Random Vaper at the Bar

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Oct 16, 2012
Was sitting down with my fiance enjoying a brew last night. Like usual, she is slightly embarrassed when I vape in public. This has been a common topic between the her and myself, mainly stemming from her opinion that its "unusual" and will "attract attention." In her defense, it is unusual, and it does attract some attention. She is very happy that I vape instead of burning a PaD like we both used to. She quit cold turkey, I switched to vaping. But I digress.

So there we were, watching the game and having a drink. Then I randomly catch a glimpse of what appeared to be an eGo in this guys hand. I immediately whipped out my VAMO and blew as big a cloud as I could muster in his direction. He noticed, and for the next ten minutes we chatted it up about our vaping history. Nothing really special was said, but it was great to meet a fellow vaper out in the real world. I used to work with a guy that vaped, but we rarely worked the same shift and thus never really talked.

For the second time ever I met a fellow vaper in real life! :vapor:


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Oct 16, 2012
Honestly I wouldn't know how to "convert" someone. The reason I tried vaping was my Dad, who has never been a smoker, told me about a co-worker of his who switched. I've talked about vaping to smokers before, but they're all like, "that sounds too complicated!" or "I prefer the real thing." I usually just let them be instead of pursuing it.


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Feb 26, 2013
Charleston, SC
I don't run around looking for people to convert. Most of the folks I know who smoke would really like to quit but have failed over and over, just like my wife and I did. Generally I get asked, "How did you manage it," or, "Do those things really work?" That's all the opening I need.

Same here. I've only met a very few smokers who don't want to quit. I know I always wanted to quit in the back of my mind and it took a rather large event to make me actually try. It's usually a thought that most smoker carry around.


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Feb 24, 2013
Orlando, Florida
I finally met random vapers today, first time for me!

I admit, I do try to convert people. If a conversation's going and they ask about my PV, I at least give it a shot, I hand out business cards, but I try not to be too annoying.

I haven't successfully converted anyone yet, so maybe I AM just annoying them after all. lol


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Mar 3, 2013
A, A
I saw a guy, not to long ago, in New Orleans walking down Bourbon Street with an Ego-c like I was using at the time. He was trying to stealth vape, so I guess he was a noob too. But I didn't get a chance to speak with him, unfortunately, since he was walking the other way and i only saw him as he was going by.
There was another truck driver at work. I only meet him once, we chatted briefly but he seemed like he'd rather smoke than vape. He's a small town redneck (not a negative term here but a description of what kinda good ole boy he is). He may get flack from other men about wussing out. Theres alot of tobacco farms around here. ALOT!!! So i didn't push.
I'm so jealous. I'd love to have a vape buddy, or at least run into someone whos as interested in it as I am.
Happy Vaping
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