Ready for a Reo but LOADS of questions

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Sep 1, 2014
Sabinal, TX
I'm ready to take the plunge into the world of squonking (spelling?) but I've got a ton of questions. I'm hoping that if I post them all here in a single thread, I can get the answers I need to get started. So, here goes:

1. If I want to use one of my favorite rda's (usually a Hobo or a Plume Veil v1.5) on a Reo, can I get them converted into a bottom feeder? I'm assuming the answer is yes - if that's the case, my follow-up question is WHERE/HOW can I get that done?

2. I'm really interested in a Woodville (as so many others are, it seems) but I'm curious whether the "Woodville" examples shown on the ReosMods website are the 'Grand' model that take an 18650?

3. I'm currently using a variety of regulated mods and I really do like them; and I've seen some references to VV Reos, although I can find no mention of them on the website. Have they disappeared or are they periodically made or is there any chance that they will reappear? I sure like the idea of a VV Reo.

4. I saw on the Reosmods website that the Woodvilles should be on sale some time in late February. Is that "Stock Updates" tab on the website the best place to find out when the sale will occur? Also, is it hard to get one when they do actually go on sale - like getting your hands on some Grant's Vanilla Custard, that's completely sold out within 3 hours?

If I can think of something I forgot to ask, I'll add it below. Thanks :toast: to all those that take the time to answer.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
I'm ready to take the plunge into the world of squonking (spelling?) but I've got a ton of questions. I'm hoping that if I post them all here in a single thread, I can get the answers I need to get started. So, here goes:

1. If I want to use one of my favorite RDA's (usually a Hobo or a Plume Veil v1.5) on a Reo, can I get them converted into a bottom feeder? I'm assuming the answer is yes - if that's the case, my follow-up question is WHERE/HOW can I get that done?

Read this thread and/or talk to Chowder about conversions. ~>

2. I'm really interested in a Woodville (as so many others are, it seems) but I'm curious whether the "Woodville" examples shown on the ReosMods website are the 'Grand' model that take an 18650?

All Grands - metal or wood - use an 18650.

3. I'm currently using a variety of regulated mods and I really do like them; and I've seen some references to VV Reos, although I can find no mention of them on the website. Have they disappeared or are they periodically made or is there any chance that they will reappear? I sure like the idea of a VV Reo.

VV Grands were discontinued by Rob last year and won't be coming back. You can pick them up on occasion in the Classifieds. A VV Grand is limited to 12 watts. It is the exception, in that a VV Grand uses 2 stacked 18350 batteries.

4. I saw on the Reosmods website that the Woodvilles should be on sale some time in late February. Is that "Stock Updates" tab on the website the best place to find out when the sale will occur? Also, is it hard to get one when they do actually go on sale - like getting your hands on some Grant's Vanilla Custard, that's completely sold out within 3 hours?

The best place to keep updated on the next batch of Woodvil's is probably here. ~> And yes - the 3 hour rule applies. They sell out very quickly once the sale goes live. The last time around the majority of the Grand Woodvils was sold out in... about 3 hours. The rest were gone by the next day.

If I can think of something I forgot to ask, I'll add it below. Thanks :toast: to all those that take the time to answer.

Okey dokey! :)
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MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
Hey, BHG, congrats on deciding to take the plunge - this will change vaping as you know it.

In answer to your questions.....

1) Yes, you can get RDA's modded for bottom feeding. The best place to start would to PM a guy named Chowerhead1972 (Catfish atty mods). He has a thread in here where he provides updates on his bf work and we all chit chat...

You can order bf'ed atties directly from him or send yours in for modding (if he supports them). Prices are good, and the quality of his work is excellent.

2) Woodvils come in many sizes. If it doesn't say anything else, it will fit a 18650 battery. Mini's take 14500's, 18490's take... wait for it... 18490's.

What you see on his web site are the long ago sold mods from his last woody run this past spring, which happens intermittently.

