New eGo cartomizers

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2010
Keep us posted on your experience. The thought of these is intriguing but leaking is a bad issue to me! Didn't someone say earlier in this thread that they are really leaky?
I carry my PV in my pocket and a wet spot growing in my pants is not good for business or social life!!

Mine hasn't leaked, and today I added almost a ml. Earlier I said I put a plug in the battery hole, but this time I just used the cartomizer's very own plug. The centerpost was only moist after top-up, so I easily cleaned it with a Q-tip and it's vaping great again.

These things don't pop either, they're quiet and consistent, and no juice in your mouth.

But no leaks! If you or someone does get a leak, try not using more than 2ml, and also use the plugs that came with it when not in use. The eGo carrying case is great, and has plenty of room.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2010
Its bizarre but true. Works awesome with my eGo though. I tried both my riva dice, but they work fine with an atty. I thought the eGo and Riva were exactly the same?
Anyway...loving them with the eGo!!! great vape!!! This will be great when Im driving 25 miles to work everyday!!
Got them from Cignot.
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Ultra Member
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Jul 6, 2010
I got my eGo mega cartomizers yesterday morning and vaped on one carto for 24 hrs, love love love it. Even after using it for 24 hrs it still was working great, probably still had juice in it but what the heck, I decided to refill it anyway :rolleyes: Refilled it slowly and used the "bottom-up" idea, the refill worked great and have been vaping all day today with it.

Loved my eGo before these new mega carto's but hated having to fill up those little carts every 45 mins. This has made it all so easy for me, one fill up a day and good to go for 24 hours, this is fantastic!!


Ultra Member
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Jul 6, 2010
Pease tell me more about this, I have a few on hand and would like to know more about filling them before I start making a mess. LOL Thanks

I read about it here on ECF, when you are refilling your carto you push the syringe all the way to the bottom, then you sloooowly start injecting the liquid, as you are sloooowly injecting it you start pulling the syringe "up" from the bottom towards the opening that the syringe goes into. Your last few drops should be just a tiny bit below the opening.

So in effect you are lifting the syringe upwards are you are slowly releasing the liquid into the carto, until you get to just below the top hole opening. It distributes the juice throughout the carto filling better and avoids leakage when you are refilling.

You might still get a little drop on the bottom battery opening part, I did, but I wiped it off, attached the battery and started vaping right away, rechecked it 5 minutes later and the battery part was dry. Worked great!


Vaping Master
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May 3, 2009
Port Richey, Fl.
Look at the design inside those. Fascinating. It looks like there's an empty catridge right in the middle.

Nope it isn't empty.
I got 2 of these in a trade last week, they were originally from Totally Wicked and pre filled. I love , love them, I loved them so much I even vaped the tobacco flavor that they were prefilled with and I generally don't like tobacco flavor. Now I refill them with a needle tip bottle like Tasty Vapor uses. I know I could do a better job if I had a regular needle. I have ordered some more with a needle to refill better. It is very easy to remove the cover and little piece that covers the hole. I also refilled once from the battery end and that worked too.

But there is filler in there. At least one I have here that I melted does. :-(
My eGo was not in a safe spot in my purse and lets just say the carto was good for taking apart after that. I busted it open and was surprised to find filler in it. Also another note. The only part that was burned on the filler actually looks like it was the plastic melting to the filler from the button being depressed for so long. I thought for sure the filler would be burned more, if it was actual burning and not melted plastic stuck to it. The plastic on the outside was literally deformed and wavy looking, on the inside it was not so pretty.

Another thing I did was cut the skirt off to make it flush with the threads and use it on my Saber Touch
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ECF Guru
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May 15, 2010
NW Washingtion
I read about it here on ECF, when you are refilling your carto you push the syringe all the way to the bottom, then you sloooowly start injecting the liquid, as you are sloooowly injecting it you start pulling the syringe "up" from the bottom towards the opening that the syringe goes into. Your last few drops should be just a tiny bit below the opening.

So in effect you are lifting the syringe upwards are you are slowly releasing the liquid into the carto, until you get to just below the top hole opening. It distributes the juice throughout the carto filling better and avoids leakage when you are refilling.

You might still get a little drop on the bottom battery opening part, I did, but I wiped it off, attached the battery and started vaping right away, rechecked it 5 minutes later and the battery part was dry. Worked great!

Thanks I may try that sounds easy.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I got a 3ml/cc 18ga syringe from an EMT fried of mine and tried the bottom up tech on a carto. It did work well.

But I also tried just putting the syringe into the middle of of the chamber and injecting there. I got the same good results.

I think what makes it work is that the juice is bieng forced from the inside of the filler to the outside. Verses being dropped onto the top of the filler and then left to obsorb. Either way, I still use a 10ml bottle to catch any excess.

For a new carto it is easier to know how much juice it will take without overfilling. 1.5ml sould be fine and you should get any overflow.

But to refill, since there is no way to see how full the carto is, it is more difficult. Should I use .75ml? 1ml? 1.25ml?

So I just put 1.5ml and let the excess drop into the 10ml bottle. After a few refills, I transfer what is in the 10ml bottle back into the 15ml bottle. Very little waste.

A little more work to fill these eGo cartos but man do I like the way they vape. I am realy liking the whistel tip.

Anyone had one die yet?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2010
A, A
Can't tell exactly how these work. Looks like a 2 peice unit. A cone and a carto?

If anyone orders them, please post a review.

I ordered them from Digital Ciggz and got them Monday. They are a one piece unit and you fill through the threaded end. They hold a LOT of juice and vape really well. My husband loves them as he hates stopping to drip. What's bad is that you can't clean them and switch up your juice flavors but at 3.75 a piece you can easily order one for each juice. So one solid unit, no cleaning or changing juice but really convienent and good vapor, th and taste. I am ordering more tomorrow.


ECF Guru
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May 15, 2010
NW Washingtion
The first one is 510 to 808/901, then I needed an adaptor to take it back to 510. I happened to have them, or else I would use a 510-510 adptor/extension if they make them.

I still haven't filled mine, but definitely take your time, and don't fill it with 2 full ml. is what I'm guessing, and don't forget to plug the filler hole back up, all this prevents leakage. I'm going to try about 1.8ml, something like that.

v1John, got my Hello the other day. Love it I used a 510 extension from TW to try the Mega Carto on it works like a champ, I love the Mega Carto now to fill one with my own flavor and see how long it lasts. Got one with menthol and work better than I thought. :D
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