Non-Smoker Interested in Vaping

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Jessika Rabbyt

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Dec 24, 2014
No, you don't, it's just your way of justifying your vaping to yourself and others. Anybody can quit smoking without vaping if they REALLY want to. This type of attitude I see from "former" smokers drives me nuts. They talk about how much they love vaping, and how much healthier it is than smoking, but they look down upon those who pick it up who have never smoked. News Flash! At least they never smoked cancer sticks like many of us have. And, if any of you drink alcohol, then it's pretty hypocritical to tell any adult that they shouldn't vape if they've never smoked. I personally don't care if you "don't like people who vape who don't need it"

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Very good points. I totally agree. It's okay to try to discourage someone from picking up a bad habit, but you can't have a problem with them just they want to try it for themselves or something similar that may not have as bad of the risk. Don't look down your nose or judge people that have never smoked just because they want to vape. I don't understand why smokers and former smokers don't get why vaping is so appealing to non-smokers. There's so much to it thank just inhaling and exhaling. There are some people that started smoking cigarettes just because they thought it was cool, to fit in, to rebel, to lose weight, things like that. Vaping can do that and more for lots of people.


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Apr 14, 2013
Grand Bay, Alabama USA
If you are curious about vaping and want to try it, try it.
I can not say the same for smoking. Or drinking alcohol.
I am not even going to say 0 nic because I don't have any problems with nicotine. I'm not after your caffeine either, but I will frown on energy drinks. I watched a coworker suffer a rather intense heat stroke episode after his 3rd energy drink that day.
Also, local news has reported at least 3 vacationers were run over while crossing the roads. I'm going to advise against that too (crossing roads or vacationing around here, you pick)
Two guys were run over while riding bikes, so bikes are bad too.
As an adult you should make yourself aware of the risks associated with life. (Hey, your alive anyway, might as well live it) make an informed decision and go with what you want and feel. In the end, succeed or fail but be proud you did it yourself with the best information you could obtain.

That being said, if you do decide to vape, and vacation on the Gulf Coast and manage to get run over while crossing the road....I told you that you shouldn't do that... ;)

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Jul 17, 2014
Ohio, USA
I wouldn't sweat the price, honestly. You got a good (certainly better than mine!) starting kit at a moderate price. I can think of plenty of less-fun things that cost roughly the same price (I'm looking at you, bills and and car parts!) and the hardware should last a while.

I've bought enough vape things that haven't panned out for more than a few weeks, and certainly spent more on each than strictly necessary, but it's water under the bridge - I've got a setup I love, and will be content for a while, finally. Granted I will keep an eye out for "other grades" (since I doubt they'll be upgrades, per se), but I'm in no rush to purchase anything else, for the first time ever! It only took nearly six months to find my first truly sweet spot ;)


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Dec 26, 2014
My reply to a NON-Smoker who wants to Vape or want to TRY to Vape is "No, Please Don't Try Vaping or NO, Don't Vape."

I would Highly RE-Commend Vaping to EX-Analog Smokers or those who want to "QUIT Smoking".

I would not RE-Commend NON-Smokers to VAPE. For your own sake please refrain from that Idea. Being cool and TRYING to be cool is not attained by Vaping.

Sorry, but it's for your own good.


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
I have read and considered vaping health risks to both myself and to others. I do know the value of sitting in one spot relaxing. I don't believe that vaping in and of itself is significantly beneficial. But, the act of sitting and relaxing is good.

Their is a sharp increase, over the years, in stress-related illnesses. So many doctors have recommended relaxing practices. If you use vaping (zero nic) helps you to relax, cool beans.

The sofa, the front porch, taking a few deep breaths...mental meditation while you imagine sitting at an empty sunny beach...learn meditation techniques. It is healthy in many ways.

Hope helps.


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Nov 28, 2014
North Georgia USA
I don't understand why smokers and former smokers don't get why vaping is so appealing to non-smokers.

We do get it and so do those who want to regulate eCigs! It is their only valid argument against vaping so vapers must discourage non-smokers from picking up the habit. Perhaps in the future the few remaining hazards of vaping will identified and eliminated and vaping will be so firmly entrenched it will be safe from regulation.


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Nov 14, 2014
My reply to a NON-Smoker who wants to Vape or want to TRY to Vape is "No, Please Don't Try Vaping or NO, Don't Vape."

