We Vapers are Screwed!

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Star Puppy
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Nov 19, 2013
North Carolina

On the other hand, we do not see ANY governmental agency crying out loud for a ban on tobacco cigarettes if/when an irresponsible vendor happens to be caught selling tobacco to minors. (The kind of vendor who used to sell me tobacco, when I started at the age of fifteen).
When that happens, the vendor is to blame, not tobacco itself...! And we do not see any real effort to ban tobacco (remember the flavoured tobacco ban in the US? With the very convenient menthol exception??) because, of course, governments get an hefty profit from tobacco taxes. Not just income, but actually profit.

When the very same problem occurs with the electronic cigarette (a competitor of tobacco cigarettes), it suddenly appears that vendors cannot be held to account anymore. Apparently, the e-cig is an insidious, terrible product that seems to be able to sell itself to little children and toddlers, and therefore must be banned !!

I don't know, people in general seem to have lost any thinking or logic skills. I say this not as any kind of offense, but only by stating the simple fact that most of them are so gullible as to believe most of the crappy arguments and junk-science the ANTZ's feeds them almost everyday...!


I call it Liberal Logic, and as with the AR15 it won't be long before Nancy Pelosi comes up with something like this:


But seriously under age smoking won't be stopped with any kind of logic, under age drinking either. It's just my opinion that juices should be regulated but only for under age purchase. It's a matter up to each of us whether or not we trust that the ingredients in the juice
is safe to consume. I don't see the ingredients listed on the bottles of juice I've purchased. I would imagine that would come with regulation though. It would be more or less like the listing on a can of soda I would think. As long as the PG/VG is listed, the names usually speak for themselves. Well, with the exception of some like Atomic Grasshopper or Jiggy. LMAO :D


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Oct 28, 2010
Okay one sec... I'm 18 and my girlfriend is 17. We have both smoked since we have been 13 but I decided that I like vaping a lot better. We went into a B&M and without being IDed we were allowed to test nic filled juices and purchase them without being carded. Now I am of legal age but not once were we carded. So this is a thing indeed.

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May I ask how many of your friends turned to vaping from smoking?


Senior Member
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Oct 3, 2013
I got a response from my Insurance rep. Here is our email interaction for those interested:
"I’ve got a question for our Medical plan – can you get me a copy of our plan information in regards to e-cigarette usage and if a premium is applied for those using anti-smoking devices, patches, lozenges, gum, or alternative forms of nicotine treatment?"

"There is no increase in your premium if you are a user of any of the below mentioned items.  If you have any additional questions, please let me know!"

That's good news for me. Vape on.
I'm emailing my Insurance Rep for my existing plan information. As of last year, there was no clause in the mix for any anti-smoking, e-cig, lozenge, gum, etc... forms of nicotine replacement/treatment. With Obamacare in the mix for those of us within the U.S.A, I'm curious to see what they come back with. Until then...Vape on.


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
""The concept of vapingis one of concern," said Mohammed Al-hamdani, manager of health initiatives with Lung Association Nova Scotia. "It's a renormalization of smoking behavior."

He said people, especially children, might not be able to differentiate between real cigarettes and electronic ones."

One pretty young thing at the juice test station asked me what I liked vaping. In a senior moment, I asked her what she smoked. She said she was too young to buy cigarettes (here the age is 18), didn't, and had no intention of ever smoking. She liked the taste of the ecigs that her fellow high school classmates were using and that it was so cool.

The one point missed by this story is that is completely blows away the ANTZ claim that e-cigarette use is a "gateway" to youth smoking. Here is a youth using e-cigarettes who says point blank that taste is important (highly unlikely to like the taste of real cigaretets) and she "has no intention of ever smoking."

However, to solve this issue, e-cigs need not be over regulated or banned altogether, but a law passed banning sales to minors. Period.

Ironically, while Michigan legislators were recently considering a ban on sales to minors (SB 667 and SB 668), the ANTZ opposed the proposals, because they didn't go far enough. The ANTZ also want e-cigarettes included in smoking bans and taxed like cigarettes.

So, the ANTZ are the very reason why it isn't illegal to sell e-cigarettes to minors in Michigan (and many other states.) But e-cig store owners are incredibly stupid if they are still selling nicotine to minors in the absence of an actual law.


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Jul 2, 2010
Near Atlanta, Georgia, US of A
CASAA and I believe most vapers, support age requirements for buying e-liquid with nicotine. A long time kiosk vendor I talked to stated he cards anyone who looks younger than 30.

But, he presented me with an interesting dilemma. He has parents asking him to sell them a kit for their 16 & 17 year old children who smoke so the kids can break their smoking habit. Is this any different than selling the nicotine patch, gum, inhaler, etc to a parent for their under-age smoking child? I can definitely understand the parents wanting to try anything to get their kids off analogs.

On the surface, under-age vaping would look like a "black & white" issue. But there are always wrinkles that we don't always consider.

(the example of the kid just wanting to be cool, well, I hope those situations are few because they are not good for the community)

I still think it IS black and White. Don't sell to anyone under 18, case closed. If parents Want to buy their teenagers e-cigs, more power to them....the parents are over 18, so no problem there


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2012
I think they should ban ...... lots of kids are getting that! O wait it already is well darn it, I guess these silly regulations dont work so well.

Well, if you live in Colorado and Washington.. recreational use is legal. There is a limit to the amount, taxed at like 25% on top of normal sales tax and certain place it can be smoked.

Soon it will be legal for everyone to dance around naked at a campfire using ........ and singing kumbaya. But evil if you smoke tobacco or use an ecig.
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