Latest skinny on NICOTINE in E-cigs?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA

I'd recommend to look at the science of some regulated clinical trials before I would change my theory about nic absorbtion. If in doubt have some plasma (blood) testing done. That's really the only verifiable way to see what you are absorbing. Don't think you may believe anything, find a sure-fire answer if at all possible. DVap and others are doing great work, but they would also have to do some data work with a sizeable test field to verify their results as well. Clinical Trials are done with extreme regulation and even then can be skewed by unknowns. And are extremely expensive and time comsuming to do.
Maybe they are doing all that, I have no idea. But checks and balances are important before a question can be proved or disproved without any doubt. Tests put forward in the New Zealand testing is also what my personal numbers seems to indicate. But I'm not about to go back to smoking to prove that beyond a doubt and verify those results, just to prove a point. I know how I feel, and that's the test also.
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Nicotiana Alchemia
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 26, 2009

I'd recommend to look at the science of some regulated clinical trials before I would change my theory about nic absorbtion. If in doubt have some plasma (blood) testing done. That's really the only verifiable way to see what you are absorbing. Don't think you may believe anything, find a sure-fire answer if at all possible. DVap and others are doing great work, but they would also have to do some data work with a sizeable test field to verify their results as well. Clinical Trials are done with extreme regulation and even then can be skewed by unknowns. And are extremely expensive and time comsuming to do.
Maybe they are doing all that, I have no idea. But checks and balances are important before a question can be proved or disproved without any doubt. Tests put forward in the New Zealand testing is also what my personal numbers seems to indicate. But I'm not about to go back to smoking to prove that beyond a doubt and verify those results, just to prove a point. I know how I feel, and that's the test also.

Hi Kate,

The rub is, of course, that I'm a chemist not a clinical researcher, so I can only test on myself (or someone dumb enough to volunteer as a guinea pig, "Hi Vic!" ;))

As individuals wanting to prove to ourselves (beyond the obvious belief that we're getting nicotine from our ecigs), our best option is a Nicalert urine test strip (spoken highly of by Dr. Eissenberg).

It is accepted in the medical community that urine concentrates cotinine perhaps 6 - 10 times more than plasma. The Nicalert strip is the test device that Dr. Eissenberg used on himself the morning after vaping a decent ecig for awhile and found level 5 (out of 6) or 500 - 1000 ng/mL cotinine (equivalent to perhaps 80 - 160 ng/mL in plasma). Not too shabby for a single vaping session.

Personally, I maxxed the device (> 1000 ng/mL) on my steady diet of 15 mg eliquid.

More interesting was the testing I did with those cheap 200 ng/mL cutoff (yes/no) test strips. I did various urine dilutions with distilled water (ick!) and I applied the diluted urine to individual 200 ng/mL cutoff strips. I was still getting positive results at a 20X dilution. At a 200 ng/mL cutoff and a 20X urine dilution, this told me I was likely at around 200 ng/mL x 20 or 4000 ng/mL urine cotinine from 2 - 3 mL/day of 15 mg eliquid.

Using an 8 fold multiplier to correlate urine to plasma, my plasma cotinine concentration would be 4000 ng/mL divided by 8... or 500 ng/mL.

500 ng/mL plasma cotinine is considered well into the realm of "active smoker".

The point here is not so much my personal result, but simply to state that we all can test ourselves similarly if we require the kind of convincing where "seeing is believing".

On the clinical front, Dr. Eissenberg started with some notions that were valid from the perspective of a researcher, and some of these notions served him well, and others perhaps not so well. It will be interesting to see where he goes next, since he received perhaps more of an education than he might have bargained for when he engaged the ECF forum.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
DVap, glad you came in on this. I know you've done a ton of work with it.

On my tests with Nymox NicAlert (Urine) my juice at 24mg/ml maxed out ~1000ng or+
At 18mg/ml juice, after two weeks at that level, I tested at level 4, 200-500ng
At 12mg/ml juice, " ", it was a level 3, 100-200ng
All would of course measure me as an active smoker, level 3 being the cutoff for passive smoke. That is only with the Nicalert (urine) tester. I also did a test with the Saliva test also Nymox (of course, they are the only ones!) and the test came out the same level as the Urine test, level 3. But I am also vaping less juice, about 10ml per week, which is why my tests came out low, I expect. At first I was using a lot more. Sometime I use more, depending on the PC time!
I use a Janty Stick, 801 atty.

