Hi Everyone! Yet Another Non-Smoker Interested in Vaping...

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Full Member
May 8, 2016
Hello there!

I'm sure some of you are already :closedeyes::unsure::rolleyes: at me, and perhaps rightfully so. I would definitely appreciate your advice on the following:

I am a non-smoker that occasionally smokes hookah only in social settings. I'm a little older, but some of my younger high school colleagues at work have gotten me somewhat interested in the social side of vaping only 0% nicotine. Yes, I admit, it kinda looks cool and "different," but that isn't where my overall curiosity is, which is how it might help with basic stress relief/meditation.

My preferred method to dealing with stress is rigorous exercise. However, for those moments when I can't get away to go for an hour long run or something else, I'm thinking a few minutes away with a few vaping puffs might do the trick to get me back on track.

I think my major concern is the labeling (and sometimes common misconception) with the term addiction. Addiction is an all-encompassing physio-psychological dependency on something, so I try to be very careful to stereotype/generalize folks overall, unless obviously there are serious addictive properties. In regards to 0% nicotine vaping, I think a few questions I would ask are: Is there addiction to the vaping itself, is there addition to the social/behavioral aspects, and/or is the addiction necessarily a catastrophic life-altering event? In my opinion, I think the last point is important. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to exercise and coffee, as stopping both will temporarily cause minor physio-physiological side effects, but my life is generally under control, so....:thumbs:.

Sorry to ramble lol....I think at the end of the day, it's pretty much established that the "modern cigarette" is fatal, due to what is added to them, so I applaud each and every one of you for quitting/attempting to quit. With everything else (e.g., coffee; tea; sex; chocolate; water; etc.) there are always going to be studies that attempt to prove positive and/or negative. I think the key is, it's all about moderation....

Again...rambling :shock: sorry! Thank you all for letting me introduce myself in my own way, and I look forward to future discussions/recommendations!

Have a good weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to all of the past/present/future moms out there! :thumb:
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
Welcome to ECF.
Careful what you pick up...

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Cheers, if you are a "responsible" "adult" do whatever you like.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 4, 2015
Northern Arizona
Hello there!

I'm sure some of you are already :closedeyes::unsure::rolleyes: at me, and perhaps rightfully so. I would definitely appreciate your advice on the following:

I am a non-smoker that occasionally smokes hookah only in social settings. I'm a little older, but some of my younger high school colleagues at work have gotten me somewhat interested in the social side of vaping only 0% nicotine. Yes, I admit, it kinda looks cool and "different," but that isn't where my overall curiosity is, which is how it might help with basic stress relief/meditation.

My preferred method to dealing with stress is rigorous exercise. However, for those moments when I can't get away to go for an hour long run or something else, I'm thinking a few minutes away with a few vaping puffs might do the trick to get me back on track.

I think my major concern is the labeling (and sometimes common misconception) with the term addiction. Addiction is an all-encompassing physio-psychological dependency on something, so I try to be very careful to stereotype/generalize folks overall, unless obviously there are serious addictive properties. In regards to 0% nicotine vaping, I think a few questions I would ask are: Is there addiction to the vaping itself, is there addition to the social/behavioral aspects, and/or is the addiction necessarily a catastrophic life-altering event? In my opinion, I think the last point is important. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to exercise and coffee, as stopping both will temporarily cause minor physio-physiological side effects, but my life is generally under control, so....:thumbs:.

Sorry to ramble lol....I think at the end of the day, it's pretty much established that the "modern cigarette" is fatal, due to what is added to them, so I applaud each and every one of you for quitting/attempting to quit. With everything else (e.g., coffee; tea; sex; chocolate; water; etc.) there are always going to be studies that attempt to prove positive and/or negative. I think the key is, it's all about moderation....

Again...rambling :shock: sorry! Thank you all for letting me introduce myself in my own way, and I look forward to future discussions/recommendations!

Have a good weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to all of the past/present/future moms out there! :thumb:

I wouldnt say addiction.

Habit forming yes possible.
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Full Member
May 8, 2016
Welcome to ECF.
Careful what you pick up...

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Cheers, if you are a "responsible" "adult" do whatever you like.

That's a great quote, thank you!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 18, 2011
The addictive properties of nicotine by itself are suspect. I normally vape 24mg liquid, but I have already gone a month or so vaping 0 mg liquid unknowingly and didn't even realize it. From my experience it's definitely the additives in tobacco that are the main problem with regular tobacco addiction. I say, do what you will, safely of course.

