My Vaping Journey

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ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
When I started vaping it was with a 510 from cignot that I was told by many members on ECF it was the way to go. I hated it. But with help from the great members on ECF I became a vaper and both me and my doctors are happier about it. Now it seems, as I read the New Members posts, the PV everyone recommends is the Ego. While it has larger batteries it is basically just a larger 510. I'm not putting them down, I'm sure they're a great PV and a better PV than the 510 that I started with.
Everyone has their style of vaping and products that they think are the best. I tell someone my thoughts on a product and I'm going to be honest about it even if the people get upset because my opinion isn't agreeing with theirs. I'm not trying to say I'm right and your wrong unless I truly believe that but like my signature says, " Rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not". I'll always give you my true opinion of whatever the discussion is about. How can I be of any help to anyone if I'm not truthful.
After becoming an accomplished vaper and tossing cigarettes (stinkies as El Dee named them) I realized I still needed something. It's something every vaper seems to suffer from, the never ending search for a better vape. Also being a born tinkerer I fell right in to the modders section. I made a few mods and after going to 5 volts I was really enjoying vaping a lot. It give that warmth to the vapor and it also created considerably more vapor than the 510. I also had a 905 that I won so things were looking up. I needed to get away from those attys though. They were just too much hassle filling, messing with this filler material and that and finally settling on my own version of the spring method. I then got into cartomizers. I needed adapters because 808 was the only threads I could find at that time in cartos. The 801 and 510 hadn't come out yet but was soon to follow. I really liked cartomizers. You can fill them and forget them until they need filling again and I got more time on them than I did the 510 atty and cartridge.
After that was about the time Mike came out with variable voltage and the Buzz. That whole idea was interesting to me and really made a lot of sense. I would be able to still vape at 3.7 volts if I wanted or got to the higher voltages that I was just getting into having been bit by the modders bug. The Buzz was amazing. It give me the warmth of my 5 volt box and tube mods so much better. A lot of things taste better at a higher voltage that 3.7 volts do but 5 volts was just too hot for some cartos. It burnt the carto, the juice, or both but it was just to high for some cartos. That was where 4.4volts and 4.5, 4.55, 4.6 well you get the idea. I could now set the voltage where I wanted it and where it gave me that premo vape. It was love at first vape. I found that different cartos, and sometimes attys, worked better at different voltage levels. I was loving it and then I went through the juice flavor thing. Searching for a flavor I liked and trying different ones. I found different cartos and attys worked better at different voltage settings but the same was true for juice. One juice that was so-so at one level was great at another. One flavor tastes better at a different setting than another and the comination of this carto and that juice together was better at what's now referred to as their "Sweet Spot". The combinations were getting enormous and so was the quality of my vape. Variable Voltage was the answer to the difference between a good vape and a great vape. Another thing I didn't like about vaping was having to inhale the vapor as I puffed. I wanted to vape the same way I smoked. First taking a puff and then inhaling it. Now, being able to raise the voltage and creating enough vapor I was able to obtain this. All my mods and regular PVs started taking their place on the shelf collecting dust. I eventually started giving them away to different people.
The next change was the Infinity which is another Variable Voltage PV that notcig came out with. I think Mike got tired of hearing that the Buzz wasn't good looking and the digs about having to use a little screwdriver to adjust it so he made the Infinity that was sleek and very appealing plus it had a thumbwheel to adjust it with. You can very easily adjust it while holding it with one hand.The Buzz kind of become the workhorse and the Infinity was a thoroughbred. Being a guy, and usually in the shop building something, I still liked the Buzz better even if I had to use the little screwdriver to adjust it. I did use the infinity when I was out and about as it's nice looking plus no one wants to be somewhere nice, all dressed up and pull a screwdriver out of their pocket to adjust their PV. So now my vaping was getting even better.
On the never ending search for a better vape as most vapers are I was very pleased when notcig came out with their next PVs the Buzz Pro and Infinity Pro. These two absolutely great PVs are truly great for me anyway. They are, as their predecessors, variable voltage PVs but Mike has put new technology in them that doubles the vaping time between charges. Where I used to get 8 hrs. on a Buzz I can get 16hrs. or more on a Buzz Pro. It was also re designed to become a very good looking PV in the buyers choice of colors. So I am now, like everyone else, waiting for this little beauty to become available at Which should be very soon. So the constant search for just a little bit better vape continues. I'm told it's just over the next hill........


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
Thanks for sharing that story! Love it!
16 hrs from a buzz pro?!?! I keep getting more excited about the release each & every day!

sent from my always glamorous Android using Tapatalk
Thank you Jen. It is a great PV and you don't need to mortgage the family home to get one. That's another nice part about notcig products. I think your going to love this one.

El Dee

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Apr 1, 2010
From CigNot too NotCigs....

I can remember my confusion the night I was trying too get my order straight at CigNot...Got myself a couple of those "mega" 510 batteries!!! Sprang for the range in colors for the lights also!!!

I sit here tonight enjoying Buzzkilla's Buzz Pro equipped with those same little 510 Joye's...Seemed nothing ever really matched that flavor I enjoyed fresh off those "stinkies" I returned too the first atty I encountered...and I've encountered almost every atty and carto made...I get 13/14 hours on the Pro with a very worn out set of Trustfires...Actually I switched the Buzz Pro too a 901 native and am employing an IKV HV 901 on it now...Gonna burn thru a few of them and adios 901s...

Fiver that's a great story Brutherr...I smoked my last stinky on 2/15/10 upon the arrival of my CigNot package...I arrived on the ECF in January 10 but trolled a few months before joining...Not that I'd procrastonate or anything??? Like you I've also passed everything else down the road....some sold and some given...I'll either be waiting over that next hill or close on your trail...That much you can bank on.....Pass the JOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had this Buzz Pro for a few months now...I'd purchased 3 sets of black Trustfires too run in my original Buzz...One of the six has finally kicked the bucket...I'd imagine anyone running fresher batteries and not vaping like Charlie Manson could easily eclipse 13 hours on a charge...Through my journey I've owned everything shy of a Darwin...The Buzz Pro is definitely a workhorse PV...Buzzkilla has made a PV cost effectively that will hit with anything on the market...Some may be a little more fancy but none can outperform it....I've tortured this Buzz Pro and it has never failed too fire...Well maybe it did but the batteries were dead....13 hours later.....Anyone else getting 13????
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