How much Nicotine (Woodchuck question)

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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
I've been looking for some kind of answer to this, but I'm sure there would have to be some sort of study to quantify this;

How much nicotine is absorbed by the body when vaping X amount of mg of nicotine in Y amount of ml of PG or VG?

Just an average. I'd assume it depends on how you vape as well.

Is there an answer to this?

I found this about cigarettes:
An average cigarette yields about 1-3 mg of absorbed nicotine, although you will see a much higher dosage often stated on the packaging, normally a range of 10-15 mg. This higher dosage is NOT referring to the INHALED ABSORBED amount a smoker will receive once it is burned, and converted to a smoke form capable of being inhaled. Also, you may notice that the nicotine patch is available in it's most common dosage, 21mg, however, only approximately 1-2mg of nicotine will actually be absorbed into the bloodstream. There are many factors that are to be considered when assessing the amount of nicotine the body will absorb. The type of tobacco, whether the smoke is inhaled, and whether a filter is used, are all things to be considered. Also, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, snus, and snuff all have a much higher amount of nicotine released into the body.
Something explained like that. Although that really does not explain it but it did state 1 - 3 mg per cigarette and 1 -2 mg for a 21mg patch. I'm looking for the same kind of answer for X & Y stated above.

IDK, this might be like the question: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Found the study: Untitled Document

(Highlighting mine)

So, each puff on an e-cig (Called ENDD in the study) is equal to 1/10th of a puff on a cigarette. (1.3 for ENDD compared to 13.4 Cigarette)

Edit: (the study used 16mg liquid. Adjust up or down for your mg usage)

Here is a link to that thread I mentioned that has info about nicotine absorption.

I'm not sure I completely agree with the study seeing who paid for it. I would like to see some Independent party verify some of the data.


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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
Ok, so, 10 puffs = 1 cigarette @ 16mg. Thats what, a drop, drop and a half maybe to get 10 puffs.

Thats what I wanted to know. Good. Thank you. (And yes, I too would like to see a real study to quantify this.)

As being somewhat of an ambassador for vaping I get these kind of questions and I really didn't know what to say. I'd usually say something very vague.

I don't know anything about the patch. However, if that statement I found is true that a 21mg patch = 1 - 2 mg, how often do they tell you to replace the patch? Is it absorbed transdermally at a rate, like 1 -2 mg per hour? Now I'm just curious.

So, if the 1/10th statement is true, then vaping is a very effective way to absorb nicotine. Of course we know this, (like what savagemyth said) but I wanted some kind of numbers to relate to.

Disclaimer: Numbers stated here are conjecture. :glare:


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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
There are many factors but the "Quick and Dirty" rule of thumb is that;

1 drop of e-Juice = 1 Cigarette for a given mg of nicotine.

Since there is 20 drops in a ml.

1ml of e-Juice = 1 Pack of Cigarettes for a given mg of nicotine.

The debate insues over what the actual obsorption rate of e-Juice verses Cigarettes.


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Feb 28, 2010
Northern San Diego county
Hmmm,.....I think and feel that I need about 30-40 vapes of 25mg/ml to equal 1 burned Camel ..... Butts got the nic in me quicker 'cuz of the chemicals and vaping builds up more slowly to whatever you're comfortable with. Sometimes you'll feel the need for more, sometimes less. We all self adjust.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Vaping diffinately effects people differently.

I was PAD smoker of 24mg cigarettes. When I first started vaping, I used 18mg. It did Nothing to curve the craving when I quit analogs. I moved up to 24mg and it was ok. 32mg is what got me over the hump.

Now I've backed down to 18mg and it seems fine. I still keep some 32mg in a little bottle as an emergency backup. When ever I get one of those Killer Cravings, I take a about 10hits of 32mg and the cravings vanish.

From what I have read, the obsorption rate of nicotine is less when vaped verses buring tobaccoo. How much less I don't know. I've heard wild ranges from 1/10th to 90%.

For me, when I quit analogs, 32mg e-Juice seemed to be about the same as 24mg of analogs.


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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
I just wanted something to tell new users. Some frame of reference. This is perfect:

1 drop of e-Juice = 1 Cigarette for a given mg of nicotine.

Since there is 20 drops in a ml.

1ml of e-Juice = 1 Pack of Cigarettes for a given mg of nicotine.

The debate insues over what the actual obsorption rate of e-Juice verses Cigarettes. Today 12:09 PM
Thank you zoiDman.

I know it is Sooooo much more complicated. I've been reading the novel length post about this. It is very interesting.
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