Hello and welcome,btw.:toast:
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ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum @MS103127. Glad to have you here!:)

I agree with the possibility of it becoming "habit forming". But nothing like what you experience from exercise. I used to inline race and train, 15-30 miles/day. NOTHING I have ever experience comes close to that as far as "addiction" (in a great way) goes.

And as @bacc.vap says, it turns out nicotine in itself, is NOT very addictive as most everyone has been lead to believe.

If you are interested in learning more about e-cigarettes (and all the parts and pieces) below are some blog posts by ECF member @Baditude that I highly recommend for someone new to vaping.

PG = Propylene Glycol - the "flavor carrier" of e-liquid. A secondary source of "throat hit", but not as strong as the nicotine concentration. Some people have a sensitivity or even an allergy to PG. It's very thin.

VG = Vegetable Glycerin - the "vapor maker" of e-liquid. Used as a sweeter in many food sources, and also as a skin emollient. It's very thick. Often labeled just "Glycerine"

PG and VG are often used together in different ratios in e-liquid. For example, a 50/50 PG/VG ratio. Many juice vendors offer a range of different ratios as far as PG/VG.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 22, 2010
My honest suggestion? Find another form of stress relief. Not because I'm saying you shouldn't be vaping, but because now is not a good time to be picking up the hand to mouth habit.

The FDA has brought down deeming regulations on the equipment, the accessories, the liquid, even zero nic liquids. Unless something untoward happens by the end of the next two years, all that will be left on the market is products from manufacturers than can afford the million plus to file a pre-market application for each and every item they sell, or stuff you have to order from China and hope the FDA doesn't confiscate the package. Domestically, that pretty much leaves Big Tobacco, and since they've been throwing the independent business owner under the bus since vaping's inception, I wouldn't touch their stuff with a 10 foot pole. In addition, my gut feeling is that if things go their way, once they've killed the rest of the market they'll also drop their own lines, leaving nothing but the black market.

If you were a smoker trying to quit, I'd tell you to get in here and learn all you can so you can quit before the deeming has made things more difficult, but you aren't. It's really up to you, but what happens if all the possible legal actions are played out and the boat sinks?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I agree with everyone else. If you don't have the habit, don't go looking for trouble. It's a great alternative to smoking and after smoking for 42 years, I did put down the cig's after 3 days. It's more emotional for a female than a male....generally. But, you don't know that hand to mouth habit and it turns into a habit. Don't go looking for trouble. However, the choice is yours. I've been off of tobacco for almost 6 years and I even vape in my doctor's office. From what I have learned, the 2nd hand smoke vs water vapor plume is 7000 carcinagens when tobacco was burned. The e-cig is not nearly as dangerous as a cigarette, plus you aren't worried about the tar! Rethink this decision!


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
Welcome to ECF.
Careful what you pick up...

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Cheers, if you are a "responsible" "adult" do whatever you like.

then its a good thing I dont think ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2015
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
People already talked about the health, from the hobby point of view I can tell you I developed an "addiction" to getting more gear, researching new stuff, old stuff, builds, wicking.
I spend a lot of time here, on youtube, other forums, cleaning, maintaining, building. Don't get me wrong, I love every aspect of it but it has taken over a big part of my life, granted, this in part is what keeps me off smokes, but still (I don't think I would have suceded without the hobby and the community).
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Full Member
May 8, 2016
Hello and welcome to the forum @MS103127. Glad to have you here!:)

I agree with the possibility of it becoming "habit forming". But nothing like what you experience from exercise. I used to inline race and train, 15-30 miles/day. NOTHING I have ever experience comes close to that as far as "addiction" (in a great way) goes.

And as @bacc.vap says, it turns out nicotine in itself, is NOT very addictive as most everyone has been lead to believe.

If you are interested in learning more about e-cigarettes (and all the parts and pieces) below are some blog posts by ECF member @Baditude that I highly recommend for someone new to vaping.

PG = Propylene Glycol - the "flavor carrier" of e-liquid. A secondary source of "throat hit", but not as strong as the nicotine concentration. Some people have a sensitivity or even an allergy to PG. It's very thin.

VG = Vegetable Glycerin - the "vapor maker" of e-liquid. Used as a sweeter in many food sources, and also as a skin emollient. It's very thick. Often labeled just "Glycerine"

PG and VG are often used together in different ratios in e-liquid. For example, a 50/50 PG/VG ratio. Many juice vendors offer a range of different ratios as far as PG/VG.

Thank you for the general information, I appreciate it!
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