It wasn't so much the numbers, more that it does make a difference without further withdrawal when cuts were made in the juice density. Made me happy!! And I plastered that all over ECF at the time, wanting people to know not to be afraid to alter nic levels.
But others doing the tests also just maxed them out. which disappointed all of us.
Don't know if you've looked through this Thread, the last couple pages are the usual Thread bumpers who just come in to make lives of all miserable, no surprise!! Thread Started by Martha1014, way back in June 2009, Thanks again to her ~ She just had her 1 year anniversary, by the way :thumbs:
Was a very long ride, as you can see.
That's why I recommend if anyone is really curious a plasma test is the way to go.
However, I was a heavy smoker, 2-4 PPD, when I think what my tests would have shown before would be a far cry than with the e-cig, and that's the best news of all, MHO!! Especially now that I can actually breath again. By the way, no more cigarettes from day one with the NPRO.
I hope Dr. Eissenberg was properly impressed, I'm sure he thought he was in "green acres" till he found out we're not as dumb as we look around here! I've never met such a bunch of "busy digging for info" people in my life!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
You need to look at some of the work done here by DVap and others.
They challenge the 10% results and believe we are getting more like 40% absorption rates.

And I think I believe them.
I have a hard time believing it's that high. Cigarette absorption is shown to be 10% with 10-11mg per cigarette. I vape waaay more than I smoked. I think I'd be bouncing off the walls if that were the case!


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
Here is what Wikipedia has to say under nicotine:
In low concentrations (an average cigarette yields about 1 mg of absorbed nicotine), the substance acts as a stimulant in mammals and is the main factor responsible for the dependence-forming properties of tobacco smoking.
How Stuff Works has:
Nicotine doesn't stick around your body for too long. It has a half-life of about 60 minutes, meaning that six hours after a cigarette, only about 0.031 mg of the 1 mg of nicotine you inhaled remains in your body.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Dec 31, 2009
SF East Bay
I'd say you have it pretty close, Droopy, but that's with a 16mg/ml strength juice. Note also that the measurement for the test is .9ng/ml. A nanogram is 1/1000 of a milligram. But yes the math works out to about 1/10 that of cigarettes.

I use 12mg, others more, I started out with 24mg being a heavy smoker, that gave me the most comfort. But cutting down was a huge surprise, I expected insatiable vaping and jitters, the whole bit, but there was nothing, no feeling at all of being deprived!! I went from 24mg to 18mg and then 12mg. No withdrawal.

And I have also tangled with those who wonder who cares about their nic, it's ridiculous, of course you want to know the facts. My whole purpose of going to the e-cig was to do no harm and for sure quit smoking cigarettes. All I want's a little nic without 4000 other chemicals in it.

I found the same to be true and was also quite surprised. I notice no difference in nicotine withdrawal symptoms between 12mg and 24mg. I was afraid to lower my nic level because of memories of the days I tried to cut down on analogs, but it's not the same - no symptoms.


Nicotiana Alchemia
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 26, 2009
I have a hard time believing it's that high. Cigarette absorption is shown to be 10% with 10-11mg per cigarette. I vape waaay more than I smoked. I think I'd be bouncing off the walls if that were the case!

At that 40% figure for eliquid, 3 mL/day of 24 mg would equate to around 1.5 packs/day of analogs (at 1 mg/analog).

I'm sitting tight at 3 mL/day of 15 mg.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
I'm going to start from the front with my data again, I hope DVap's numbers are off, or he is misinterpreting the test somehow. With the Nymox urine test I don't know why he is finding the need to do the multiplier to convert it to plasma testing, I think the test is what it is. So will go back a re-read the data, and the directive from Nymox.
I have work to do so don't know when I'll have time to dig into it again...but will do my best for a timely answer to this.

Edit: Question for DVap: have you read this PDF from Nymox. Be glad to send it to you, it's pretty big to put in a post, but follows is a preamble to setting up the test saliva tests, 2002.
Martin J. Jarvis, Paola Primatesta, Bob Erens, Colin Feyerabend,
Andrew Bryant
[Received 10 June 2002; accepted 1 October 2002]
Both plasma and saliva cotinine levels have been reported in surveys of smoking behavior, and it is of interest to know how closely these two measures correspond. Plasma and saliva specimens were gathered from a sample of 605 respondents in the 1998 Health Survey for England and assayed for cotinine by a well-proven gas chromatographic method. Plasma and saliva cotinine concentrations were highly correlated (r~.99). On average, concentrations in
saliva were 25% higher than in plasma, and this ratio applied both at the low levels attributable to passive smoking and across the range of active smoking values. The ratio was somewhat lower in younger people than in older people and also varied significantly by body mass index but did not differ by gender. Calculation of the limits of agreement
revealed substantial uncertainty in the predicted plasma value corresponding to a given saliva cotinine, and vice versa. For comparisons across subjects, the mean plasma cotinine level corresponding to a mean saliva cotinine level can be estimated with confidence, but at the level of the individual, considerable predictive uncertainty remains.
The difference between urine anaysis and saliva/plasma:
Testing Cotinine in Saliva vs. Urine
Some metabolites like cotinine, become concentrated in urine, compared to levels found in saliva. Because of this, a reading of 1 (6-30 ng/ml) for example, would normally indicate far more nicotine exposure if read from the saliva test, than from the urine test.