I would Highly RE-Commend Vaping to EX-Analog Smokers or those who want to "QUIT Smoking".

I would not RE-Commend NON-Smokers to VAPE. For your own sake please refrain from that Idea. Being cool and TRYING to be cool is not attained by Vaping.

Sorry, but it's for your own good.

I'm not sure I understand why so many prior smokers assume that non-smokers who decide to vape make that decision based on a perception of it being "cool". This may be the case with kids who decide to try it but, based on what I've seen, the reasons for adults seem to range from vaping for stress reduction or to curb snacking behaviors. I'm a prior smoker myself, but I would put myself in the same category as a non-smoker who took up vaping, because I hadn't touched a tobacco product for 15 years before I started vaping. I travel a lot for work, and I often find myself driving for long stretches. I found that I was constantly snacking and drinking anything from water to soda while I was on the road for 4-8 hours. When I was starting a 5 hour commute home one day, I made the typical stop at a gas station to pick up some snacks and drinks when I saw a 0 Nic eHookah "cigalike" and I thought to myself that I would try that instead of snacks. That one eHookah lasted me multiple trips and I never snacked on the road from that point forward. That was about 6 months ago.

I was in SC, about a month and a half ago for business, and stumbled upon a "Vapor Cafe". I saw that there were so many nicer options than what I've seen home in MA, so I decided to pick up a starter kit for my wife who smokes. As I did more and more research about the health benefits from vaping (when compared to smoking) I also read many interesting articles and studies about how Nicotine can actually help people with specific disorders. I suffer from two of those disorders (anxiety and colitis) so I made a decision to vape with a fairly low nicotine content (usually between 6mg-8mg). Without getting too detailed about the issues that those of us who suffer from colitis go through on a daily basis, I will say that it is pretty common to see blood in the toilet water and on toilet paper after finishing up with a "number 2". It has been pretty common for me to see that at least once a week for many years, and it has also been very uncomfortable to go to the bathroom for me for years as well. I noticed the uncomfortableness settle down almost instantly after starting on the nicotine (probably within a day or two). I also have not seen one drop of blood in the toilet, or on toilet paper, since the day I started vaping juice with Nicotine in it. Could it be a coincidence? Absolutely, but I would be surprised based on the studies I've read.

My point here is that most adults who chose to vape base that decision on many different factors. And I think it would be safe to assume that the vast majority of those adults couldn't care less about trying to look "cool". I hate to break it to you, but any form of smoking/vaping is not looked at as being "cool" in today's society.


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Jan 16, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
I'm not sure I understand why so many prior smokers assume that non-smokers who decide to vape make that decision based on a perception of it being "cool". This may be the case with kids who decide to try it but, based on what I've seen, the reasons for adults seem to range from vaping for stress reduction or to curb snacking behaviors.

Bingo. I'm in that category. I find it relaxing, its an engaging hobby and I've lost 22lbs over the course of the year because I'm not dipping into the fridge. I am also diabetic and avoid sugar and carbs at all costs. I vape a chocolate mint which substitutes nicely for a candy bar. So for me, its a health improvement provided there are no long term effects we don't know about, but I am willing to take that risk.

Everyones reasons are different - quiting smoke is one very good reason, but its not an exclusive use for vaping.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2011
Northern California
Nicotine vaping is an attractive alternative for smokers. Smokers have already made the choice to use nicotine among the many other active compounds in leaf tobacco. They are looking for a healthier alternative to smoking. Vaping can work for many of them as it did for me.

Non-smokers have different reasons to start vaping. For some, the social aspect of vaping is paramount. Vaping is a way to fit in with vaping peer groups and nicotine may not be part of the vaping experience. For others, the drug effects of nicotine are desired. Drug effects of nicotine can be very subtle. Nicotine can improve alertness and the ability to concentrate on focused tasks over time. The effects vary widely depending upon the individual. Nicotine effects are stronger when accompanied by compounds found in tobacco smoke.

Some see nicotine as a weight-control drug. Others find nicotine to be no better at weight control than chewing sugarless gum.

For many the physical process of vaping: the breathing and the hand and mouth activity is rewarding. For some the busy, time consuming work of a hobby is desirable.

The use of low-impact drugs like caffeine and nicotine are driven by a lot of different needs. An individual's need for these drugs and what they believe the drugs do for them is often more important than whatever small physical or mental effect the drugs may actually produce. The drugs do what the users want them to do.


