RENA Micro filter pad

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ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2009
USA, Northeast.
Went to PetSmart today to buy the blue foam, while browsing, the Rena carton caught my eye, so I grabbed a pack of each
(Not much change out of ANOTHER!!! $20 bill), and I was on my way.

I really wanted to like the Blue foam, but it's just not working for me in my 801.

The Rena is not as dense as the regular filler, it's more fibrous, open, and springy. It looks and feels like polyester, but on the box it says it's cotton.

I'm well into a freshly filled cart, and it's going strong as I type..
Time will tell I guess.

Things are moving along quickly on cart mods here, but for those who would like an alternative to poly, and don't want to fuss with straws and springs and so on, the Rena might be a good choice.
Here's a pic.

Now here's my latest idea..

A freshly filled cart with the factory filler works great for awhile, then it's literally all down hill from there, with half the juice being trapped in the lower portion of the poly.

Then last night it hit me!...Nothing in the cart but juice, a spring, and a small plug. I simply took the spring, cut it about a 1/4" short of the top of the cart and inserted a poly plug.
The spring provides light constant pressure, keeping the poly firmly in contact with the atomizer...when you push down on it it pops back up.

Come to think of it, I guess the Rena cotton could be used for a plug.
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ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2009
USA, Northeast.
i can't remember where off-hand, but I'm fairly certain someone said there were health risks to using cotton as a filler? just a heads up, might wanna search around for it

Yes I remember reading a snippet about that, I don't know for sure, but I doubt that it would contain harmful chemicals being that it is used as a fish tank filter.

I've been using the Rena for a plug in my spring mod the last few days, and it looks like it's there to stay..

Another thing I like about this mod is the easy fill capability, I work outside a lot and can't be fiddling with tweezers and pins and whatnot, I just open the bottle press the pad way down, squirt 'till it pools, let up a little, squirt some more, and so on until it's full.
A translucent cart would be nice for checking the level.
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