There is no fixed ratio of nicotine exposure when comparing urine to saliva readings (unless both tests have been performed on the same subject at the same time). The ratio of cotinine in saliva, to that found in urine, could vary between individuals, gender, or the time that has passed since the nicotine was ingested.
I do believe the Nymox Urine test is already correlated with saliva/plasma. Will look further to verify that, but as you can see, there is a formula applied to the Nymox Urine testing strip to correlate metabolised cotinine between urine, saliva, plasma (the latter two are usually assumed to be a ratio of 1:1, +/- 25%) These PDF files came directly from the Nymox Corporation, I can write again to clarify, however the gentleman I corresponded with sort of gave me the above on the 'side' so to speak. It is company info.
As stated, I did both tests, Urine and Saliva, for my last test, and the data was the same, Level 3. Just for what it's worth.
Also, just now did another saliva test, Level 3 and holding!! 12mg/ml, using 1.5-3ml per day, Janty Stick 801 atty. Test level of cotinine is 100-200ng/ml. Works for me!! Over 1 year vaping. As stated, my cotinine level while smoking would have been right around 4000ng/ml, according to commonly agreed charts.
Now, for the sake of argument, I am using about 1/20th or 5% of nicotine vaping vs smoking say 3 packs of cigarettes, just to narrow things to an acceptable +/-. So am in effect consuming the equivalent to 3 cigarettes worth of nicotine???? If this theory is acceptable, that's fine with me, now take away all the toxins, poisons, and carcinogens and leave me with my CLEAN nicotine!!
DVap, feel free to interject, I run a pretty simple mind here. (To be kind, a non-formally-trained one!)
Also, in the interest of staving off effects of dementia or alzheimer's, and keeping my ADD afflicted thinking sharp and focused, I am figuring on holding this level for the rest of my days, hell or high water.
Click on pic to enlarge. Also note, there is color showing at the one and two levels, but the first "bar" is at level three, which may be indicative of a lower test (closer to 100 than 200ng cotinine.) Now, I gotta clean my scanner!!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2009
The edge of Mayhem
The rub is, of course, that I'm a chemist not a clinical researcher, so I can only test on myself (or someone dumb enough to volunteer as a guinea pig, "Hi Vic!" ;))

Hi buddy :). Don't wanna interrupt this important discussion.....oh, and third eye is comin' along fine, next time ya might wanna let the cauldron bubble a little longer, though :).


Nicotiana Alchemia
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 26, 2009
Here's what I've been able to find about the NicAlert strips. The urine and saliva tests both use the same strip. The difference is in interpretation of the results.

For a strip used for a saliva test, the "tobacco user" levels begin at level 1 or 10 - 30 ng/mL.

For a strip used for a urine test, the "tobacco user" levels begin at level 3 or 100 - 200 ng/mL.

The strip simply indicates the cotinine level present whether the matrix be urine or saliva.

So the difference is, again, interpretation. 10 - 30 ng/mL is considered positive in saliva, but for urine it takes 100 - 200 ng/mL to be considered positive. The reason is again, the well known concentrating effect of urine versus saliva or plasma (plasma/saliva are accepted to behave similarly, within 25% or so).

Looking at it another way, if you used one strip to test your saliva, and then immediately used another strip to test your urine, you might find a level 1 saliva result of 10 - 30 ng/mL and you would likely find a level 3 urine result of 100 - 200 ng/mL.

With no intention of being argumentative, cotinine in urine is concentrated versus plasma or saliva... and while the multiplier is variable from person to person (or even for the same person on different days), generally speaking, a factor of 6 - 10 is what I find in the literature, thus my arrival at an 8X factor as an "average". So if we look at the saliva level 1 result (10 - 30) and multiply this range by 8, we get 80 - 240.. not too far off the urine level 3 range of 100 - 200.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
Yeah, that's perfectly right, I just never felt like spending $40 to do two tests, but maybe sometime just for science's sake! I do think they are of different science though, they read the same but are not the same make up. I gotta do more looking. But they are different. The same thing only different, isn't that accepted science?? depending on how you hold your mouth.
It's in the PDF's, just have to do some more reading.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
Then again, the non-chemist pragmatist in me says, "Who cares?"

