor workplace, all outdoor public places,.multi-unit rental housing (including balconies and porches), and all new common interest properties.
This is a new low.. If this passes, it will be the first successful ban on the use of e-cigarettes in one's own home.ever passed.. We would greatly appreciate that our California members write a public comment in opposition or.attend tonight's meeting.. To see previous CASAA recommendations for writing public comments,

Read More: Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association: Emergency Message for Northern California E-cigarette Users

Call to Action Archive


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
There are many battles to be fought in our efforts to retain our ability to use electronic cigarettes, and to use them freely.

One of the strategies of those who oppose electronic cigarettes is to get them included in smoking bans. CASAA and other members of this forum keep us well-informed in the Legislative News subforums when these actions are attempted by local government agencies such as City Councils or Boards of Health.

But another, more disturbing trend is taking place, and that is what this question will focus on.

Recently, a hospital in Virginia initiated a policy on November 30th that they will no longer hire people who test positive for nicotine during pre-employment screening. This policy discriminates against not only smokers, but also people using nicotine gum, the patch, lozenges, or nicotine inhalers in an effort to quit smoking. And of course, it also discriminates against those using electronic cigarettes that contain nicotine.

Also recently, a medical university made a similar announcement about a policy they intend to enforce beginning in March of next year. The new rules say faculty, students and volunteers won’t even be allowed to smoke in personal vehicles parked on their property. To make matters worse, patients and visitors also must comply, and vendors who smoke on the job could have their contracts terminated. The new policy also forbids electronic cigarettes and other smokeless tobacco products in addition to cigarettes, cigars and pipes.

But in order to illustrate the difference that even simple actions can sometimes make, an employee who works for the hospital and uses an electronic cigarette got the attention of the local newpaper when he wrote an email to the President of the university. The response to the email was promising, although it remains to be seen if any changes to the policy will take place before it goes into effect. But history has shown that when we inform policymakers of the facts about smokeless alternatives, we are often able to change the outcome, so there is hope here.

Please name the hospital in Virginia that is no longer hiring people who use nicotine.
And then name the medical university that soon might, or might not allow electronic cigarettes.

The next question will be asked on Thursday at 9am PST

If you wish to contact anyone to inform them about electronic cigarettes (or other smokeless alternatives) and you would like some help with regard to what you might want to say, CASAA is there to help....


Pink Spot Fanatic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 23, 2011
Long Beach, CA
The medical center intending to implement policy in March is:

I don't do emails, so let's take a look at what methods there are to contact Ray Greenberg...
MUSC Office of the President | Message from the President

Mailing Address:
Medical University of South Carolina
Colcock Hall
179 Ashley Ave.
MSC 001
Charleston, SC 29425


The hospital not hiring positive nicotine screened people is:

Bon Secours Virginia

I think.......


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2011
Left of Center
Nice job Phyche! Great to see more people in the thread!
Thanks to you. Didn't even know about this contest till you posted it in PIF. I do keep up to date on the postings in Legislation News and Media and General News, even if I don't have much to say. Mostly my comments would use a lot of :censored:. Thanks DC2, great idea for a contest!


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
In previous questions we've looked at some of the groups that oppose electronic cigarettes, and how CASAA was formed in part to help counter that opposition. Soon I will probably get to examples of the difference that individual members of this forum have made to counter various bans being proposed around the country. But this question will focus on someone who comes from a different angle. He is a member of this forum with over 1000 posts, but does not use any tobacco products as far as I know...

His name is William T. Godshall and he is the Executive Director of Smokefree Pennsylvania. On this forum he goes by Bill Godshall, and you can't hardly read the Legislative News subforum without stumbling over a few of his posts. He is very much for non-smokers rights, and for that some people here consider him an anti-smoker and aren't always pleased with him. He has worked with politicians and health organizations to help draft legislation to promote non-smokers rights, pass no-smoking bans, and raise taxes on cigarettes. But where he differs from our opposition is in the fact that he is one of a slowly growing number of tobacco control people who believe very strongly in harm reduction. And he knows how the system works, because he has been a part of it for a very long time now. He is also currently serving as an advisor to CASAA.

Rather than answering a question, all you need to do is post a link to any article in which Mr. Godshall is quoted in support of harm reduction through the use of electronic cigarettes...

The next question will be asked on Saturday, December 10th at 11am PST

And here is a big tip for the next question: It will be about the following article...
The New Corporate America Business Model

So it appears as I have been asking these questions that a slight change of course has taken place...

Not all of the questions in this contest period are based on recent threads found in the Electronic News subforums.
Although that was not the initial plan, I decided it was important to lay the groundwork for where things stand.

The next question is part of that trend for this contest period.

Posts about the above article CAN be found in the Electronic News Subforums.
But they are from long enough ago that I would not expect any of the newer members to be aware of them.
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