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Nov 14, 2014
Nicotine vaping is an attractive alternative for smokers. Smokers have already made the choice to use nicotine among the many other active compounds in leaf tobacco. They are looking for a healthier alternative to smoking. Vaping can work for many of them as it did for me.

Non-smokers have different reasons to start vaping. For some, the social aspect of vaping is paramount. Vaping is a way to fit in with vaping peer groups and nicotine may not be part of the vaping experience. For others, the drug effects of nicotine are desired. Drug effects of nicotine can be very subtle. Nicotine can improve alertness and the ability to concentrate on focused tasks over time. The effects vary widely depending upon the individual. Nicotine effects are stronger when accompanied by compounds found in tobacco smoke.

Some see nicotine as a weight-control drug. Others find nicotine to be no better at weight control than chewing sugarless gum.

For many the physical process of vaping: the breathing and the hand and mouth activity is rewarding. For some the busy, time consuming work of a hobby is desirable.

The use of low-impact drugs like caffeine and nicotine are driven by a lot of different needs. An individual's need for these drugs and what they believe the drugs do for them is often more important than whatever small physical or mental effect the drugs may actually produce. The drugs do what the users want them to do.

Thank you for putting that in a much more understandable way than I could. I honestly don't understand why anyone would care about any other adults picking up a habit that they feel is a burden on their self. I'm into RC helicopters (and planes) which are far more dangerous than vaping (and arguably far more addictive :D ). I've seen people get behind on bills from over spending on that hobby, and I've seen people lose fingers from it as well...But I would never tell a grown adult "I made the mistake of getting into this and you should just stay away from it." If something brings joy to someone then it's not my business to try to talk them out of it unless they are a very close family member or friend, and their choice is ruining the lives of others who love them. Hey...if your wealthy, have no family, and you want to get loaded up on drugs in the privacy of your own home, then that's your business. But, once you get into a car, or you have kids, then it becomes other people's business.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2011
Northern California
Thank you for putting that in a much more understandable way than I could. I honestly don't understand why anyone would care about any other adults picking up a habit that they feel is a burden on their self. I'm into RC helicopters (and planes) which are far more dangerous than vaping (and arguably far more addictive :D ). I've seen people get behind on bills from over spending on that hobby, and I've seen people lose fingers from it as well...But I would never tell a grown adult "I made the mistake of getting into this and you should just stay away from it." If something brings joy to someone then it's not my business to try to talk them out of it unless they are a very close family member or friend, and their choice is ruining the lives of others who love them. Hey...if your wealthy, have no family, and you want to get loaded up on drugs in the privacy of your own home, then that's your business. But, once you get into a car, or you have kids, then it becomes other people's business.
Great points. My biggest hobby in terms of time and money is boating, by far. I've known two people who drowned in pursuit of this hobby.


Full Member
Oct 27, 2014
Eastern Shore, MD
As another non-smoker, I'm throwing in my two cents.
Is it healthy for me?
Probably not. But it's helped me through a very, very difficult time in my life, I don't "Vape cause it's cool".
I do it so I don't go to alcohol and get drunk every night and end up penniless and loose the roof over my house;
Or end up smoking $8+ pack cigarettes a day.
Tl;dr Consider another's feelings and what they're going through before jumping down their throat
"You shouldn't do that because it's not good! Me, I'm an exception, because I'm not you. -puff puff puff-"


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Jan 16, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Just my opinion and my experience:

I spent the first half of my life picking up habits.
Now I'm spending the second half of my life trying to rid myself of them.

If you don't smoke or vape don't start. It just one more "thing" in life.

I'm sure you picked up some good ones too. Life is all about accumulating experience and knowledge.
I am in the process of quitting soda. I have had three today, which is pretty normal and one glass of water. My Christmas present to myself, as well as for my MIL and BIL, comes in tomorrow. It seems like in order to stop one habit we need to pick up another. Vaping is dehydrating... like soda and lack of water isn't... I know, I know. I am hoping that enticing myself with something other than food or soda as a reward for drinking water will help. Just plan regular old water with some ice.

I'm also hoping that vaping in the house will encourage my MIL to pick up her Christmas present instead of her coat to go smoke. I am a second hand smoker. I don't mind when she smokes in the car. She has a lot on her plate and I hope to take some of the house stuff off her hands. I just would like to see her find a stress outlet that doesn't include inhaling cancer. Sorry about the rant. :)
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