We're not smoking and we're not going crazy... that's what matters!
EXACTLY, I know I'm not putting all those filthy, life theatening chemicals in my body no more. I breath, smell, taste and feel better and thats good enough for me.+


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
Ok, DVap, this is what I found.....this is from a 1999 report, and the urine and saliva strips both indicate the same measurements but each is configured to the test fluid used. End of story, publicly available. These are the newest stats I could find. My eyes are sort of glazed over. But, I am really stoked, I also found they have a test for Alzheimer's, will get back to you with that result. If I can remember where I put it.

The CDC report entitled "Annual Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost years of potential life lost Public health A measure of the impact of premature mortality on a population, calculated as the sum of the differences between a predetermined minimum or desired life span usually set at 65 in calculations and the age of death for , and Economic Costs -- United States, 1995-1999" (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportMorbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is a weekly epidemiological digest for the United States published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 5 June 1981 issue of the MMWR published the cases of five men in what turned out to be the first report of AIDS.
..... Click the link for more information. (MMWR MMWR Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report Epidemiology A news bulletin published by the CDC, which provides epidemiologic data–eg, statistics on the incidence of AIDS, rabies, rubella, STDs and other communicable diseases, causes of mortality–eg, ), 51(14): 300-303, April 12, 2002) estimated that smoking caused over 440,000 premature deaths annually from 1995 through 1999 in the United States. The report put the annual health-related economic loss caused by smoking at approximately $157 billion a year. The report reiterated the CDC's long-standing recommendation of the implementation of comprehensive tobacco-control programs in order to reduce smoking and its grim consequences.

Both NicAlert(TM) and NicoMeter(TM) determine smoking and tobacco product use by measuring cotinine cotinine (kō´tinēn),
n a substance that remains in body fluids after nicotine has been used. Presence of this chemical in body fluids is considered proof of recent nicotine use. , a metabolic by-product of nicotine and widely regarded as the best biomarker for tobacco product use and exposure. NicoMeter(TM) is used with urine samples. The new, more sensitive NicAlert(TM) can be used for urine and saliva detection of both tobacco product use and tobacco product exposure.
No deliniator or variable mentioned for reading or comparing the test strips. However, I have used both, and both presented the same result when I was at level 4. Just not the same day. The NicoMeter is the Yes or No test, I assume.
In reviewing, I think Kristin and I are right, so there ya go. :D
Seriously, we do tend to max out the tests (both urine or saliva) at around 18mg/ml juice, 3ml per day, so your equivalent estimate of 30 cigarettes a day is probably in reality very high, considering the half life of nicotine. But also, the urine test and the saliva test do use the same numerical divisions for every level, 0 through 6. I can post pics if you want proof, from the literature with both tests. So if your test was showing a bar at level 6, that is your reading, if there was no visible bar it probably went above 1000ng/ml. When I was using 24mg juice it did show a bar at level six. Martha1014 said hers just maxed out with no visible bar. Apparently I just used less juice per day. Happily also showed his plasma testing on that Thread, with really excellent result, after what he described was extra heavy vaping.
However, there still is the fact that e-cigs give you only nicotine. That's the greatest news.
I think you were trying to now find the correlation between ?mg/?ml per day = ?cotinine/day
Which of course doesn't really matter in the end, you are using 15mgX3ML=45mg of nicotine. Which would be the equivalent of 45 cigarettes, however you only metabolised 1000 ng/l urine. So you have to find total output of urine or save up a Liter of it and then test it to be able to figure that out, you know what I say? Pee on it! We're good!
What the NZ/Ruyan testing seems to indicate, you only abosorb about 10% of that nicotine ingested = 4.5mg. Which is about 5 cigarettes worth of nicotine absorbed. And just think, it takes you all day! There's also probable evidence that Big Tobacco has been and is fudging with the Nicotine-per-cigarette content, some say up to 27mg of nic, more like free-basing nicotine, so if there's more evidence presented to verify that, we can all thank our lucky stars we found e-cigs when we did. BT should also be up on Murder Charges.

That is sort of my theory, I'm willing for anyone to show me how it's a wrong one, please problem. The only way I could possibly dis-prove this theory (un-scientific, sure!) would be to smoke 5 cigarettes in a row, and then do a test 12 hours later to see what the results would be. I'm not going to do that. I don't think I could stand it.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
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Full Member
Mar 21, 2010
New Study Update:

It does once again confirm the 10 times less nic with e-cig compared to combusting tobacco.

Great stuff, Kate (at least for me with my high blood pressure)! But I'm wondering whether the Ruyan unit that was tested in the new study had their patented sonic (Piezo) vaporizer, or a typical heating coil (Nichrome) type vaporiser. (The Ruyan (nicotine) e-cigarette).

The Nichrome type is, of course, what we all pretty much use here in the USA... :confused:

Don't mean to rock the boat. :oops:

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