3) VV reos have been discontinued by Rob (redeyedancer, owner of Reosmods) as it was a pain for him to repair/replace failed regulation units. The units were from a 3rd party, whereas everything else in a reo is designed and manufactured by Rob.

You can find VVG's around in the classies or other places previously owned mods lurk. They tend to go quickly, as do all things reo.

4) Yes, Rob is working on another woody run. Stay tuned to this subforum for details as to when and what will be offered - Rob is very good about amping us up for his sales. When it does happen, there will be a lot of activity to order one - the last run sold 95% of its stock in a few hours (prolly 75% of it in the first hour).

ETA: (sigh) figured someone would be a faster typer than I.


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2014
South Central PA, USA
Welcome! and yep you sure spelled squonking right ;) . .good choice on getting a reo. Looks like Rickajho summed it up!

In order to run any sized atty, you want the LP version - good news, the new woodvils and brand new 'resin' mods will be all LP. They will all have an updated 510 connection. The metal grands will have this within the next week or so, once all the current stock has been retrofitted. The new 510 is all stainless steel, adjustable, gasketless, and it has an extended pin (we call it the nipple) underneath, where the tube from the juice bottle hooks up. That means it will be super easy to change tubes, besides the added benefit of SS and no gaskets to wear out...

VV seems like a great thing and it is... dont get me wrong... but, when using an unregulated mech/reo, you can just adjust the vape by the coil build. If you usually vape those RDA's you mentioned as a certain wattage, then just build your coil to hit that range. The vape really doesnt change all the too much for me with a 0.5ohm build through a battery- the first 10-15 hits are the strongest, but after that it is pretty consistent - I usually gauge when to change a battery by the juice level in the bottle - at least a half bottle with an AW 1600mah, and 3/4 of a bottle with an AW 2200mah (which are the battery rob recommends).



Also, with VV, you would have to worry about frying your chip if you get it wet/juice leaked; you can wash a metal reo right in the sink! :D
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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Congrats on the decision to get a reo. You will not be disappointed. They are everything and more than what you have read. Please feel free to visit the reo lounge if you have any questions at all. Always some great people there that can help you with anything.

JC Okie

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Jul 2, 2010
Tulsa, OK
Well, the guys about covered everything. I'll just say welcome, and you are making a good decision. With all the new things in the works that built4feel mentioned (new 510 connections, up-coming Woodvil run, and upcoming Resin REOs,) you have come at a really good time. Ask us questions as you think of them. There will always be someone (several) here to answer them. If you do decide to get a metal Grand while you're waiting for a Woodvil (IMHO everyone needs at LEAST one of each anyway,) you should make sure you order an LP Grand so that you can use any bottom-fed RBA. If you don't order the LP version, you'll be limited in the attys that will fit.


Ultra Member
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Jun 1, 2013
East TN
I'm ready to take the plunge into the world of squonking (spelling?) but I've got a ton of questions. I'm hoping that if I post them all here in a single thread, I can get the answers I need to get started. So, here goes:
3. I'm currently using a variety of regulated mods and I really do like them; and I've seen some references to VV Reos, although I can find no mention of them on the website. Have they disappeared or are they periodically made or is there any chance that they will reappear? I sure like the idea of a VV Reo.

From what I understand, the VV Reo Grand was discontinued because of electronic board failure's... not at the hands of the actual Reo Grand. When the electronic board failed (or IF it failed), the VV Reo Grand would no longer function. Rob didn't like that at all, and decided to not rely on 3rd party electronic boards in order to make a Reo Grand work. Some still use the VV Reo Grand with no problems, but you have to take extreme care of them. Then others have sent their VV Reo Grand in to have Rob remove failed electronics, and convert it to mechanical mod (regular Reo Grand).

