Kayfun V4 not wicking! (Original)

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Joe KY

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Aug 20, 2014
ong.kelvin, all else being good to go (juice control, no leaks, ect.) I would also go with the wick as DaveP stated earlier. I have 3 authentic, 4 tobeco's, and on occasions mine will act the exact same way your describing. Every time it has been a wicking issue for me. The K4 can be a little persnickety when it comes to wicking.

Best of luck!


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ECF Veteran
May 14, 2015
I have and a kayfun 4 since they first came out and find that wicking it correctly is crucial to getting a good vape. I can use max VG liquid but it does tend to wick slowly.

Look up Buttkickers reviews on Youtube for a good tutorial on how to install and prepare a good wick, his method does help a lot.

Seriously laugh my head of at this video for about 15min the guy is so .... when wicking the KF4 where as for me its a 1 min affair he also happens to look just like the Dude but super serious, Laughing my head off until he started turning up the watts my amusement turn into serious interest as he hit 60w on the KF4, gave the method a go today my self works like a dream.


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Oct 2, 2014
SW Chicago
I exclusively vape v4 with cellucotton, the only time I had vicking problems is when my wick is to short. Once however I recall that the draw adjustment screw backed out on me by it self and also caused funky problems. Hard to spot since the bottom screw has to be taken out to see it.
I don't know how far you disassemble your atty for cleaning, but if you haven't adjusted the draw before, might look into it


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Oct 2, 2014
SW Chicago
Now that I think about it. When the screw backed out, the juice channels did not open fully ( if I remember right, been a long time ago) and I had similar symptoms. The way I spotted it is by realizing that I didn't have to turn this atty as much as the other two to lock (bottom out ) the problem was that it didn't bottom out because it was fully open, but because the adjustment screw was hitting. Judging by your picture, this might not be your problem


Full Member
Jul 9, 2015
I exclusively vape v4 with cellucotton, the only time I had vicking problems is when my wick is to short. Once however I recall that the draw adjustment screw backed out on me by it self and also caused funky problems. Hard to spot since the bottom screw has to be taken out to see it.
I don't know how far you disassemble your atty for cleaning, but if you haven't adjusted the draw before, might look into it

How would the airflow control affect the wicking?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2014
SW Chicago
How would the airflow control affect the wicking?
Roxy gave a good general answer.
But also, when the screw is to far out, it will stop the juice channels from opening by bottoming out on the 510 screw and stopping the assembly from lowering down.
But as I said in my second post, this most likely is not an issue in this case because in the picture posted, the assembly (deck) seems to be fully seated
Seems that every time we open and close the juice channels, there is the possibility that something in the base is turning and loosening. I ran across two. One where the base becomes loose, and once the draw screw backed out and stopped the deck from lowering and opening the juice channels. Don't ask me for names of the parts. I am far from home and don't have the V4 parts schematic in front of me.

My initial thinking was that if the atty stopped performing all of a sudden for no apparent reason than something in the base, like the draw adjustment, could have loosened up.
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