You CAN still use Variable Voltage, but I think you must get a Regular Reo Grand (Not LP), and use either a KICK II, or Crown with 18490 batteries. You either put the KICK or Crown on the spring, and then insert the battery. Or the other way around. KICK or Crown on Top of the battery. This will allow you to adjust the voltage. However, IF the KICK or Crown electronic boards fail, the Reo Grand is NOT rendered useless. It can still be used as a mechanical mod using a 18650 battery ;)
Brilliant I say! Rob is da' man!! I recommend you call and talk to Rob for further inquiry.

You can get all 3 from

KICK II and Crown

AW 18490 (and 18650 as well)

However, as mentioned above... you can play around with your coils to get your desired temperature. Once you grasp the concept of building coils, VV is not really needed once you zone in your coil, and build it at that ohm. For example, if a 1.8ohm coil is a little to cool, you can try a 1.5ohm coil build. If that's still to cool, you can try a 1.3, and etc.

I suggest you start with 29g, and 28g wire. And use either 1/16 ; 5/64, or 3/32 drill bit.

TemCO 29g, and 28g Kanthal 100ft rolls.

Once you get used to Unregulated Voltage, you won't even think about Variable Voltage. You can tell when the battery needs to be swapped out. You'll be able to tell when you need to change the battery because the flavor and taste your favorite juice will decrease, and you won't get much vapor either. You'll want to change the battery when it drops to around 3.7. But once you put in a fully charged 18650, you're good to go again for many more hours. :thumb:
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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2011
under the blue sky
Judging by your user name and avatar... Don't feel too bad about no more VV REOs. I have/had a VV Woodville. It was recently converted to 3.7v 'mechanical'.

I carried that mod all day every day for over 2 1/2 years and loved it. However, it had to be left behind any day I expected to get wet. If there was going to be rain, it stayed home. If I was fishing in the river, it stayed home. If I was on my buddys boat for an afternoon, it stayed home. If I was hiking stream beds or fishing the local creeks, it stayed home. Electronics and water do not mix well, so I never wanted to risk my VV Woodville just because I got a craving for brown trout or cutthroat or brookies.


Senior Member
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Nov 7, 2013
Pretty much what everyone in here said. If I was making the initial plunge into the world of Reos, i'd get the metal grands. Don't mess with the woodvilles yet, I haven't. The metal mods you can strip down, scrub them in the sink and boom, they're brand new again. The woodvilles you can't do that. That's one of the reasons I went with reos in the first place rather than a provari. I could drop it duck hunting, get dirt and mud deer/grouse hunting and wash it down and vape like it never happened. I now have 2 mods with a third coming as soon as Rob puts out the new 510's. I would wait until Rob announces that he's done retrofitting existing stock with the new 510's.

If you do decide to get a reo grand, get it in LP!!!


Ultra Member
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Jan 24, 2014
I love my grand LP (about a month old). I'm not super hard on my mods, but it's survived falling out of my lap getting out of the car (on concrete), several falls of my desk and kitchen table. It's a little shiny on one corner is all (I've got black wrinkle finish).
Another on these forms had his run over several times on a busy street. His atty was destroyed, and his door slid down and bent but he was able to fix it and clean it up pretty easily and it still vaped fine!

house mouse

Vaping Master
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Oct 24, 2010
Judging by your user name and avatar... Don't feel too bad about no more VV REOs. I have/had a VV Woodville. It was recently converted to 3.7v 'mechanical'.

Rob can convert the VV woods to mechanicals? I'm gonna be one happy mouse if so. I still have 2 of them that I think are functioning(haven't used them in a long time) but I'd really prefer them to be mechanicals.


Ultra Member
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Oct 26, 2014
Dry Ridge, Kentucky, USA
Rob can convert the VV woods to mechanicals? I'm gonna be one happy mouse if so. I still have 2 of them that I think are functioning(haven't used them in a long time) but I'd really prefer them to be mechanicals.
Sell you VVs to someone who wants regulated and buy Grands. Once the VVs are gone, they're gone.
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